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Thread: Deca Dick cure

  1. #1
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2010

    Deca Dick cure

    Can someone please help

    I did 250 sust and 250 deca twice a week for 8 weeeks

    did my hcg for 10 days after., then 2 weeks of nolva

    my dick is not working,,,,going on almost 1 month of ED

    I have the dreaded deca dick

    cialis and levitra get me to a 80% erection...

    what can I take this fix this issue

    my buddy said since prolactin is HIGH most likely...3 weeks on dostinex should do the trick...should i mix in some arimidex or aramason

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post
    Can someone please help

    I did 250 sust and 250 deca twice a week for 8 weeeks

    did my hcg for 10 days after., then 2 weeks of nolva

    my dick is not working,,,,going on almost 1 month of ED

    I have the dreaded deca dick

    cialis and levitra get me to a 80% erection...

    what can I take this fix this issue

    my buddy said since prolactin is HIGH most likely...3 weeks on dostinex should do the trick...should i mix in some arimidex or aramason
    Are you trolling here???

    It was only a few weeks ago that you claimed your dick didnt work because you ran a tren only cycle....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2010
    yes and NO ONE helped me out

    since deca and tren have the same side effects.,.i was hoping someone can help me

    not sure what "trolling" means...i just need an answer to my question so i can get cured and move on with my life

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Go and get your blood work done to see what is happening...

    End of thread...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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