I am starting a Test E and Tren log here in a few days when I start this cycle. I will supply any and all requested information. So any and all questions please ask and i will reply as soon as possible. IM STOKED!
I am starting a Test E and Tren log here in a few days when I start this cycle. I will supply any and all requested information. So any and all questions please ask and i will reply as soon as possible. IM STOKED!
cool mate.
you stats/ age/ weight. experience.
and whats the cycle dosages and length?
are you cutting or bulkin?
This could be interesting regarding the Tren, i have seen loads of people on here wanting to know what sides people have had. Will you be logging these aswell???
Best of luck, looking forward to updates.
Guys don't cheer him on, he's 18 and has no business running a cycle let alone tren on the first go
age- 23
weight- 226 16% bf
4.5 years hardcore training
previous cycle test e and deca- test e 2 cc a week and deca 1 cc a week
Ill be taking 2 cc of test a week and 75 mg tren ED, i know ppl are going to give me shit about my tren dosage but ive talked with my doc and endo and they are going to watch me closely
Hey. Im not sure what is what on this post. But MBMtech made reference to a hazardous situation and this should NOT be ignored!! Sure you are 23 but that is still not a safe age to begin AAS. You need to be made aware of the potential long term health issues that can come from use as well as limiting your growth by using prematurely. On top of that if in fact this is your first cycle you really should not be using tren! I highly recommend not beginning this cycle until you have more information. I feel this way because if you have conducted proper research your proposed cycle would be different.
Friend not using pct!!!!!! then why wouldnt you just say you were 23, the thread wasn't about you
Sounds shady to me, its hard for us to know what to believe in these situations. Anyone can make up lies. The problem with that is you are only hurting yourselves.
either way he's young. all we can do is advice against it and not support his cycle. some have to learn the hard way.
btw herc hows the challenge going ( if your allowed to answer hit me with a pm)
Didn't realise your age, bad idea with Tren or any cycle at that age. I waited till i was 27 and after reading some of the problems young people have had on here im glad i did. RECOGNISE THE ADVICE!!!!!!!!!
you all do realize that he is just going to do it anyways.. it doesnt matter what anyone says.. if he wants to, he will.. so just sit back, relax and enjoy the info that is posted..
....x2... yes we are aware. This happens here EVERY day.
i appreciate the concern from everyone i really do. I understand the risks and dangers. but i feel prepared to handle them. this is my 2nd cycle btw. i looked forward to this more about a log and hoped people would be more interested at least to see what happens weather its good or bad. just to have something to go by. if something does happen you can at least refer others to this as proof not to do something. the way others find out what can happen is by it happening to someone else. but that also implies that this cycle wont 100% f me up. I could have extreme amazing gains and that would be something to be proud of. but alot of ppl on here instantly believe that when one person decides to do something that with one little thing is bad or wrong immediately means ur gunna ruin urself forever. maybe i just kow how my body will react to this better than complete strangers know my body. I just wanna log my experience weather its horrid or awesome. but i am doing what i can to prevent any disaster. thank you guys for the concern though.
i just want the truth about your age. im not fond of lying.. i wish you well and i hope you have no issues down the road but just be honest with the mambers you are asking to help you
i completely understand, lying isnt high on my list either. im sorry for any confusion about my age but my age is 23. sorry for the confusion in previous posts. I was attempting to help a younger guy (18) here ate the university i attend because he had done a cycle with no pct. I attempted to gain information to no avail by asking about him and then just assumed the role of being him in hopes of better information but they basic response was to get BW which i relayed to him and i havent heard much from him sense. But i am 23. Thanks for your support tho bro.
thank you for being honest and good luck
@Hyper I fear that you have a misconception of the information stated. We are not saying that you will not have great gains. We are saying that by using AAS prematurely you will limit your growth potential for one. From there each time you use AAS you risk shutting down your HPTA. It is basically inevitable that this will happen. The opinions that are given here are to inform you of risks due to your age and the harm. Most of us speak from experience and wish that we would have done things differently. If you are not aware this site has a great reputation and typically only gives sound advice. This has a lot to say. and you will not find users here that promote the use of AAS underage or Under educated.
o believe me i have referred him. im not sure if he has done anything or contacted anyone though. and dont worry im not taking it wrong, constructive criticism is always welcomed. I appreciate the input herc. Im pretty sound with my education on the subject but i of course would like to know ur opinion on what cycle you personally would partake in at my status? all possibilities are being considered here so any and all surmountable info is wanted and appreciated. as i stated earlier i havent gotten my gear yet but its at hand when i decide to obtain it. so by all means constructively criticize me.
also r u referring my dosage amount that will shutdown my HTPA or just my age in general?
No offense but I cannot advise on a cycle I started at 23 (somewhere in the area of) and wish I had the knowledge offered here. My best advise would be increase your diet and lift hard for the next 2-3 years. Then come back and evaluate
you will get shut down at any age thats why you will need an aggressive PCT.
plenty of guys will give you shit mate. thats what they do best here
if your lieing your only lieing to yourself.
good luck with cycle. and make sure you post before pics and pics every 4 weeks![]()
Just cause every one else is giving you manure...
What kind of log doesn't specify the dose?
2cc does not count.
Why don't you start at half the dose tren, what the 525mg/week. Thats ridiculous for your first tren cycle. Thats a gram of gear, and more than half of it is tren, to put into perspective.
to gunz- ya it seems like alot of ppl seem to be that way lol. and ill get those pics up as soon as i start.
duck- cuz i havent actually started logging yet, i started this so ppl would know i am going to and i wanted to know any other specifics they wanted to hear. And how does cc's not count? its a legitimate form of measurement, is it not? i agree it is a high does weather or not it may be my first tren cycle i still want to hit it hard. I dont want to miss out on gains i could have obtained cuz i didnt do what i could. I appreciate the concern tho bro, thnx. just remember im still deciding my dosages but i'm probably most definitely doing test e and tren. I welcome your constructive criticism as always.
I debated for a moment keeping this ridiculous thread bumped, but what the hell...
A cc/ml is good for measuring volume, but test comes in allot of concentrations, so the total weight of test is still a mystery.
This ''I dont want to miss out on gains i could have obtained cuz i didnt do what i could'' is a foolish statement, it makes you look juvenile. There is no way you would put that much tenbolone to good use. The only thing you will miss if you cut that dose by 66% is allot of unnecessary suffering. Tren is many times more androgenic than Deca, and you've *never taken that much deca.* Again, I don't know, because '1cc of Deca' could be 100-400mg of deca a week. I cannot tell you how much you will regret this in the future. Trust Me.... You need to take a step back, and take another look at the wisdom behind doing a cycle like this.
i am not trying to start a negative appearance with anyone here. Im glad your telling me what you are cause for all I may know i may have been misinformed, thinking i know something when the information i think i know could have been false at no fault of my own. As for the deca it was 400 mg. i appreciate the clarity on the whole measurement thing as well and understand more clearly now. do u understand my meaning by my "foolish" statement tho? and are you saying to just take 25 mg ED? My information comes from a professor at college and the strength and conditioning coach for the football team here as well a few close friends who are avid users.
First, I'm sorry for sounding like dick. This: "information i think i know could have been false at no fault of my own.'' is unacceptable. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for the knowledge you have and use. Ever here "ignorance is no excuse for the law," ? True words. By the statement:''I dont want to miss out on gains i could have obtained cuz i didnt do what i could'', I think you ment that this is your first use of tren, and someone told you you better do it hard the first time because it only works really good that first time. If that is not what you ment you should expound on the situation. If it is what you ment, then your beliefs on the subject are misguided.
If you are playing football, that much tren will slow you down. You not be able to catch your breath, ever. Offseason will kill you.
And the most important thing:
no no no lol i dont play football or any sport for the matter. I just know the football strength coach and hes helping me in my wants of getting bigger. Im too slow as i am to play anyways. but thanks for the concern bud.
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