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  1. #1
    beat up's Avatar
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    Why is my Test Cyp crashing? Is it still safe and how can I fix it?

    It appears as a very clear golden oil but ice like fibers are forming and I don't know if I should throw it out or if it is still safe to be used.

    Is this a sign of carelessness at the lab?

    Is it old?

    Did I store it wrong?


  2. #2
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    It probably just got cold causing it to come out of solution. This happens with pharm grade as well as UGL. Take a pot of water and heat it on the stove to 140° or so and put the bottle of test into it for a few minutes, when it gets warm the crystals should dissapear, assuming they do let it sit for a few minutes on the heat then take it out of the hot water and let it cool to room temperature if it remains in solution it will be fine and pain free, if it recrystizes it will be very painful to inject and should probably be dumped.

    PS Store at room temperature out of sunlight.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 01-21-2011 at 12:31 PM. Reason: Storage

  3. #3
    lil_herc81's Avatar
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    As FFM said... HOWEVER do not heat the vile on the stove, heat the water then insert the vile. You may have to repeat this process before each injection. I found heating the day before worked well and would only last a couple days before crashing again.

  4. #4
    beat up's Avatar
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    Excellent info. Thanks guys. Initially I kept it in the cold (20F) and it got cloudy but once I kept it at room temp it cleard up and slowly started forming the crystalls.

  5. #5
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Thats what I said Herc..

    ok here is my note

    HOWEVER do not put the vial in a microwave....

    I agree with you on it only holding for a few days, I have even used gear that I had to heat and pin before it crashed...kinda hurt but those were the dark ages..

  6. #6
    fig's Avatar
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    Put a pin in the cap to vent

  7. #7
    beat up's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    Put a pin in the cap to vent
    I assume you mean while heating...

  8. #8
    fig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beat up View Post
    I assume you mean while heating...

  9. #9
    lil_herc81's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Far from massive;5496676]Thats what I said Herc..

    ok here is my note

    HOWEVER do not put the vial in a microwave....

    WOW.... Im sure that hurt like hell. lol When I had to do it that was my thought, Hmmm hot gear and injection... No way hahaha

  10. #10
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    My buddy did the microwave thing and blew gear all over his micorwave LOL.

    PS on the stopper vent deal if it makes you feel better to believe in "Urban Legend" then by all means use a vent pin, however understand this rumor was started by people with no understanding of physics. As long as the vial has headspace for liquid expansion (some air above the liquid) you will be fine, the lowest boiling point of any of the liquids in gear is around 400°, people assume since it has alcohol in it that it will boil early and while that is true of many alcohols its not the case with BA 401° f or BB 613° f.

    Anyways no worries putting the vial in warm or hot water, the only thing a vent pin will do is allow water to enter the vial if you let it cool while in the pan.

    Also as long as we are killing rumors lets get another, serum vials are typically made of Bomex glass the same stuff as test tubes, beaker and flasks, so you really don't need to worrry about cracking them from the heat of a burner either ( however direct heating on a burner will likely damage hormone and may even cause local boiling leading to popped corks if left long enough.

  11. #11
    fig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    My buddy did the microwave thing and blew gear all over his micorwave LOL.
    Too much pressure in the vial? lol

  12. #12
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    ^^^ Yeah I could only imagine LOL, He is a hair dresser and not quite as sharp as his Kamishori shears LOL. I asked him how long he left it in there and he said not more than a minute or two (that's all!) and I asked wasn't it sparking to which he said the music was up so it may have been.....

    I guess this is one case where a vent pin would have helped although it might have just caused the vial to act like a saturn IV rocket...

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