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Thread: Scotty's spring cycle!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA

    Lightbulb Scotty's spring cycle!

    Ok here it is. Any CONSTRUCTIVE inputs and critisism is welcome.

    32 years old
    training a solid 3 years and off and on for 10 before that
    3rd cycle, 1st was oral only no lasting gains. 2nd was test/eq 400/400wk made decent gains but only ran it for 10 weeks and seemed like i stopped way short of what i could have achieved

    The gear
    3 10cc vials test prop 100mg
    1 10cc vial test 450 (200mg cyp 200mg enth 50mg prop per cc)
    1 10cc vial deca 300
    1 10cc NPP 100mg per cc
    100 tabs tbol 10mg

    The supporting cast on hand already

    The cycle
    weeks 1-10 .5cc test450 twice a week
    weeks 1-2 .5cc test prop EOD
    weeks 1-10 .5cc deca 300 twice a week
    week 1-4 40mg Tbol split into 20mg twice a day
    week 10-14 .5cc's prop EOD
    week 10-13 .5ccs NPP EOD
    week 15-19 Nolva 40/30/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/25

    Going to drop about another 5lbs or so of fat by march 1st (plan start date)

    I know people are going to tell me to commit to cutting or bulking but my goal is to be the same weight as i am now maybe 5lbs heavier at 14% or under

    Going with a 45/40/15 split only low GI carbs with the exception of PWO at right about 2.8kcals a day, about 300 above my TDEE

    running a 4 day split
    monday chest/bi
    wednesday shoulders/traps
    friday legs
    saturday back/tris
    cardio 5 days a week 30-45 minutes of treadmill intervals sprint one minute walk one minute starting at 7mph working my way up to 10mph

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Seems to confusing to me why not start with the test450 and deca300 at 450 and 300 pw for 10 weeks with the t-boll kicker and you can run the npp for 2 weeks and test prop for 4 weeks giving you a 14 week test and 12 week deca cycle by using the prop esters in the end you can jump on pct sooner and recover quicker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    the prop at the beginning is just a frontload for the test, My last cycle seemed like i wasn't really gaining till about week 6 of a 10 week cycle so by the time i was really making progress and then it was over, Never frontloaded before was considering giving it a shot. And yes the short esters from week 10-14 are basically so i can start my pct 1 week after the last pin.

    BTW Damn MBM I'm gone for a month and you pass me in postcounts, you been busy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    the prop at the beginning is just a frontload for the test, My last cycle seemed like i wasn't really gaining till about week 6 of a 10 week cycle so by the time i was really making progress and then it was over, Never frontloaded before was considering giving it a shot. And yes the short esters from week 10-14 are basically so i can start my pct 1 week after the last pin.

    BTW Damn MBM I'm gone for a month and you pass me in postcounts, you been busy
    Ya vie been a sponge and trying to offer the best help I can
    I hear ya on the slow gains it took me like to week 6 and 7 to really get going so I continued to a 13 week cycle I didn't want it to end once it got going.
    Deca is gonna be slow to get going so bear that in mind As a side note I ran 500/500 test and deca and honestly my next cycle ( I have a thread about it if you wanna read it) I will be running 600 mgs of deca I think I'll find that to be my sweet spot on that compound 500 mgs didn't overly impress me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Good to hear. Its my first experience with a 19nor and prolactin side effects kinda worry me. If nothing else it'll be good for joint support. I'll check out that thread on your next cycle. hoping that 300mg of deca is as good as 400mg of eq was for that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Good to hear. Its my first experience with a 19nor and prolactin side effects kinda worry me. If nothing else it'll be good for joint support. I'll check out that thread on your next cycle. hoping that 300mg of deca is as good as 400mg of eq was for that.
    Control estrogen with an ai and I wouldn't worry to much about prolactin issues. Do you have caber or prami as wll

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    got caber, Not gonna run it unless i have to. running the adex ad .5mg eod just cause my last cycle i bloated pretty bad and wanna try to keep a dry look. Prolactin levels are synergistic with estrogen levels, I read a thread of swifto's that most of the time if you control estrogen prolactin will stay low, just in a very few cases some are super sensitive to 19 nors. When are you starting your next cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    got caber, Not gonna run it unless i have to. running the adex ad .5mg eod just cause my last cycle i bloated pretty bad and wanna try to keep a dry look. Prolactin levels are synergistic with estrogen levels, I read a thread of swifto's that most of the time if you control estrogen prolactin will stay low, just in a very few cases some are super sensitive to 19 nors. When are you starting your next cycle?
    Correct controlling estrogen is the key. I was thinking may on the cycle I wanna cut a couple points of my bf

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    even if you keep your estro low, prolactin can still be detrimental in the form of low libido. Just something to think about. I see a spike in nandrolone in week 11-12.

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