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Thread: newby

  1. #1
    kwg13 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Cool newby

    im 20 yrs old 5'10 and 180 im not buff but kinda naturaly beefy i work out a couple times a week. i work in construction and ive noticed that for my size i have relatively low strength i have thought of using steroids but dont know much about em. what would someone recommend for a first time user or maybe someone can reccommend anything else that would help my strength and physique

  2. #2
    higgy is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    acadiana, la
    Get in the gym and do work, consume about 3500 calories a day, and sleep about 10 hours a day. Do this and you'll see a big difference

  3. #3
    BadNewsBerto's Avatar
    BadNewsBerto is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2009
    Firstly, and I'm sure this isn't what you want to hear, from your post Ive concluded your most likely not ready for a steroid cycle. For one, 20 is still pretty young and your body is still producing a lot of test naturally. Secondly steroids wont do much for your goals without a solid diet and exercise regimen. That being said if your going to do it anyways, its best to have at least a basic idea of what a newby cycle may consist is my suggestion.

    Test enanthate or cyptionate @ 500mg Every week injected in two shots a week for a period of 10-12 weeks

    Now the more important part of a steroid cycle, at least in my opinion is Post cycle therapy . If you don't know what that is i suggest you do some research because i just don't have the patience to give a complete clinic of my as that knowledge may be when compared to others on this board. For this cycle your PCT would commence about 14 days after your last injection. I would recommend a very simple yet effective pct for a cycle such as this. Assuming your cycle lasts 12 weeks :

    Weeks 14-16 Nolvadex @40mgED/Clomid@75mgED
    Weeks 17-18 Nolvadex@40mgED/Clomid@50mgED

    Also it is advisable to have your ancillaries(Nolva/Clomid in this case) Before you begin your cycle. One because you may have more trouble then you anticipated getting them later on and two in case you develop some negative sides such as gyno(bitch tits).

    There is a vast array of info on the boards and search engines....educate yourself...most out here on the web don't have the patience to spoon feed people who don't make the effort to inform themselves.

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