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from my personal experience and research
it was only necessary to ramp up the first time to observe how my body reacted to the compound. subsequent times absolutely no need to ramp up. started from my upper limit.
120mcg dose being my upper limit, and what I believe to be a very stiff dose of clenbuteral. had very good results each and every time.
benadryl is not effective in prevention of Tachyphylaxis caused by clebuteral use. my results were just the same as not using anything with diminishing results beginning around day(9) @120mcg clenbuteral ed, supplementing with 50mgDiphenhydramine HCl ed. without supplementing anything to support the beta-2 adrenergic receptors results began to diminish around 11days of considerable dosing at which time I began to supplement ketotifen between 1-2mg ed through out 28days of consecutive clebuteral dosing. this time was the only time I ever ramped up so I believe the discrepancy between 9days and 11days to simply be a matter of the concentration of the clenbuteral of 120mcg for 9 consecutive days as opposed to ramping up 60,80,100,100,120mcg and maintaining 120mcg from day5 and through out respectively.
from my experience on the compound my prefered protocol is. 120mcg clenbuteral as 1 dose between 1-2pm after several meals, supplementing with 2mg ketotifen every night before bed. cardio first thing in the am to provide as much separation between dosing and cardio to prevent any conflict between the two. from day 1 and through out, 28days consecutively being my upper limit before taking a break of several weeks minimum to allow my receptors to recover naturally.
the sole purpose for taking time off of clenbuteral is to allow your beta adrenergic receptors to recover. if during this time you take ephedra or any compound that negatively impacts the beta adrenergic receptors it would be counterproductive towards the recovery and re-sensitization of these receptors that clebuteral selectively targets, making clenbuteral ineffective and the effort to get back on a waste of time.
if i were to take the route of using only clenbuteral without supplementing ketotifen (which I wouldnt do). then I would discontinue use of clenbutaral at 10days and allow 14days for my receptors to recover before resuming clebuteral dosing.
only other thing note worthy is 2 benadryl tabs knocked my dick in the dirt and made me stupefied as all hell whilst the ketotifen at 2mg was tolerable with no adverse effects... benadryl does 2 things in conjunction with clenbuteral.....jack and shit
hope this helps