Let's say I'm planning on running 600 mg test prop per week. If I add 400 mg a week deca to that cycle, will my libido suffer at all?
Let's say I'm planning on running 600 mg test prop per week. If I add 400 mg a week deca to that cycle, will my libido suffer at all?
i have done that exact cycle three times with no problems, except the credit card bill i got after all the porn i had to buy. .haha JK.. 1.5x the test is usually enough to avoid those types of problems
I did 500/500 and was busting 2 or 3 nuts a day
I like NPP better but I've never had a problem getting it up with deca.
I ran a cycle of deca 600mg a week and test 400mg a week. A week into my PCT I got deca dick and still have it. I will never touch the stuff again.
as long as you are injecting above natural test levels it wont concern you, anything at or above 100mg pw should do the trick
I ran 500mg test a week and 400mg deca I got it around week 8 and through pct, didnt affect libido it just didn't work. Some aar CIA did the trick, if I were to ever run deca again I would run cabar with it.
In regard to this subject, I have always heard its important to keep test active in the system for at least another week after the tren. So for example, if you were running Nandrolone Deconate and Testosterone Cypionate you would want to continue the Test for approx 10 days after cessation of the Deca to ensure the deca completly clears the system before the test does.
How important do you feel this is in preventing problems with ED during PCT, Recovery and beyond?
I ran e 2 weeks past tne deca so I will assume it helped because I had no pro lens even through pct
I just looked at my older post and it seems I had this prob at week 5 and was running 550mg test and 400 deca, I ran this cycle twice, first time no probs second time deca dick.
As long as you have some exogenous test in your system and your Prolactin levels don't become elevated, you'll be fine. Keep a dopamine agonist on hand in case you run into any prolactin issues.
Are there any indicators of rising prolactin levels to look for, to give advanced notice. Or do you just have to be on the look out of fluid buildup from lactation?
Thanks FFM
Orgasms will start to feel like your urinating a little, instead of pleasurable. I have had these problems running 400 nandrolone and 750 test per week. The effect can be very long long lasting if not treated.
Thanks for the replies, definately would hate to have a problem like that Duckhombre...
This is incorrect. ALL YOU NEED TO RUN TO AVOID "DECA DICK" (WHICH IS JUST ZERO TESTOSTERONE IN YOUR BODY) IS 150 MG OF TESTOSTERON A WEEK. 150MG A WEEK. nO MATTER WHAT OTHER STEROIDS YOU RUN, IN ANY AMOUNT, 150 MG A WEEK OF TESTOSTERONE IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN SEXUAL FUNCTION AND FEEL NORMAL. now, most guys chooce to run more test than this, because they want to grow more, but all that is needed is a replacement of the bodys normal amount that is made in a week.
It is very old school to think you have to multiply the amount of aas you are using to figure out how much test you need. I have also read that you have to match the amount of test, in mgs, with all of the other AAS you are using concurrently. This is also false.
On a cutting cycle, since testosterone makes me bloat some, i run test prop at 50 mg mon,wed, fri (150 a week) for the length of the cycle and have my other AAS doses like masteron or npp at doses of 500-700 a week and have never once had a problem.
19-nors (and anything else with a significant amount of progestigenic activity) can directly cause sexual dysfuntion by elevating prolactin levels. Even with a normal amount of test in your system, high prolactin can leave you flacid. So you need at least a test base PLUS a dopamine agonist for if/when your prolactin gets too high. Running an AI will help as well, but a dopamine agonist will directly target prolactin without the side effects of an AI (presuming that your estrogen levels are in check to begin with).
Last edited by Bonaparte; 01-26-2011 at 11:17 PM.
Always run your test at least 1/3 higher than your deca and you will be fine. ie 400mg /deca, 600 mg test
I think it odd how people have a personal experience, and they somehow think that that experience will be the same for everybody. This is a narrow view, and one needs to consider how complex and variable the endocrine system can be. Everyone is different, and if you have not done a certain drug before, you need to be prepared for any of the possible outcomes. There is the standard, then there is you.
I think it is telling that Murph boast of only taking 150mg test and saying that is sufficient, then mentions taking 700mg Drostanolone...
i ran the test at 150 mg a week to maintain sexual function, not to do much else. If you look it up, HRT patients recieve about 200 mg or so a week or test cyp. I did the math.... prop is stronger and guessed at about the lowest dose that i needed to maintain healthy sexual function and feel ok. This did this for me, and many others. I ran the Drostanalone at 700 a week because I was cutting. The test wasnt helping hold muscle at that low of a dose, just keeping me "normal".
Yes you are correct there. All i was trying to state is that the replacement dose of test is 150-250 mg a week. A tiny amount compared to what many guys run in a cycle. Im 220-240 lbs and I did great with 150. If there are excessively elevated prolactin levels in the body, extra testosterone will worsen the problem in many cases because of the associated rise in estrogen. I agree with you on using a dopamine agonist with a 19 nor, i absolutely have to use one with tren at any dose above 75 mg a day.
On a side note, I have found that letro, dosed everyday at .25mg works great for me when i have been using npp at a dose where prolactin levels have been a problem in the past. I have not tried this solution with trenbolone, nor have I tried running letro past 6 weeks.
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