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  1. #1
    jfletcher's Avatar
    jfletcher is offline Junior Member
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    Melbourne, Australia

    Short burst dosages

    Can anyone suggest the general rule of thumb for deciding the correct dosage level of test used during a short burst cyc?? For a normal 10 - 12 week cycle I'd normally sit at 500 - 750mg weekly of test......

    Or point me in the right direction so i can find out for myself..... Thanx

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Its hard to just state a dose what would be right for you, usually you need to know the stats, full cycle history, compounds what you normally respond well to, compounds with low sides, compounds with high sides, how's your recovery been in your past cycles.

  3. #3
    jfletcher's Avatar
    jfletcher is offline Junior Member
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Recovery has varied marcus, I've done a normal full length cycle of just Test P and found towards the end of the cycle I really started to show sides, plateau with strength in the gym and a little ache, coming off was fairly shit even running pct, and I've also done a few full length cycles of just Test E and found my gains were slow but pretty constant throughout the whole 10 weeks.... The only sides I have come across so far have all come in the last half of my cycles (Test E not so much) which has made me curious about the short bursts.... With a normal 10-12 week cycle I'd use 750mg of test a week, I find it a good amount of test up until week 8 or 9 when i start to show some sides...

    My cycle history isn't big, i've done 3-4 cycles using Test only....
    Stats are i'm 23 yo, 94kg's, 15% bf, 6"2 and been training solidly for 4 to 5 years....

    Cycle recovering has varied like i mentioned above, i try and change my training routine when i come off, by adding more cardio few less working sets but maintain a heavy weight, also keep a clean diet and all ways have pct at hand... Any advice you could pass on or tips would be much appreciated

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