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  1. #1
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    Add Dbol or Deca this time?

    1 previous cycle of Test E 250 1cc 2 times a week
    Been in and out of the gym my entire life but lifting religiously about 3 years
    Body fat is around 20% (very high I know but Im planning to bring it down before next cycle, I am working on it now)
    I had very few sides from the test and just OK gains. I am sure my body fat and lack of a solid diet is what hindered me but like most I was impatient and couldnt wait. About 3/4 of the way in to my cycle I had a neck injury and had to come off (proper PST used) I am still healing and doing very light weight now with lots and lots of cardio.

    One of the things that bothered me about the cycle was how long it took before I really started seeing/feeling gains and just when I started feeling great I got hurt. Ive read alot about Dbol as a kickstart. Many people seem to like Deca with a test base also. Some go for all 3. Being as this is my 2nd cycle I only want to add 1 additional compound (is it wise to even do that on cycle #2?). Im just curious as to what the opinions are and what the positive and negitives of either one would be?

    My main goal is really just to gain strength and size as summer approaches.


  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjerdog View Post
    1 previous cycle of Test E 250 1cc 2 times a week
    Been in and out of the gym my entire life but lifting religiously about 3 years
    Body fat is around 20% (very high I know but Im planning to bring it down before next cycle, I am working on it now)
    I had very few sides from the test and just OK gains. I am sure my body fat and lack of a solid diet is what hindered me but like most I was impatient and couldnt wait. About 3/4 of the way in to my cycle I had a neck injury and had to come off (proper PST used) I am still healing and doing very light weight now with lots and lots of cardio.

    One of the things that bothered me about the cycle was how long it took before I really started seeing/feeling gains and just when I started feeling great I got hurt. Ive read alot about Dbol as a kickstart. Many people seem to like Deca with a test base also. Some go for all 3. Being as this is my 2nd cycle I only want to add 1 additional compound (is it wise to even do that on cycle #2?). Im just curious as to what the opinions are and what the positive and negitives of either one would be?

    My main goal is really just to gain strength and size as summer approaches.

    I feel as though you may have robbed yourself of the first cycle experience by sup par diet and and lack of patience on getting bf to a level that would make gains more appreciated. That being said I would work on my rehab ,and get your bf down to at least 15% or lower, and get a solid diet in place if all those factors are achieved I think running a test only cycle will still yield nice results. If your looking for quicker gains and if you don't mind pinning you can run test prop.

  3. #3
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    I think thats sound advice. I appreciate it.
    I have no issues pinning so I will look into prop.
    With all of that in mind I would still like to get a better understanding of Deca and Dbol if not for my next cycle then definitely for my education. At what point would someone want to add these compounds and what are the benefits/drawbacks going to be? Is it that you can only do so much with test to a certain point and you have to add more to do the same job?

  4. #4
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Consider test a base in every cycle it keeps libido up and keeps you feeling good all around. without it running compounds and shutting your hpta down can lead to fatigue, depression and erectile problems, I have no problem adding d-bol on a first cycle or deca on a 2nd or 3rd cycle it's just that so much can be done with test alone if all other factors are in check. Both d-bol and deca cause a lot of water retention and at a higher bf can leave you feeling like a ballon.One point I will make about running a test/deca cycle is that a low dose of test can be run for libido purposes and a higher deca dose will do the work for you. If you still want a better understanding on deca and d-bol read the profiles on both these compounds.
    Hope this helps
    Last edited by MBMETC; 01-22-2011 at 06:02 AM.

  5. #5
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    Left Coast
    Thanks again... Great help. I agree with you on the Test as a base thing. I am not sure if you misunderstood me but I am def going to run test but was just not sure about the adding of deca or dbol . I think I am going to take your first advice and get fully prepared for an all test cycle. I can always add Dbol on the third.

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