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01-21-2011, 04:22 PM #1
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First Test E cycle. Please give relevant advice :)
Hi guys,
First of all some stats
Age:18 now I know alot of you will say "your to young. you should wait till your 21+" I've read it all before but at the end of the day it's my own personal choice. I think of it like this top pro's I wont name drop started on AAS in their teens and have had great success so why cant I have great success if I start now?
Weight: 200lbs at 12-13%bf
Height: 5.11ft
Years training: 2.5
My training and diet is very good as I have spent 2 years researching it and have gained 40lbs naturally.
My possible plan for my 1st cycle is as follows..
Test E: 500mg/week injecting mon/thurs lasting 10 weeks.
Possible on cycle: Aromasin at 12.5mg every other day if needed and Nolva on hand.
PCT: Nolva- 40/40/20/20---Aromasin-12.5 or 25g depending on gyno so 12.5-25/12.5-25/12.5-25/12.5-25 every other day.
Decided not to use HCG because from what I have read I most likely wont need it put please give opinion.
Also decided not to use clomid as nolva does a better job (from what I have read. Again please correct if wrong)
Needles: 20g 1.5 syringes with needles and 25g 1inch needles
I think I have mentioned everything but dont flame me if I have got something wrong because I am just trying to learn and have not and may not do this cycle.
BTW.. Please dont bash me over my age I acknowledge what you have to say but I am asking for info to make it as safe and effective as possible and not to try and change my mind by posting "side effects" etc.
Hope I dont sounds rude or big headed becasue I dont mean to be.
Thanks for any info guys!!
01-22-2011, 04:45 AM #2
No one will provide advice to an 18 year old. Sorry dude.... but you're nuts. You'll do permanent, irreversible damage... I hope you'll reconsider.
01-22-2011, 05:27 AM #3
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No one is the same, you might not have such great success as the people you mentioned, Check out the HRT section before you decide if you want to cycle at such a young age.
01-22-2011, 05:36 AM #4
At 18 you are way too young. Stay away from the AAS.
01-22-2011, 06:11 AM #5
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So what would you say to all the succesful pro's that decided to use in their teens? Surely it would be more beneficial to give advice that may help me do it safely and get results instead of saying "dont do it"?
01-22-2011, 06:18 AM #6
01-22-2011, 06:26 AM #7
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Well this is how it appears to me.. I see/hear/speak to pro bodybuilders who have used in their teens and I think well if I want to be #1 or whatever and the current #1 used in his teens then that's what I should do. But on these forums it's 22+ etc.. So that's very contradicting. If you see my point?
01-22-2011, 07:10 AM #8
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Or do you just have to accepted the possible side effects if you want to get to #1?
01-22-2011, 08:00 AM #9
I'm divided when I read posts like yours. 18's too young to cycle and you can hurt yourself. I've read posts from guys in their 20's writing in a panic because their units go limp during sex. I understand that you are willing to sacrifice to be #1. It would seem irresponsible to encourage a young man to cycle, knowing that they're hurting themselves. The other side me thinks, if you're hell bent on doing it, you should get the best advice possible so you minimize your injury. I used to think like you when I was 18. Live for the now and tomorrow will sort itself out. I'm 50 now and have raised a great group of kids and is enjoying a healthy lifestyle. It would really have sucked to lose all that because I was impetuous when I was young. Think it through bro.
01-22-2011, 08:47 AM #10
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Thank you for your post "ScotchGaurd02" it's by far the best one on here
. I understand what your saying and realise that it's a big risk. you say "you should get the best advice possible so you minimize your injury" That's exactly what I try to do but with so much hate and strong opinions on forums it's not so easy. I dont want to ruin my life by doing it but is it wrong to shorten your life (which may not happen) to achieve your dreams and passion? I love bodybuilding and dream to be #1 but I'm doing everything else I can 100%. Afterall to be the best you have to do what it takes to be the best...whatever it takes, right? Thanks for replying with such a good post
01-22-2011, 10:09 AM #11
What you are talking about is a life long commitment to aas. Don't think that any pro is not on gear for life. Medicaly thery may be healthy but I'm sure if they stop juicing erectile dysfunction is effecting them. These men have incredible genetics and they have committed theirselfs to achieving the their goals no matter the price. Realize if you cycle once you will do it again and again and eventually will cause permanent damage to your hpta and will be on trt at 23.
01-22-2011, 10:34 AM #12
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That is rock solid starting cycle, no is going to argue that. You and you alone can answer the question: Are you good enough to put the rest of your puberty on the line, to get to where you want. Are you really the next big thing? You sound like a freak, but what if you are not one those freaks who responds well to AAS. Ultimately, in bobybuilding, I think how well you respond to drugs is the most important factor genetically, not how big you became naturally.
Last edited by Duckhombre; 01-22-2011 at 10:36 AM.
01-22-2011, 10:42 AM #13
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MBMETC- I understand what your saying about how they put 100% into it and have dedicated their lives but without sounding a dick I want to be 1 of those "guys" at the top. I dream and believe I can be #1. I put in 100% everywhere else diet/training/rest etc. But what I want to do also is reach number 1 put try to stay as healthy as possible. In your opinion do you think if you waited till you were 21-22 and took aas then you would be taking less risks as opposed to 18? Which is obviously what I want to do "take less risks" but I also dont want to miss the oppertunity to live my dream if you can see my point
. Thanks.
01-22-2011, 10:49 AM #14
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Duckhombre- Thanks for the reply and confirming about the cycle
. You say "Are you good enough to put the rest of your puberty on the line, to get to where you want Are you really the next big thing?" Good enough? For me personally I dont know if it's about "good enough" as such but "are you willing enough" to dedicate your mind body and soul to becoming the best you can be if that makes sense? I'll take the "You sound like a freak" as a compliment so thank you for that
. Without actually taking aas I couldn't say whether I'm somone who responds well to them..Just gotta hope and wait lol. At the end of the day though I dont want to ruin my life but I want to put my all into becoming #1 and I just want to give myself the best start at that because I honestly believe I can do that well (Not trying to sound cocky) I just believe in myself
01-22-2011, 10:56 AM #15
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Duckhombre- In your opinion do you think if you were to wait till you were 21 you would have the same chances of reaching the top with less risks than if you were to take at 18? Thank you.
01-22-2011, 12:49 PM #16
Do you compete, have you ever competed, have you been recognized by a coach and told you have what it takes to be a professional body builder. If not than compete, but do it naturally you can strive to be the best at natural competition.
Why do you believe you need aas to be the best you can be? I'm not saying that steroids won't have a place in your life but you just being short sighted right now and are riding high on your progress from going from thin to solidly built, I get it. But take a back seat and try to see the road ahead of you clearly without blinders on.
Good luck on your decision.
01-22-2011, 01:00 PM #17
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No I haven't competed. I was going to but it was cancelled and as there are virtually no competitions to do I had to just go back to "offseason". I have been told by a top british coach and various others that I have great genetics for the sport and could go far. I believe that I need aas to earn my pro card and go onto be #1. Do you think I have the same chance but less sides of reaching #1 if I waited till I was 21 to take aas? Thanks
01-22-2011, 01:07 PM #18
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I don't get any as it is, so why should I worry?
01-22-2011, 01:12 PM #19
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dmk327- I didn't understand your post bro :S.. Can you explain what you were saying lol
01-22-2011, 01:19 PM #20
sh!t, imagine urself on trt at age 23.
anyway if ur going through with it, good luck fckng ur body. Honestly i guess plenty of guys here me included used to think they way u do. Listen to them, ur asking for good advice, and they're giving the best advice u could get. Just don't do it.
You will then post something like "Help i can't get an erection" or something like that. Plus comming off from a cycle can sometimes cause a bit of depression, It happened to me the first time. And specially if u don't follow a correct pct
01-22-2011, 01:22 PM #21
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That's why I keep asking - Do you think I have the same chance but less sides of reaching #1 if I waited till I was 21 to take aas?
01-22-2011, 03:04 PM #22
The more years of development you give your endocrine system the better the chances of full recovery.
01-22-2011, 04:16 PM #23
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I'm in my second cycle and I started at 21. Literally no side effects yet, not even acne. But I would advice you against starting a cycle so young. Just wait bro, it pays off. Work on your training and diet before thinking about roids. I did HIIT, volume training, circuit training, supersets, max ot and HST before roids. I also worked on understanding cutting and bulking and experimented with many diet. I weighted my food for every meal and kept log. You can make unbelievable gains with the right protocol. Roids aren't magic, you still need a foundation.
Last edited by pwnflow; 01-22-2011 at 04:20 PM.
01-22-2011, 04:20 PM #24
i started at 17 bro - i know you dont want to hear it, i didn't either but i totally regret it.
01-22-2011, 05:25 PM #25
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I have not gotten ****in laid in over a month so at my age of 25 and given I have hit my genetic potential I do not need to worry bc why should I
01-22-2011, 07:32 PM #26
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Yeah, I think you can get just as far. Look at Ronny, he was cop, and he stayed natty for a long, long time. Desire alone doesn't get you very far if you don't have 'it'. I've seen boy with potential, and not the desire, but I've seen allot more with desire and not the potential. I was like you, now I'm 25, have no balls, no hair, and a really funny voice, and I'm not a pro... I'm on hrt, too. I started AAS at 15, methyl-1-test at 13, just to be fair.
01-22-2011, 07:48 PM #27
Dont do it man, spend the money on food and eat more.
01-22-2011, 08:12 PM #28
So by your stats I would say you are a big boy and well on your way however you have to be smart enough to know that the 40 lbs you have gained in the past two years naturally are from puberty. If you are smart enough to realize that you can put two and two together and know you still have a couple years of puberty to reach a better launching pad for your pro career. It is really good advice to find a show and compete sooner than later naturally to get an idea if you have it or not. If you kill it in competitions wait until you are 23-24 to cycle 25 would be better. regardless of you current age I think you will have better gains and a better chance of making it to a pro level letting your body grow naturally until it has reached its natural potential before supercharging it.
01-23-2011, 05:50 AM #29
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Thanks to everyone who has commented! I have decided to wait until I'm 21+ before I start the cycle which as no one has disagreed with I assume is a good cycle lol
. The only reason I was considering doing it at 18 was because I know top pro's who did it in their teens and I didn't want to miss my chance/leave it to late if that makes sense?
01-23-2011, 05:56 AM #30
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Pwnflow- Thank you for your post. 21-22 seems to be about the right minimum reccomended age suggest from what I have read on forums so I also am only planning to start at the same age as you did
. Regarding diet and training.. I think I have a fairly good understanding of it (I'm not saying I know everything or more than anyone else because you can always learn) I seem to grow whatever kind of training I do because I switch it around all the time so my body doesn't get use to it. Diet wise I am currently at: Pro-1.5Xbodyweight, Carbs-2.4Xbodyweight, Fat-0.7Xbodyweight or somewhere around that whicn I grow really well from but that will change all the time I never stick to 1 thing forever you know
. Thanks.
01-23-2011, 05:59 AM #31
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BlInDsIdE- It's not that I dont want to hear it, it's just that I also wanted info regarding the actuall cycle instead of just about my age. But I have decided to postpone it till I'm 21+ anyway so that's ok. Hope you haven't suffered to bad from starting young and make a full recovery
01-23-2011, 06:02 AM #32
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dmk327- I'm sorry to hear about your "not getting laid" situation and hope that improves for you :P. You say "so at my age of 25 and given I have hit my genetic potential I do not need to worry bc why should I " In my opinion if you were to take steroids from what you have said it may be more out of frustration that actuall want? If that makes sense? At 25 you should be fine though, plenty old enough. Good luck with whatever you choose
01-23-2011, 06:09 AM #33
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Duckhombre- Thank you for this post because this is what I've been wanting to hear all along
! I would much prefer to take them at 21+ instead of now. And if I know I still have the same potential and have not left it to late that is great because I can wait without worrying
. I know I have the desire but the 'it' as you put it will just have to wait and see. People at the gym and a couple of top BB trainers have said I have very good potential but I dont know like I say we will see lol :P.. wish me luck! I'm sorry to hear that you have had alot of side effects and hope they clear up for you and wish you the best of luck
. Thanks.
01-23-2011, 06:12 AM #34
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coonhunter- You say 'So by your stats I would say you are a big boy and well on your way' I will take this as a compliment, so thank you
. I will look into competitions (natural) for next year and see how I do
. Thanks for the info.
18 ouch .dont doit to yourself.
01-23-2011, 01:15 PM #36
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cro- As I mentioned earlier I'm gonna wait till I'm 21+. Thanks.
01-23-2011, 01:54 PM #37
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01-23-2011, 01:56 PM #38
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yeah and according to him you're sposed take tren at mg per lb body weight, must be a diff universe somewhere where the 800lb bb'ers can handle it.
be careful who you listen to on here
01-23-2011, 02:35 PM #39
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I have read/heard that 21 is about the right age from lots of different people and lots of different forums. Not just him
. Dont you think starting at 25+ is leaving it a bit late to get to the top in bodybuilding? Thanks
01-23-2011, 04:00 PM #40
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you are still developing up till the age of 25yrs. im sure alot of the top knowledgable guys on here are members of diff forums and i wouldnt think the age varies from forum to forum, its scientific fact.
what are your maxs in bench, squat and dlift?
put up pics and lets us see where you are at
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