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Thread: Looking for some info

  1. #1
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    Looking for some info

    ok so need a little help here, I've worked out for the last 4to5 yrs but about 8 months ago i came across 2 injuries. i tore my acl and right after that i injured my shoulder. at the time i was using a lot of gear and was at my best,

    age 19
    height 5'10
    weight 170

    i know a lot of people think thats way to young to be doing gear but im not trying to have a conversation about that. what i do want to talk about is that i did progressively come onto gear. i can give info of what ive ran if its needed, but what i need to know is that i just started working out again and im wanting to know do i need to do a beginner cycle again and work back up? or what just let me know what info you need and il give it. just would like to go ahead and say thanks for the info ahead of time

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wouldn't touch steroids until your hpta as fully developed, shutting a system down what hasn't full grown could cause your serious problems what would be with you for the rest of your life. It's irresponsible and uneducated to think you need steroids at your age . Use your natural testosterone to build a base for the next few years.

  3. #3
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    Mate have a read of the article at the top of this forum labelled IMPORTANT - "The young and steroids"...... Do you think that the gear might have had something to do with you injuring yourself??

  4. #4
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    It's in the sub forum called EDUCATIONAL THREADS sorry

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    your point is understandable, now im not gonna try and say your wrong bc you are right. but ive been determined to get get big ever since i was 14 worked out hard since at 16.5 i hit a platuoe and it lasted for a yr and in that yr i wasted on more money i would like to imagine. buying food for massive diets trying to stuff down lots of foods and trying countless countless supplement from the famous gnc i did get little results from that but my weight wouldnt get any better then 165 no matter what i tried it wouldnt change. i ran my first cycle of test cyp at 17.5 results were amazing.....second cycle test cyp and deca with aromasin and kept aromasin into my pct...third test e deca tren clen aromasin and had a good pct with that one as well im not saying what ive done was smart im just determined to get what i want. and i will do whatever it takes to get it and thats that. i dont mean any disrespect at all im just trying to get big. i realize im being impatient with this and i should wait till im older but my mind is made up. i feel like my genetics will simply not allow me get to the size i want. so anyways im just looking for the info i asked for that is all, thanks for your concern tho

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your on your 4th cycle at 19yrs old and you have been using compounds like deca and tren! you have no idea what your doing and your way of thinking is very tunnel visioned. All you need is food at your age. You really need to go to the doctors to get bloodwork done and see what kind of state your in.

  8. #8
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    if food was all i need you realize i never would have turned to roids right. do you think i like all the risks i feel like i have to take because my body doesnt respond to a "great diet". would you like to know what my diets consisted of? (when i wasnt taking anything) believe me ive alomost tried anything worth trying. and nothing comes close to taking the real stuff. i mean what would you recommend? off juice til what 28 to 30 maybe longer? try some diet? what would your suggestions be? ive done ungodly amounts of research and im always open to ideas from others

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Yes its all about diet at your age,

    Have you ever had bloodwork done?

    Its plain to see you have no idea about diets otherwise you would be alot bigger than your stats after your 4th cycle and using strong steroids such as tren/test.

    It takes years to build a base and thats why your struggling because you didnt have a base before you started steroids, once the base and foundation is built your body can start to build some serious tissue, you could of got to were you are now naturally. Dont think you know it all because you dont, you need to stop thinking that steroids are the answer at your age, they are not. Ive been using steroids longer than you have been alive and ive seen it all and believe me when I say that diet is the key to being big not steroids.

    I will leave your thread now because i can see i am wasting my time and effect, i doubt anyone else will advice a 19yr to cycle or maybe the other teenagers will on this site but anyone with any kind of education and concerned about your health wont, best of luck you will need it.

  10. #10
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    why ask a ? if your leaving the thread? just saying, and theres a lot of info that you dont know to be making all these assumptions as well "of the lack of knowledge".

  11. #11
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Holy crap! I can not believe I am even reading this. You are so freaking stubborn and ignorant I really don't have any other words to describe it. There is no f-ing way you "plataued" at 17.5. If you are not gaining mass then you need to increase your calories. I am positive your diet is not what you thought it was.
    Here is just some of the issues you are going to have because you will completly f yourself up.
    •premature balding or hair loss
    •mood swings, including anger, aggression, and depression
    •problems sleeping
    •nausea and vomiting
    •high blood pressure that can damage the heart or blood vessels over time
    •aching joints
    •greater chance of injuring muscles and tendons
    •jaundice or yellowing of the skin; liver damage
    •urinary problems
    •shortening of final adult height
    •increased risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer
    Not to menton you could make yourself sterile and start pissing blood.
    But whatever....

  12. #12
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    at 16.5 i was putting down a min. of 5000cal a day ok and no im not talking about eating pizzas and sh*t, i had a good diet going yes my strength gains were there but not size, it seemed like no matter what i did the size would not come well not what i was wanting, a pound a month wasnt cutting it for me. look anyway ive been off for 8 months now i was considering getting back on ok CONSIDERING, so il go a diff route and see where this goes so heres my new ? what is advised for someone my age to do? im looking to get weigh 225 with a body fat percentage of 6 to 7, i currently weigh in at 170 body fat percentage of 16

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 9za4ck4 View Post
    why ask a ? if your leaving the thread? just saying, and theres a lot of info that you dont know to be making all these assumptions as well "of the lack of knowledge".
    Because your not listening to the right and correct advice and your only looking for answers you want to hear, thats why I am not bothhering in trying to educate you. Its plain to see that your not eating right after 3 cycles!

    Your going about this all wrong, you need to stop and listen.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Because your not listening to the right and correct advice and your only looking for answers you want to hear, thats why I am not bothhering in trying to educate you. Its plain to see that your not eating right after 3 cycles!

    Your going about this all wrong, you need to stop and listen.
    after my third cycle i weighed in at 185 i believe, body fat percentage of 6, bench was my fav of lifts and i could easily throw up 415, and until im proved wrong i will continue to believe my diet was in check. but like i just posted ive been off 8months and was considering to get get back on ok so il listen to what you have to say and il try any other suggestions before i jump back on anything so i said what would you advise?

  15. #15
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Start by posting up your diet so we can take a look at it. 5000 calories is a lot of fod to be throwing down. If it is in check then maybe you need to be eating 6000 calories.

  16. #16
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    are you wanting the diet back before i got on roids or during or the diet i just started? keep in mind before roids was back when i was 16.5 or so its been a few years but i do remember what i would intake just unsure of the calories each thing had. i can tell you what i ate tho is what im saying but like i said that was a long time ago. just let me know which diet your asking for

  17. #17
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    Admiral goals, but rediculasly hard to get to and it would take years and years of training and diet. Sorry to burst your bubble bro but from 170 16% to 225 6% even with steroids will never happen. It's 90% time, dedication and diet. Now if you can get to 200 naturally at a slow pace and allow your body to adjust to that mass and then cycle you may be able to obtain that goal.
    Good luck

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 9za4ck4 View Post
    are you wanting the diet back before i got on roids or during or the diet i just started? keep in mind before roids was back when i was 16.5 or so its been a few years but i do remember what i would intake just unsure of the calories each thing had. i can tell you what i ate tho is what im saying but like i said that was a long time ago. just let me know which diet your asking for
    again you just showed your lack of knowledge, you know nothing about macros and you should be able to figure out your caloric intake just based on how much protien, carbs and fats are in the foods you eat. If you were consistintly eating these foods there nutritional make up should be in bedded in your brain.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    Admiral goals, but rediculasly hard to get to and it would take years and years of training and diet. Sorry to burst your bubble bro but from 170 16% to 225 6% even with steroids will never happen. It's 90% time, dedication and diet. Now if you can get to 200 naturally at a slow pace and allow your body to adjust to that mass and then cycle you may be able to obtain that goal.
    Good luck
    true i just know i was getting to my goal at a quicker rate with roids then without. honestly id be happy with my old body again if i could obtain it in 3 to 6 months id be quite happy but not satisfied. but actually my ultimate goal is a beautiful 250 to 265 with about 4 to 5 percent body fat.

  20. #20
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Go to and start plugging in what foods you eat or did eat. It will give you all the macros we are talking about. You have to sign up though but don't worry it's free.

  21. #21
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    Accept the fact that your dilusional, sorry man but shoot for a more obtainable goal like 5 lbs at a time through diet and training. I like your stubbornness and determination I just think your setting the bar too high leaving you feeling frustrated and like you are failing leaving you to think steroids are your answer. Not true.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    again you just showed your lack of knowledge, you know nothing about macros and you should be able to figure out your caloric intake just based on how much protien, carbs and fats are in the foods you eat. If you were consistintly eating these foods there nutritional make up should be in bedded in your brain.
    8 months friend since ive been in it ive forgotten quite a bit i will admit im a little rusty, but within the last 3 weeks ive been getting back into everything if i really tried yeah i could probly give you all the info but it would take me god knows how long to remember which was why i was saying i couldnt remember it all plus not like i ate the same thing all the time always tried to have my mixture

  23. #23
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    Not that you care but when I was your age I was 130lbs at like 5' cough 9" and had like a 23" waist. Believe me o know how you feel. I met a girl and she liked to cook and I started eating real meals and over years I started putting on weight I'm now 195lbs at hopefully about 14-15%. Not wher I want to be but I'm working on it. I've found this site in September and let me tell you it changed my life I am eating the best I ever have and the results are showing when people say it's diet, it's true. Ohand vie been training for 8 years and can honestly say that the biggest improvements came when I learned how to eat.

  24. #24
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    Create a meal for future use from items you've logged below


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    BUMBLE BEE Solid White Albacore in Water

    BUMBLE BEE Solid White Albacore in Water

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    here was what i was eating on an avg day well this was what i was mainly eating every other day. it only would change slightly maybe more chicken one day or red meats another or more carbs one day kinda like that but this was pretty much what i was working with

  25. #25
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    sry i copied and pasted a little more then i should have and i put my snacks in with my meals as well i didnt know how to seperate those but first would i would do breakfast, snack, lunch snack, and so forth

  26. #26
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    bud these guys have kids your one wants to direct a young man this way.
    Quote Originally Posted by 9za4ck4 View Post
    why ask a ? if your leaving the thread? just saying, and theres a lot of info that you dont know to be making all these assumptions as well "of the lack of knowledge".

  27. #27
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    That is a lot of food. Wish I could eat that muh man.

  28. #28
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    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Wait a second. I should have read the whole thing. Looks like you are relying too much on the protien shakes. You should be eating egg whites too. What I did when I wanted to pack on the pounds was I ate 1 hard boiled egg every hour I was awake and then a can of tuna before bed. Of course along with my normal diet as well.

  29. #29
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    But also bravo on using the site. It was nice to see you give it our try for a minute. Believe me this is the one place where you will get all the help you would ever want. Except how to juice when your young.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    That is a lot of food. Wish I could eat that muh man.
    it took me awhile to be able to get to that, ive made myself throw up from eating so much, but when i was 16 to 17 my body weight would play around 160 to 170 sometimes barely breaking 170 like i said my strength gains were there but mass just would not come any idea why? and im not intaking that now tho i can not keep that much down just cant yet, but in the past few weeks i have been gaining slightly but i feel so fat now to be honest this is the first time ive been going kinda hard at it without roids in quite some time do you think i should try without roids for awhile and keep the diet progressing or what? im not try to waste my time and a few months down the road hit a wall ya know

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    But also bravo on using the site. It was nice to see you give it our try for a minute. Believe me this is the one place where you will get all the help you would ever want. Except how to juice when your young.
    i will try whatever i never said i enjoyed roids, well the pumps were amazing beyond belief it was love, but actually i really didnt wanna take them i just want to keep gaining non stop all the time so yeah throw info at me il try whatever

  32. #32
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    It's all liquid, and burritos are you kidding!

  33. #33
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    Just eat lift sleep, you have (HAD) the natural roid being young

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