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Thread: 2nd cycle and receptors

  1. #1

    2nd cycle and receptors

    My question concerns receptors in the body for a 2nd cycle. Here is a run down of current stats:

    Age 31,
    weight 215,
    height 6'1",
    typical bench workout 245 lbs for 8 reps, 4 sets

    My first cycle is complete. I ran close to 600 mg per week test prop and 100 mg of Var ED. Cycle was 10 weeks for test and I ended my Var usage about 10 days before ending test use. Used clomid, tamox for PCT. I plan to wait 4 months before my 2nd cycle. Will I need to increase my test dose next time to get a great cycle? What about Anavar? Will I be dull to the 100 mg ED dose? I'm thinking maybe 900 mg of test prop per week and 100 mg ED Var. What can I expect and how much does time off cycle improve receptors for next cycle? (ie if I started my 2nd cycle in two months instead of four)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    No need to increase that.. I have done the same cycle every time (3 times) 600mg test 3-400 mg Deca.. always get good results.. i would say drop the var, although i can not remember off the top of my head if it is a 17aa or not, i think it is pointless to use unless you have a real low BF. i recomend adding another injectible and dropping the Var. What are your goals?

  3. #3
    I do the same that u want to do, did 500 mg Test E 12 weeks and wait only 2 months for the next cycle 750 mg Test E, and believe was a waste of money becouse the receptors are not all clear, in this cycle I only gain 1/2 of what i gain in my first cycle. so my advice to you is to wait there no point of wait that small amount of time. mi two cents

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    No need to increase that.. I have done the same cycle every time (3 times) 600mg test 3-400 mg Deca.. always get good results.. i would say drop the var, although i can not remember off the top of my head if it is a 17aa or not, i think it is pointless to use unless you have a real low BF. i recomend adding another injectible and dropping the Var. What are your goals?
    Lean mass. I'm wanting to top out at about 240 lbs in bodyweight and be under 10% bodyfat. I'm about 15% bodyfat now. (will have to get back on the treadmill before my next cycle for sure) About your suggestion... I thought about adding Deca. The reason I wanted to do Var again is because my strength bolted through the roof 10 days into cycle. I don't think it was the test alone, because I've read it takes a few weeks for test to yield results. Anyway, I thought off doing test, deca and var. I know that's a lot of junk. The deca was mainly to alleviate joint pain I was experiencing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Diego.PumpingIron View Post
    I do the same that u want to do, did 500 mg Test E 12 weeks and wait only 2 months for the next cycle 750 mg Test E, and believe was a waste of money becouse the receptors are not all clear, in this cycle I only gain 1/2 of what i gain in my first cycle. so my advice to you is to wait there no point of wait that small amount of time. mi two cents
    he is waiting 4 months which is sufficient

    Quote Originally Posted by SomeLiveForTheBill View Post
    Lean mass. I'm wanting to top out at about 240 lbs in bodyweight and be under 10% bodyfat. I'm about 15% bodyfat now. (will have to get back on the treadmill before my next cycle for sure) About your suggestion... I thought about adding Deca. The reason I wanted to do Var again is because my strength bolted through the roof 10 days into cycle. I don't think it was the test alone, because I've read it takes a few weeks for test to yield results. Anyway, I thought off doing test, deca and var. I know that's a lot of junk. The deca was mainly to alleviate joint pain I was experiencing.
    If you were experiencing joint pain than i would say stick to deca.. my last cycle i gained 10-12lbs muscle and lost 15lbs fat.. so it CAN be done with Deca you just to eat properly and do some cardio.. If you were not experiencing joint pain i would have recomended Primobolan or Equipose for a lean look.. I just don't see the point in taking a pill that makes you strong but you do not keep the strength?? When we say it takes a couple weeks for test to kick in we are refering to the most common test taken.. Test Enanthate or Test Cypionate, because 90% users do not want to deal with ED or EOD injections. I would say that 2/3rd's your strength gain was from the tet not the VAR.. even that was a lot of var. If you do Deca just get Test Enathate or Cypionate, no point doing EOD injectyions with prop when you can do just 2x a week with the other tests.. and stop them two weeks earlier then you would with test P

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Test prop kicks in quick and yes I think some of the strength was var related but there is no reason to jump up so high in dose for a second cycle, what results did you get from the first cycle and why do you think increasing the dose will benefit you? Your end goal is admirable 240 6' at 10% is a monster, however it takes time and not accomplished in 2 cycles I think your on the right path but there is no reason to add that much gear so quickly. Jm2c.
    On a side note I ran test/deca 500mgs pw cycle gained a solid 15lbs and only lost 5lbs my ultimate goal is 210 10% I'm 5'9" and 40 years and currently 195lbs and 15% I plan on naturally cutting for a couple of months to get to like 11 or 12% and then running another test/deca cycle and I know that still won't put me where I wanna be, but slow and steady wins the race and I'm in it for the long haul.

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