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Thread: I gotta ask

  1. #1
    Chris J's Avatar
    Chris J is offline Associate Member
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    I gotta ask

    I know this may sound stupid but I have to ask. I posted a week ago stating that I was on test cyp going on 20 weeks doing 500 mg's a week. Everyone recommends cycling off after 10, 12, or 14 weeks. Hell it took 3 weeks to kick in. ( i front loaded) After 6 weeks my sex drive was through the roof and I was feeling great. At ten weeks I was feeling like a beast. At weeks 12 through 16 I was still feeling great. SO, how do you guys just turn off the light switch? Partys over, and stop doing it? I know one of the golden rules is to cycle, but damn it was too hard for me to just say "Thats it, I am tired of feeling this good" I am going to put this stuff away for a couple of months. Is it will power? Is it common sense?

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's both common sense says vie pushed this far enough and will power allows our bodies to return to baseline and then we can worry about doing it all over again. I read your first post but I don't remember if you checked to see if your test levels were low prior to cycling, and if so you may qualify for trt

  3. #3
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Its hard to do sure, but.... its something you gotta do.

    My feelings are the fact that you are still feeling good is a great sign, get the hell of now before that changes. People often hit a plateau where growth slows and stop at that point ahead of a planned cut off date. However when you get to where you really are no longer even feeling it anymore thats a sure sign that your body is really going through some major changes. So don't get hung up in despair that you have been on so long, instead find comfort in the knowlege that probably since you have not done much gear before your body has not yet tried to achieve haemostasis, so by all means stop now and if you don't already have it on hand order some PCT gear from ar-r you will want to use a combination of Nolvadex (40mg Every day which is abbreviated ED week1, 20mg ED week 2-6) and Toremefine (120mg ED wk 1 100mg ED wk 2 and 60mg ED wks 3-6) they are even both on sale! After your last shot of test start taking it 14 days later. If you have or can get in a day or two some HCG (and assuming you have not been using it on cycle) by all means blast you boys with a 4 shots of 1000iu's spaced 3.5 days apart.

    Jump ship now the longer you wait the worse its going to be.


  4. #4
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Just keep telling yourself you are messing with your health by staying on longer.

  5. #5
    awesome1's Avatar
    awesome1 is offline Associate Member
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    you stop by remembering that a cycle puts serious stress on your organs. Let your ligaments, tendons, liver, heart, and hormones recover.

  6. #6
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    I think anyone who feels good doing steroids is doing something wrong. I'm three weeks in and considering making it total of four. You should be suffering, so sore and tired, you beg for afternoon naps. So sick of pushing of food, a grocery makes you nauseous to drive by. You should pour so much of yourself into it, you get burned out, so that at the end you look great and feel like hell.

  7. #7
    fig's Avatar
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    Sucks huh? I'm the same way. I have a good amount of self-discipline and have never gone past planned # of weeks but there is one thing I do to help...I only buy enough to get me through the 8 weeks. I hate admitting it but I probably would do all the Test I had on hand before coming off.

    I can say that using HCG and Torem instead of Clomid has made coming off a breeze. It'll get easier mentally.

    Also, try to think the sooner you come off the sooner you can get back on. You're gonna have to take a long ass time off now and that's gonna suck troll balls.

  8. #8
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Like the others said..You will burn yourself out and lose your natural testoterone output..Which without hormones will make you female..Pretty much sep with out a vagina

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