My question concerns receptors in the body for a 2nd cycle. Here is a run down of current stats:
Age 31,
weight 215,
height 6'1",
typical bench workout 245 lbs for 8 reps, 4 sets
My first cycle is complete. I ran close to 600 mg per week test prop and 100 mg of Var ED. Cycle was 10 weeks for test and I ended my Var usage about 10 days before ending test use. Used clomid, tamox for PCT. I plan to wait 4 months before my 2nd cycle. Will I need to increase my test dose next time to get a great cycle? What about Anavar? Will I be dull to the 100 mg ED dose? I'm thinking maybe 900 mg of test prop per week and 100 mg ED Var. What can I expect and how much does time off cycle improve receptors for next cycle? (ie if I started my 2nd cycle in two months instead of four)