Ok here it is. Any CONSTRUCTIVE inputs and critisism is welcome.
32 years old
training a solid 3 years and off and on for 10 before that
3rd cycle, 1st was oral only no lasting gains. 2nd was test/eq 400/400wk made decent gains but only ran it for 10 weeks and seemed like i stopped way short of what i could have achieved
The gear
3 10cc vials test prop 100mg
1 10cc vial test 450 (200mg cyp 200mg enth 50mg prop per cc)
1 10cc vial deca 300
1 10cc NPP 100mg per cc
100 tabs tbol 10mg
The supporting cast on hand already
The cycle
weeks 1-10 .5cc test450 twice a week
weeks 1-2 .5cc test prop EOD
weeks 1-10 .5cc deca 300 twice a week
week 1-4 40mg Tbol split into 20mg twice a day
week 10-14 .5cc's prop EOD
week 10-13 .5ccs NPP EOD
week 15-19 Nolva 40/30/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/25
Going to drop about another 5lbs or so of fat by march 1st (plan start date)
I know people are going to tell me to commit to cutting or bulking but my goal is to be the same weight as i am now maybe 5lbs heavier at 14% or under
Going with a 45/40/15 split only low GI carbs with the exception of PWO at right about 2.8kcals a day, about 300 above my TDEE
running a 4 day split
monday chest/bi
wednesday shoulders/traps
friday legs
saturday back/tris
cardio 5 days a week 30-45 minutes of treadmill intervals sprint one minute walk one minute starting at 7mph working my way up to 10mph
Thanks in advance