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  1. #1
    mysixpackabs is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2009

    On Anavar Cycle (Planning to add Clen/T3)

    i'm on the 3rd week of anavar cycle (50mg/day). where will i add clen /t3? now or on my PCT? i think i'm now on the 9% bf. i need to remove another 2% bf.

    6pcs egg white
    1 cup of oatmeal

    7oz chicken breast
    6oz sweet potato

    7oz chicken breast
    6oz sweet potato

    7oz chicken breast
    6oz sweet potato

    7oz chicken breast
    6oz sweet potato

    7oz chicken breast
    6oz sweet potato

    fats: 139
    carbs: 238
    pro: 358
    calories: 2900

    cheat day: sat/sun but i eat 3 meals of clean food.

  2. #2
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2010
    KOP, PA
    Your 150 lbs, two percent of that is 3 lbs. If you need to take anavar , T3 and clen in order to lose 3 lbs theres a problem

  3. #3
    eljay's Avatar
    eljay is offline Junior Member
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    the gym.
    hows the progress going bro? what results have you got so far from start till now?

  4. #4
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    KOP, PA
    Also in your Anavar cycle thread you state that this is a bulking cycle and that your eating 1,000 calories above your maintanance intake. Why would there even be a thought to add a throid medication to lose weight while taking an expensive sup like Anavar and eating to gain weight... Really pic a goal and stick with it

  5. #5
    mysixpackabs is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by eljay View Post
    hows the progress going bro? what results have you got so far from start till now?
    i love the results. great pumps, increase of strength, veins are popping on my arms/shoulders/abs. the only problem i need is my lower abs need to be more visible.
    Last edited by mysixpackabs; 01-21-2011 at 01:25 PM.

  6. #6
    mysixpackabs is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    Your 150 lbs, two percent of that is 3 lbs. If you need to take anavar, T3 and clen in order to lose 3 lbs theres a problem
    i think i'm already 155lbs but i havent checked my weight since january 1, 2010.

    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    Also in your Anavar cycle thread you state that this is a bulking cycle and that your eating 1,000 calories above your maintanance intake. Why would there even be a thought to add a throid medication to lose weight while taking an expensive sup like Anavar and eating to gain weight... Really pic a goal and stick with it
    i'm only asking coz before i tried clen 2x already. but i've read that clen/t3 is partner so i i thought t3 is a fat burner also. so you think i dont need clen/t3 in my pct? or just clen? i just want to be very lean. you know i noticed that even if i take eat almost 3000cals/day, i gain muscles and lose fat. is that the effect of anavar? or i'm just doing a "good diet"?

  7. #7
    RaZr is offline Member
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    T3 isn't a "fat burner" its more of a tissue burner it uses muscle or fat for energy it does not know the difference. Anavar may stem the burn of muscle but I'm not sure if its strong enough to stop it all.

  8. #8
    mysixpackabs is offline Associate Member
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    so in my pct i jsut need clen ? or i really don tneed clen coz i'm on var already?

  9. #9
    RaZr is offline Member
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    Dirty Jersey
    You have to lose three pounds to get where you want why would you even use clen ?

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