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Thread: Bit tits? Should I start my anti-est?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Bit tits? Should I start my anti-est?

    I am currently in my 4th week of Deca 300mg, Test-E 600mg. I was in the bathroom and noticed then when I lean over and there is no tense ness on my chest (skin isn't "pulling tight"? if that makes sense) I can see a little curving of my nips and around my nipple... But if I am standing straight up you cant tell at all..

    I have read that if liquid comes out this is a very bad sign, so what do I do; Squeeze, Squeeze and Squeeze. To my surprise a little liquid did come out, not quite as clear as water, but not quite milky either.

    Is it time to start my Nolvadex?

    My nips are not sensitive, unless grabbed very hard...

    Hook me up with some advice please. and what you think.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    U should have planned your pct before cycling

  3. #3
    well i know when iwas going to start, read that Nolvadex helps prevent gyno

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Some Beach Florida U.S.A
    More reps and burn those titeez off.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    you should have letro 2 weeks prior your cycle all way to the end of the cycle to prevent gyno, at 0.25 dosage, you can try letro now, and run it even on pct and after pct if needed. our sponsor has it.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimJoe View Post
    U should have planned your pct before cycling
    Don't think he's going into PCT

    Quote Originally Posted by 38jumper38 View Post
    you should have letro 2 weeks prior your cycle all way to the end of the cycle to prevent gyno, at 0.25 dosage, you can try letro now, and run it even on pct and after pct if needed. our sponsor has it.
    Letro is a last resort, very harsh.

    Yes run Nolva first. You are lactating btw...

  7. #7
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    Have you ever done that much straight test before? is this the first time you have run Deca? See the first problem is trying to decide if its a side from the test aromatizing or a prolactin issue from the Deca? Some of the more experienced members may have some input on how to differentiate between the two and what to do at this point, but from the little I know of prolactin issues, the release of prolactin can usually be kept in check by controlling estrogen on cycle with the use of an AI ( if you do this early before symptoms appear) however now that estrogen or prolactin has reared its ugly head ( its too late to stop the precursers (estro) now, you need to attack the activity) you will probably need to resort to Nolva to control the gyno by blocking the receptors in case its from the test as well as using Prami to stop the release of more prolactin since its too late to contol the prolactin by controlling estrogen levels.

    Just my 2 cents, as I say maybe one of the experienced members will have a better idea on how to determine whether the Test or Deca is the problem and how to deal with it.


  8. #8
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    You need to start taking caber to address the prolactin issue you are having. I would try 1mg the first day and adjust from there till you get to a regular dosage of .5mg E4D. Nolvadex will do nothing to the fact that you are lactating.

  9. #9
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    40 mg of nolva for a week then down to 20mg for rest of cyce, no need to run letro from the start unless you know your severly gyno prone , try aromasin at 12.5 mg eod when cycling ,

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by psa View Post
    You need to start taking caber to address the prolactin issue you are having. I would try 1mg the first day and adjust from there till you get to a regular dosage of .5mg E4D. Nolvadex will do nothing to the fact that you are lactating.
    Definitely agree, sound like prolactin. Caber or prami would be my first coarse of action

  11. #11
    Okay, i will put my order in asap and get it taken care of.

    Just because i got so many different answers is it recommended that I start my nolv, and do the caber? might take 2 to 3 weeks before i can get my hands on caber... or prami...

    "far from massive" yes this is my first time taking this large of a dosage of test and deca.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sm00thrider View Post
    Okay, i will put my order in asap and get it taken care of.

    Just because i got so many different answers is it recommended that I start my nolv, and do the caber? might take 2 to 3 weeks before i can get my hands on caber... or prami...

    "far from massive" yes this is my first time taking this large of a dosage of test and deca.
    Should always have it on hand when running deca or tren

  13. #13
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 38jumper38 View Post
    you should have letro 2 weeks prior your cycle all way to the end of the cycle to prevent gyno, at 0.25 dosage, you can try letro now, and run it even on pct and after pct if needed. our sponsor has it.
    terrible advice, disregard

  14. #14
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    As I said earlier everything I have read seems to indicate the the production of prolactin by the pituitary is in response to elevated estrogen levels, so usually can be controlled by controlling estrogen levels on cycle, thus the use of an AI is an effective way of fighting prolactin issues. However once the pituitary has started releasing prolactin you can no longer treat the cause you have to treat the pituitary directly with the prami to stop the release of prolactin. That said I feel the same holds true for the AI while a small dosage of an AI is a good way to control estrogen early in a cycle, at this point as with the prolactin the horse is out of the gate so to speak and Nolva should be incorporated to prevent the estrogen from exerting its effects at the nipple.

    This is the reason that at this point I would use both, since your estrogen levels are probably high Nolva will help ensure that you do not develop any lumps next, although since your nipples are not tender maybe your fine in that regard. However even though Nolva is not ideal to use on cycle and because your nipples are not yet tender you may not need it, at this point I would be more worried about minimizing any sides than I would be about maximizing gains.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 01-23-2011 at 03:32 PM.

  15. #15
    My "seller" only has Nolvadex 20mg, clomid 50mg, mesterolone 25mg... as a anti estrogens.. for pct/fertility i can order Nolva 20mg (have this) Clomid 50mg, Mesterolone 25mg, pregnyl 3x3 5000IU. Quite bummed I cant order what was recomended, anything i should get that i listed?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post

    As I said earlier everything I have read seems to indicate the the production of prolactin by the pituitary is in response to elevated estrogen levels, so usually can be controlled by controlling estrogen levels on cycle, thus the use of an AI is an effective way of fighting prolactin issues. However once the pituitary has started releasing prolactin you can no longer treat the cause you have to treat the pituitary directly with the prami to stop the release of prolactin. That said I feel the same holds true for the AI while a small dosage of an AI is a good way to control estrogen early in a cycle, at this point as with the prolactin the horse is out of the gate so to speak and Nolva should be incorporated to prevent the estrogen from exerting its effects at the nipple.

    This is the reason that at this point I would use both, since your estrogen levels are probably high Nolva will help ensure that you do not develop any lumps next. While Nolva is not ideal to use on cycle at this point I would be more worried about minimizing any sides than I would be about maximizing gains.
    Thanks so much, I will be starting nov... now.

  17. #17
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    You can get the stuff (prami etc.) from ar-r the banner on this website. They have pretty quick delivery.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by psa View Post
    You need to start taking caber to address the prolactin issue you are having. I would try 1mg the first day and adjust from there till you get to a regular dosage of .5mg E4D. Nolvadex will do nothing to the fact that you are lactating.
    Sorry but this is wrong..

    Op, start taking nolva at 40mgs ed until your gyno appears gone then continue to run nolva through till pct is complete...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    You can get the stuff (prami etc.) from ar-r the banner on this website. They have pretty quick delivery.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Sorry but this is wrong..

    Op, start taking nolva at 40mgs ed until your gyno appears gone then continue to run nolva through till pct is complete...
    Okay, I will do this. Even though i wasn't through with my Cycle yet, I should just stop and continue onto pct?

  20. #20
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    Continue it right the way through bro..

    Dont get me wrong caber is ok but imo nolva is best at this point...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  21. #21
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    And yes do the nolva with your cycle...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    And yes do the nolva with your cycle...
    Thanks so much.

    Thank you all for helping me out! I will be posting throughout the rest of my cycle to inform all on whats going on and to help others in the same situation.

  23. #23
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    Good luck...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Sorry but this is wrong..

    Op, start taking nolva at 40mgs ed until your gyno appears gone then continue to run nolva through till pct is complete...
    Lactation is due to high prolactin levels via the deca in this case. You can try to lower your estrogen levels, but that does not necessarily mean that you will lower lactate levels. The OP asked how to stop lactating... why take an indirect method and try to use nolva???

  25. #25
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    Because nolva in studies has been well proven to reduce prolactin levels...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  26. #26
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    For anyone interested, not a bad link...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  27. #27
    Wow, that is a great link. Recommended read for sure!

    Before I started my Nolv I discovered that I have 1 white bump/spot on my right nipple and 3 smaller ones on my left.
    I have now taken nolv 40mg twice, once yesterday, and once today and plan on continuing this through my cycle. (2 weeks)

    Wanted to keep everyone posted, and will be updating any other symptoms that come up. Let me know if this is something else I need to take care of.


  28. #28
    Day 3

    40mg Nolv

    White spots have been decreasing in size or even vanishing.

    Tenderness and puffiness is almost completely gone.

    Confidence, RISING!

    Will be taking only 20mg till pct is over.

  29. #29
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    Feb 2010
    20mg eod tamoxifen

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimJoe View Post
    20mg eod tamoxifen
    This is what you recommend for my issue?
    Is it recommended to be taken daily, weekly?

    Never really heard of it.. (but thats not saying to much)

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    If what you are doing is working then stick with it...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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