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  1. #1
    spidartanks is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation testing source quality of product before making big cycle order....

    My cycle I am going to be doing is:
    14 weeks Tren Ace (or eth if not available)
    Along with 14 weeks Test Prop
    I am contemplating Anavar and also Clen and T3 but I'm going to look into those a little more as I don't want to hinder gains (although I want to cut also). I heard about using clen and t3 at end of cycle.

    I'm going to run Liquid Stane (Aromaisan?) Along side EOD and Taurine for cramps
    AIso: have Tamox, clomi for Pct planned.

    That's my plan: I just need a little help in knowing what to do here with suppliers:

    I've been ripped off before and paid 3-4 times the going rate! Never again!
    I'm looking into getting a good source that's cheaper and reliable with good product,
    I know there's no source name talk, so I won't mention names: but I found one through searching online (its even in canada! so handy). Prices seem fair.
    I'm just a little sketchy about ordering online... I ordered 1 vial of PROP yesterday. If it shows up soon and seems good I'd like to deal with this suplier. Buying 1 vial could be a risk if it doesn't show up then I lose some $$ but if it shows up it could save me $500 a cycle. Def worth it
    My question is: when the prop shows up what do I look for, how do I KNOW it is good to go?
    I could inject it sure, but the rest of my cycle isn't here and I don't want to start test and come off of it? Is that safe?
    I know some say Prop hURts so I'd be able to "feel" the injection but some say if its made GOOD it doesn't have to hurt? How true is this?
    Any advice here?


  2. #2
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This is your first cycle right?

    I don't think you should be cycling IMO
    Last edited by terraj; 01-21-2011 at 01:54 AM.

  3. #3
    spidartanks is offline Junior Member
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    not my first cycle! and that wasnt my question!


  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You have only finished your first cycle so you need to wait time on +pct = time off before running another cycle,

    You also don't run tren A and Test P for 14 weeks,

    You also DONT run tren on your 2nd cycle,

    You also need to lower your body fat, and you need to sort your diet out,

    If you have a concern about the quality of your gear you should post a picture in the picture section of tis forum but in all honestly you have no real ideas whats inside until you start using it, IMHO you shouldn't buy ugl anyway anything could be in it and it normally is, buy pharm grade.

  5. #5
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Place the Test P into a bowl of cold water. The water level should be about 2 times higher than the amp/vial.

    Good Test will sink to the bottom of the bowl and probably lie on their sides.

    Slightly under dosed Test will lie on the bottom but bob slightly

    Fake Test that float at the surface are bad and should not be injected.


  6. #6
    spidartanks is offline Junior Member
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    cool thanks for the lab experiment... ill give it a shot for sure!

    i am not running this cycle now but i will be doing it before summer for sure!
    ive learned mass amounts of information on this forum and continue to learn as i read each day. i appreciate all the advice, concerns and help.
    i know maybe tren isnt a good 2nd cycle and ive read it over and over but its been done before and with good results too...... im on a cut right now and bf is getting way down idk what it is right now but if i guess 13ish? def lower than 15

    anyways whats this pharm grade gear and how would i obtain that? dr, prescription?? the lab i am dealing with now says on their price list they get some of their gear from different places so i read? i can pm whoever the website and price list for a source check?

  7. #7
    mario_ps2's Avatar
    mario_ps2 is offline Associate Member
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    335 this for real TerraJ? if it is,,,Hell of a tip...

  8. #8
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Place the Test P into a bowl of cold water. The water level should be about 2 times higher than the amp/vial.

    Good Test will sink to the bottom of the bowl and probably lie on their sides.

    Slightly under dosed Test will lie on the bottom but bob slightly

    Fake Test that float at the surface are bad and should not be injected.


  9. #9
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No offense Terraj but you can not just use a closed vial or ampoule since the bouyancy of a vial of test will be a function of the amount of air in the vial and the thickness of the glass. However this is an interesting idea since if the spec gravity could be used to determine hormone content.

    The type of test you are referring to could be carried out if you had a container of a known bouyancy and filled it precisely to a certain point. However the differences in the specific gravity of the various ingredients BB around 1 BB around 1.04 Vegetable oils around .92 vs most hormones which displace about .85 ml per gm so the test could be used since the hormone is by far the most dense ingredient as long as you made a test rig to add the oil to.

    Nice tip Terraj, I feel kinda dumb that it never occurred to me.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 01-21-2011 at 10:29 AM.

  10. #10
    spidartanks is offline Junior Member
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    i asked my supplier a question today regarding quality of product and i got this:

    not sure what to think, it all seems legit but seems weird to have a website and function that way. anyways here it is:

    It'll be shipped today. 99% of the US sites are fake, then you have to deal with customs. abc123lab wasn't defg lab, defg lab went under and we started carrying Mabv products so most people assumed it was the same. Never heard of anyone faking underground lab gear either. The gear we sell is real. We aren't the lab though, just a distributor. We can only be found be referral or by people looking for abclab products. This site is out of country and we use aliases and different accounts in different names. Hopefully we stay under the radar and not attract any unwanted attention. We'll have a tracking number for you soon.

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Forget tren for you second cycle, doesn't matter what you heard tren is not a compound a second cycle compound, from your pictures you have posted you need to sort you diet out and build more is a base and reduce your bf using simple compounds not something what will create huge sides,

    Also source pharm grade, you never know what your getting from a ugl,

  12. #12
    spidartanks is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the help/advice.. im not going to scrap the idea of tren all together just yet! if i do itll be ace short ester so i can come off it fast.
    that aside instead i may just run prop (because less water retention) and maybe winnie oral, and in the mix figure out how to add some clen and t3 also...
    my diet is in check, ill post it later for you to see.

    how do u "source pharml grade" i like the idea of it but i have no clue where to start... having no source talk on boards which is understandable def makes it harder

  13. #13
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Lol....that is how you check for bad eggs .

    He called me an ass.....

  14. #14
    cro's Avatar
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    i believe he changed his mind . well pretend he tried to say aas. does that really work and would you swear by that test and disregard test.seems like any thing with a little air in it would be somewhat bouyant.
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Lol....that is how you check for bad eggs .

    He called me an ass.....

  15. #15
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    i believe he changed his mind . well pretend he tried to say aas. does that really work and would you swear by that test and disregard test.seems like any thing with a little air in it would be somewhat bouyant. mean something like a rotten egg. Really, it is the way you test for bad eggs....

    You guys can lift heavy stuff, but are dumb as shiiit....

  16. #16
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Lol....that is how you check for bad eggs .

    He called me an ass.....
    Kinda figured you were fing with

  17. #17
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah i must be a little slow ,lol
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post mean something like a rotten egg. Really, it is the way you test for bad eggs....

    You guys can lift heavy stuff, but are dumb as shiiit....

  18. #18
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    I like how people ask for advice, get really good words from highly respected members, then disregard them completely.

    I like that, if bad eggs so goes a bottle of test? Haha, that was funny.

  19. #19
    PistolStarta's Avatar
    PistolStarta is offline Senior Member
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    like most people here, if its not a trusted brand and you dont trust your seller, then dont open your wallet.

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