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There are many who do the the bulk-to-cut. In fact I bet 7 out of 10 contest cycles are run as such. If you are meso/ecto this works great. If you gain weight slowly, and loose it easily, why would you run a whole cycle devoted to cutting? I have learned that 10-14 day blocks are minimum. If you take a week from bulking, it will take the first day or so to deplete your glycogen (muscle and liver), and then to the fat. You can't have a 20% of your cut devoted to glyco depletion.
Testosterone is anabolic, and this seems to differ from anti-catabolics. An anabolic cannot be anabolic if you are not getting enough food (making something from nothing?)
If my gains slow to crawl, two week cut diet usually has me looking fantastic, and when it is over the gains usually pick back up with the calories.