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  1. #1
    mrd0t is offline New Member
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    18 y/o, made a mistake and turning back.

    A little of my background. I'm 18 y/o, 2 months until I'm 19. Around 6'1 or 6'2ish and weigh in at 128lbs. I've been struggling to gain weight for years now. My height had kicked in at around 16 but my weight never followed. I've tried slamming the food back as much as possible but was never seeing real gains. Might I add I was also working out regularly but also no gains in the gym. The only supplement that I actually gave a try was Whey Protein. I'm very self conscious about my weight.(mistake #1) I got to the point to where I was willing to try anything.

    A couple buddies of mine were using steroids and really getting some gains. They started out at my size and are now giants in the gym. I seen this and was blown away, of course they were not experiencing any nasty side effects so I said WHAT THE HECK! I got me a bottle of testosterone . To be more specific though, the gear I received is called Enantat QV 250. (mistake #2) I got pretty pumped up about the idea of BIG gains fast.

    Last week I finally took the jump and injected 1cc. The result of this seemed pretty good, I seemed much more energetic and my eating habits seemed to change drastically. I'm currently on week two, I injected my last shot on Tuesday. Again, my eating habits are still staying up and I'm having no problem putting away food like it's' nothing. (mistake #3) I decided to do more extensive research after already injecting something I knew little about into my body. I've realized that terrible mistake I've made and wish no more of it!

    I don't plan to take anymore shots. I know that I've only taken two shots but from what I've already read, chances are my body has already quit producing testosterone. So now for my questions.

    Question #1- What do I have to expect after quitting with the injections even after just 2 shots?

    Question #2- I know that the gear I have is long acting testosterone, so is it a great possibility that my eating habits changing was all just a big part of my mentality on what I was expecting?

    Question #3- I seem to be experiencing very early stages of gyno. The symptoms are soreness around the nipples, puffy nipples but thats just about it. What should I do to combat just the early stages of this? Also, these symptoms just came out of the blue last night.

    I understand that my decision was very immature and I should not have stooped to such a low level for the age I'm at. Please don't flame me with rude comments. I'm simple here for advice on what to do, I don't know anywhere else to turn because obviously my friends are very wrong. I suppose this will just be one of those life lessons that I really wish I would've never had to experience!

    Thanks for any feedback.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    at last a teen with sense!!

    i'd doubt the two injects would have caused much discord, just keep an eye on things and if you get any aas related sides in the next few weeks post back on here and we'll go from there, if you have discontinued the itch nips will fade off.

    meanwhile, get in the diet section and learn about diet for natural gains

  3. #3
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    I commend you on making the right choice to discontinue this. You are too young.

    Two injections will not shut you down.. and it is very unlikely you have gyno from it either.. no PCT is reuired since you are not shut down.

    To answer your second question.. that was all placebo effect.. test E takes a couple weeks to even kick in really, and even then does not necessarily make you that much more hungry (for me anyways). Take Dec11's advice and go into the diet section.

  4. #4
    mrd0t is offline New Member
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    Thanks so much for the speedy response. I'm glad to hear I may not have did much damage, that's what I'm really hoping for. I stopped in at GnC today and talked to the guy about some good supplements that he'd suggest, his confidence and personal reviews on the product he suggested me to really gave me the boost that I needed to just try and work harder on my own. I will definitely check out the diet section, I'll need all the help I can get.

  5. #5
    mrd0t is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    I commend you on making the right choice to discontinue this. You are too young.

    Two injections will not shut you down.. and it is very unlikely you have gyno from it either.. no PCT is reuired since you are not shut down.

    To answer your second question.. that was all placebo effect.. test E takes a couple weeks to even kick in really, and even then does not necessarily make you that much more hungry (for me anyways). Take Dec11's advice and go into the diet section.
    Thank you as well for the reassurance! I'm glad to hear that it was mainly just in my head, that just goes to show that I can work myself towards an intense weight gain diet without the need for any drugs that is going to harm my body.

  6. #6
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrd0t View Post

    Thanks so much for the speedy response. I'm glad to hear I may not have did much damage, that's what I'm really hoping for. I stopped in at GnC today and talked to the guy about some good supplements that he'd suggest, his confidence and personal reviews on the product he suggested me to really gave me the boost that I needed to just try and work harder on my own. I will definitely check out the diet section, I'll need all the help I can get.
    stay away from prohormones.. they are worse for you then steroids

  7. #7
    mrd0t is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    stay away from prohormones.. they are worse for you then steroids
    Okay, but quick question, what are prohormones? "legal steroids ?" After a google search that is has come to my understanding.

    The supplement I'm interested in using is AMPLIFIED Mass XXX.

  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrd0t View Post

    Thanks so much for the speedy response. I'm glad to hear I may not have did much damage, that's what I'm really hoping for. I stopped in at GnC today and talked to the guy about some good supplements that he'd suggest, his confidence and personal reviews on the product he suggested me to really gave me the boost that I needed to just try and work harder on my own. I will definitely check out the diet section, I'll need all the help I can get.
    good lad.

    go for hmb, zma, aminos, whey protein and of course, good old plain monohydrate creatine. they are about the only real supps tht do much, if you can get reflex products where your from go for them or consider ordering online. they are a uk company and their stuff is top notch.

    *if recommending supp companies like this is against the rules, mods remove please*

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrd0t View Post
    Okay, but quick question, what are prohormones? "legal steroids ?" After a google search that is has come to my understanding.

    The supplement I'm interested in using is AMPLIFIED Mass XXX.
    stay away from these, some are stronger than oral steroids and do the same damage, the only reason they are on the shelves is tht the fda hasnt tested them yet, companies get their steroid clone stuff banned and then just change ingredients/names to get it back on the shelf for another fast buck till it gets tested again. all this stuff is UNTESTED!!

  10. #10
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    good lad.

    go for hmb, zma, aminos, whey protein and of course, good old plain monohydrate creatine. they are about the only real supps tht do much, if you can get reflex products where your from go for them or consider ordering online. they are a uk company and their stuff is top notch.

    *if recommending supp companies like this is against the rules, mods remove please*
    ^^^Agreed.. Prohormones are things like Androstein and stuff like that.. any "legal steroids ".. all they do is turn into steroid like chemicals in your liver at a way less effective rate and damage your liver and shut you down just the same.. so stay away from them.

  11. #11
    mrd0t is offline New Member
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    Okay, thanks again for the continued advice. I actually was looking into things such as what you're talking about, that legality of them didn't make any sense to me so I'm glad you mentioned it.

    As for the AMPLIFIED Mass XXX, there is nothing bad about this correct? He suggested this simply because of the 1000 calories per serving size which would help boost that high calorie intake that I really need. As we speak I'm checking out the diet section. I'm glad I came to this forum though, I really was worried about being bashed and insulted about my decision. You guys didn't do this even though I probably deserved it, I thank you for this!

    Have a great day!

  12. #12
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    AMPLIFIED Mass XXX is fine.. it is just a weight gainer.. a 1000 cals in one hit a lot though.. ideally you would be taking in 6-7 meals at 400-600 calories at a time..

  13. #13
    mrd0t is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    AMPLIFIED Mass XXX is fine.. it is just a weight gainer.. a 1000 cals in one hit a lot though.. ideally you would be taking in 6-7 meals at 400-600 calories at a time..
    I see, well I was considering to cut the serving in half and go that route. That's what I seen in a lot of reviews. Pretty glad though I looked more into the steroid side effects before continuing onto a full cycle. I'll be sure to warn all of my buddies of these nasty problems that 'roids may cause for people at our age.

  14. #14
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    I agree with this

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrd0t View Post
    Okay, thanks again for the continued advice. I actually was looking into things such as what you're talking about, that legality of them didn't make any sense to me so I'm glad you mentioned it.

    As for the AMPLIFIED Mass XXX, there is nothing bad about this correct? He suggested this simply because of the 1000 calories per serving size which would help boost that high calorie intake that I really need. As we speak I'm checking out the diet section. I'm glad I came to this forum though, I really was worried about being bashed and insulted about my decision. You guys didn't do this even though I probably deserved it, I thank you for this!

    Have a great day!
    i wouldnt listen much to the guy in the store, alot of these weight gainers are full of sugary crap and binders tht will gain weight where you want it least, spend the money on proper food instead, much better idea

    example of good weightgainer: 40grms whey protein, full cup of fine cut oats, into the shaker and down it.
    best and cheapest weight gainer shake you'll get

  16. #16
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    example of good weightgainer: 40grms whey protein, full cup of fine cut oats, into the shaker and down it. best and cheapest weight gainer shake you'll get
    If you can stomach it.. it has the texture of vomit which always throughs me off when i try this.. the taste is good though.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i wouldnt listen much to the guy in the store, alot of these weight gainers are full of sugary crap and binders tht will gain weight where you want it least, spend the money on proper food instead, much better idea

    example of good weightgainer: 40grms whey protein, full cup of fine cut oats, into the shaker and down it.
    best and cheapest weight gainer shake you'll get
    Definately agree with this. What you have to remember is somebody in a store is trying to sell you the products that they have in the store, so obviously they are going to make false claims in order to make a sale

    When buying anything look for reviews from people who have actually used what you are intending to purchase

  18. #18
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    dude, get some serious mass by optimum nutrition, if that does help u gain weight nothing will!!! serious mass def helped me get to 250 lbs, just be ready for some crazy bloating after u take it!!!! and just like everyone said, educate urself on nutrition and you WILL get results. Best of luck!!!!

  19. #19
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    Protien powder, banana, .5 cup of raw oats and 1tbls natural peanut butter ( no salt or sugar) blend it up and drink it down at least 700 usable calories.

    Keep an eye on those nipples if they continue to be sore you may want to visit the banner ar-r at the top of the page and go to the serms and pick up some tomoxifin as precaution

    Smart choice to put the steroids down eat, train, sleep.
    Last edited by MBMETC; 01-27-2011 at 01:53 PM.

  20. #20
    carver56 is offline New Member
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    Hey OP, here's your answer.

    2 shots of Test E isn't gonna do shit to you.

    Just don't take any roids and you'll be fine.

  21. #21
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    Like the others said, no way you've done any kind of damage to your body after 2 shots of Test.

    And don't waste your time with anything you can get at GNC. If you want to put on safe size that won't affect your hormones, utilize the NOS/creatine combo.

    I managed to gain about 30-40 lbs with those 2 substances and a decent diet long before I started using AAS.



  22. #22
    8pointer is offline New Member
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    Many educational and respectful responses to this young man. This says alot about what type of men and women are on this forum! I would also like to add that if your participating in lots of cardio (4+ days/wk) activities like basketball, jogging,roller blading etc.... You may want to cut the cardio back to 3x weekly. Too much cardio can kill weight and muscle gain attempts. Not sure if this was mentioned previously or not but thought I would throw this in b/c I was doing too much cardio in my high school days and was unable to gain much mass. Good luck and don't worry about the minimal amount of test that you took. Will do little if anything to your system. Good luck and stay smart.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmalouf View Post
    dude, get some serious mass by optimum nutrition, if that does help u gain weight nothing will!!! serious mass def helped me get to 250 lbs, just be ready for some crazy bloating after u take it!!!! and just like everyone said, educate urself on nutrition and you WILL get results. Best of luck!!!!
    a rip-off waste of money and full of crap, the body can only utilise a certain amount and where do you think the excess will go? straight to fatsville

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    If you can stomach it.. it has the texture of vomit which always throughs me off when i try this.. the taste is good though.
    lol, i love it now, it was tough 2 take at the start though!

  25. #25
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Glad you had enough sense to stop! 18 is waaaaaaay too young. Can you post your workout routine? I bet your slow gains is a result of overtraining more than it is diet.

  26. #26
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    Finally I can read a teens experience who learned and not "I will do what I want so just help me out." After the day I've had this was refreshing to read. Thank you.

  27. #27
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    ^^ agreed.

    good decision OP

  28. #28
    mrd0t is offline New Member
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    Thanks, I'm happy with my decision as well.

    I'm just starting to get fit so I don't have the best work out scheduled in the world nor do I have a lot of structure which I will be needing some help with! I plan to get a gym membership next week, I was just waiting for my tax returns because my check is already spent. I'm currently running a mile twice a week on my treadmill, which is quite a bit considering I went from nothing at all. I work my chest, biceps and shoulders every other day start on Mondays. My arms and chest is all I'm working towards right now. I don't have a lot of options for much else in my own personal home. Like I said, I need so much more structure and intense dieting. I'm getting the diet part down pretty good so far, the work outs are good but I feel like I could push myself so much harder.

  29. #29
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    how are you working your chest? barbell, dumbbells if you have either of those you can do shoulders and back to limit yourself. do shoulder presses and bent over rows until you get to that gym.
    Last edited by MBMETC; 01-28-2011 at 07:28 AM.

  30. #30
    mrd0t is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    how are you working your chest? barbell, dumbbells if you have either of those you can do shoulders and back to limit yourself. do shoulder presses and bent over rows until you get to that gym.
    Okay, gotcha. The only way I'm working out my chest is just solid benching on my bench set. The most I can bench right now is 110lbs. I only weigh 130lbs right now so I don't consider myself off to a bad start, but then again I just say that to keep my confidence up! ha

  31. #31
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    eat complex carbs before working out it will help you push through you workout, don't give up and if i can help in any way feel free to pm me

    hey you just got me to 2000 posts..
    Last edited by MBMETC; 01-28-2011 at 11:49 AM.

  32. #32
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrd0t View Post
    Okay, gotcha. The only way I'm working out my chest is just solid benching on my bench set. The most I can bench right now is 110lbs. I only weigh 130lbs right now so I don't consider myself off to a bad start, but then again I just say that to keep my confidence up! ha
    Alot of hardgainers (myself included) cannot gain from high volume training the way genetically gifted people can. Hardgainers have much more limited recovery ability than people with good genetics. Being that you like to do alot of cardio, it will be that much harder to put on weight. Because you like to do cardio, I would recommend using an ultra abbreviated weight training routine which is basically doing only compound exercises like squats, bench presses, military presses and doing them no more than once per week. I'd recommend something like this to start off with:
    Monday: 1-2 sets squats, 2 sets lat pulldowns, 1 set barbell curls
    Thursday: 2 sets bench presses, 2 sets military presses, crunches
    The number of sets shown doesn't include warmup sets. You should do 2-3 warmup sets before hitting your workout sets. And for your workout sets I would recommend doing 8-10 reps per set. You can always add more sets and exercises later on if you'd like, but based on your current build, I think this would be the best routine for you.

  33. #33
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    Congrats on your attitude and common sense,

    As far as your excersize program do not forget to work the lower body. As long as you do not have any problems with your knees a good leg routine and leg presses and when you get in good shape ( I have no idea where you are at now) squats will do a lot to benefit your natural growth. This is one of the most common mistakes for young guys to make is to think that they want a big chest and arms and neglect the lower body. The lower body will tax the cardiovascular system and cause growth throughout the entire body at a much greater rate than just working the upper body.

    I do not have a lot of knowlege in this area so go to the workout section and do lots of reading and seek advice from experienced members but believe me on the basics the lower body is very important to overall growth on the slow gainer.

    Good luck and great decision on the AAS.


  34. #34
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    i think your alright 2 shots i dont think would shut you down. always research first.

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