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Thread: So much Clen-flicting Clen-formation

  1. #1
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    So much Clen-flicting Clen-formation

    Ok so I have read a couple Clen FAQ and handbook type threads most of them are pretty dated. I dont know if anything has changed in the beliefs around clen since but I just have some questions to ask of the folks on here that have used it recently and please share some of that experience with us? Help me decide what are the best methods of use

    1. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, seems to be very popular. But Im concerned about that time wasted to ramp up each time. Any insight there?

    2. Ive looked into the Keto/Benedryl route and thats what im leaning towards. benedryl speciffically as I can just go right to the store and buy it.

    3. 2 day on 2 day off method? Has anyone actually tried this since the guy that originally posted it years ago? And if that works.. Does a 5 day on 5 day off work?

    4. Please share some results with me? in terms of pounds/bodyfat % over what time periods are we talking?

    5. If anyone has tried more than one or several methods of use it Id love to hear what was most effective.

    6. Some threads say be careful of heart rate on cardio. Does anyone else have more speciffics on that? What range should I shoot for to still be in a fatburning state without risking my life?

    Thanks very much ahead of time Bros!

  2. #2
    I've always used ketotifen so I could go longer than 2 weeks. I believe keto is more effective than benadryl.

  3. #3
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    Jan 2011
    ive been doing it now for nearly 2 weeks and do cardio every day, sometimes twice a day.. max heart rate usually hit 185bpm in interval running.
    will be going off it for 2 weeks now on sunday but ive found it wearing of yesterday even though im up to 160mcg p/d

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Left Coast
    Bump.. I would like to hear more..

    and thanks guys.

    Does the 2 week period of off time affect your weight loss?

    Also Little p how much weight have you lost?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    if you put in the hard work with the clen u will lose weight without a fact.. ive lost about 8lbs-10 or so... i trained very hard mate

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    How long are your cardio sessions little P?

  7. #7
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    Anyone have anything to Add? I'd really like to hear about peoples actual experiences...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    definitely use keto with clen, I hate the 2 weeks on and 2 off, keto is the way to go.

  9. #9
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I take it 40 minutes before cardio and do cardio for 40 minutes and then a 5 minute cool down. I've never gone past 2 weeks using it.

  10. #10
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    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    from my personal experience and research

    it was only necessary to ramp up the first time to observe how my body reacted to the compound. subsequent times absolutely no need to ramp up. started from my upper limit.
    120mcg dose being my upper limit, and what I believe to be a very stiff dose of clenbuteral. had very good results each and every time.

    benadryl is not effective in prevention of Tachyphylaxis caused by clebuteral use. my results were just the same as not using anything with diminishing results beginning around day(9) @120mcg clenbuteral ed, supplementing with 50mgDiphenhydramine HCl ed. without supplementing anything to support the beta-2 adrenergic receptors results began to diminish around 11days of considerable dosing at which time I began to supplement ketotifen between 1-2mg ed through out 28days of consecutive clebuteral dosing. this time was the only time I ever ramped up so I believe the discrepancy between 9days and 11days to simply be a matter of the concentration of the clenbuteral of 120mcg for 9 consecutive days as opposed to ramping up 60,80,100,100,120mcg and maintaining 120mcg from day5 and through out respectively.

    from my experience on the compound my prefered protocol is. 120mcg clenbuteral as 1 dose between 1-2pm after several meals, supplementing with 2mg ketotifen every night before bed. cardio first thing in the am to provide as much separation between dosing and cardio to prevent any conflict between the two. from day 1 and through out, 28days consecutively being my upper limit before taking a break of several weeks minimum to allow my receptors to recover naturally.

    the sole purpose for taking time off of clenbuteral is to allow your beta adrenergic receptors to recover. if during this time you take ephedra or any compound that negatively impacts the beta adrenergic receptors it would be counterproductive towards the recovery and re-sensitization of these receptors that clebuteral selectively targets, making clenbuteral ineffective and the effort to get back on a waste of time.

    if i were to take the route of using only clenbuteral without supplementing ketotifen (which I wouldnt do). then I would discontinue use of clenbutaral at 10days and allow 14days for my receptors to recover before resuming clebuteral dosing.

    only other thing note worthy is 2 benadryl tabs knocked my dick in the dirt and made me stupefied as all hell whilst the ketotifen at 2mg was tolerable with no adverse effects... benadryl does 2 things in conjunction with clenbuteral.....jack and shit

    hope this helps

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Left Coast
    great info sixoner thanks... How about your results... how many pounds or body fat % did you lose? say per week? or month?

  12. #12
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    Jan 2011
    monday and thursday are double cardio days.. 90 mins in the am and 60 mins soccer in the pm varies from low intense to high intense
    tues wed and fri are cardio in am 60-90mins and weights in pm
    sat maybe stretch with plometrics

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Left Coast
    Damn yeah thats alot of cardio... I can prob do about 60 minutes a day with the possibility of a few double days here and there...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i needed it man.. from may last year ive lost over 70lbs so just finishing my second week of clen to get rid of last bit of fat.. wanted to start some test enth or EQ but gonna wait till i get more fat off... whats your story?

  15. #15
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sixoner View Post
    from my personal experience and research

    it was only necessary to ramp up the first time to observe how my body reacted to the compound. subsequent times absolutely no need to ramp up. started from my upper limit.
    120mcg dose being my upper limit, and what I believe to be a very stiff dose of clenbuteral. had very good results each and every time.

    benadryl is not effective in prevention of Tachyphylaxis caused by clebuteral use. my results were just the same as not using anything with diminishing results beginning around day(9) @120mcg clenbuteral ed, supplementing with 50mgDiphenhydramine HCl ed. without supplementing anything to support the beta-2 adrenergic receptors results began to diminish around 11days of considerable dosing at which time I began to supplement ketotifen between 1-2mg ed through out 28days of consecutive clebuteral dosing. this time was the only time I ever ramped up so I believe the discrepancy between 9days and 11days to simply be a matter of the concentration of the clenbuteral of 120mcg for 9 consecutive days as opposed to ramping up 60,80,100,100,120mcg and maintaining 120mcg from day5 and through out respectively.

    from my experience on the compound my prefered protocol is. 120mcg clenbuteral as 1 dose between 1-2pm after several meals, supplementing with 2mg ketotifen every night before bed. cardio first thing in the am to provide as much separation between dosing and cardio to prevent any conflict between the two. from day 1 and through out, 28days consecutively being my upper limit before taking a break of several weeks minimum to allow my receptors to recover naturally.

    the sole purpose for taking time off of clenbuteral is to allow your beta adrenergic receptors to recover. if during this time you take ephedra or any compound that negatively impacts the beta adrenergic receptors it would be counterproductive towards the recovery and re-sensitization of these receptors that clebuteral selectively targets, making clenbuteral ineffective and the effort to get back on a waste of time.

    if i were to take the route of using only clenbuteral without supplementing ketotifen (which I wouldnt do). then I would discontinue use of clenbutaral at 10days and allow 14days for my receptors to recover before resuming clebuteral dosing.

    only other thing note worthy is 2 benadryl tabs knocked my dick in the dirt and made me stupefied as all hell whilst the ketotifen at 2mg was tolerable with no adverse effects... benadryl does 2 things in conjunction with clenbuteral.....jack and shit

    hope this helps

  16. #16
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    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjerdog View Post
    great info sixoner thanks... How about your results... how many pounds or body fat % did you lose? say per week? or month?

    11 months time dropped right at 40lbs total. starting weight was 198lb approx. 19%bf currently at 158lb approx. 11%bf. started out kind of a bit unorganized, but when I really started to put out, it was on. diet was clean, at or slightly below maintenance. used clenbuteral 4 times. 28days, 21days, 21days, 28days. cardio for 1hr 6days every morning before breakfast. lifting for 4-5 days in the evenings. by dec. I was maintaining 160lb took a 2week break after the long haul. only doing cardio 1hr for 2days each week in that time, and the last 2lb came off. I suspect from not having pwo protein shake or my casein shake before bed thats the only shakes I consume when lifting rest is whole food.

    supps used:
    taurine 1000mg ed pre work out. on days off lifting, pre cardio
    universal's animal paks (x2) ed pre cardio and pre workout
    optimum nutrition's gold standard 100% whey protein 48gr post workout only
    optimum nutrition's gold standard 100% casein protein 48gr ed before bed
    cyanocobalamine (B12) 1000mcg intramuscular injection ed then switched to every 3days before cardio.

    currently maintaining 158lb preparing for my first cycle of aas.

  17. #17
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    I guess im not aware of how the B12 helps can you explain a bit?

  18. #18
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sixoner View Post
    11 months time dropped right at 40lbs total. starting weight was 198lb approx. 19%bf currently at 158lb approx. 11%bf. started out kind of a bit unorganized, but when I really started to put out, it was on. diet was clean, at or slightly below maintenance. used clenbuteral 4 times. 28days, 21days, 21days, 28days. cardio for 1hr 6days every morning before breakfast. lifting for 4-5 days in the evenings. by dec. I was maintaining 160lb took a 2week break after the long haul. only doing cardio 1hr for 2days each week in that time, and the last 2lb came off. I suspect from not having pwo protein shake or my casein shake before bed thats the only shakes I consume when lifting rest is whole food.

    supps used:
    taurine 1000mg ed pre work out. on days off lifting, pre cardio
    universal's animal paks (x2) ed pre cardio and pre workout
    optimum nutrition's gold standard 100% whey protein 48gr post workout only
    optimum nutrition's gold standard 100% casein protein 48gr ed before bed
    cyanocobalamine (B12) 1000mcg intramuscular injection ed then switched to every 3days before cardio.

    currently maintaining 158lb preparing for my first cycle of aas.
    cyanocobalamine (B12) is that B12 shots your talking about? i was thinking of trying these! you find them any good for cardio and weight lose?

  19. #19
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by sixoner View Post
    11 months time dropped right at 40lbs total. starting weight was 198lb approx. 19%bf currently at 158lb approx. 11%bf. started out kind of a bit unorganized, but when I really started to put out, it was on. diet was clean, at or slightly below maintenance. used clenbuteral 4 times. 28days, 21days, 21days, 28days. cardio for 1hr 6days every morning before breakfast. lifting for 4-5 days in the evenings. by dec. I was maintaining 160lb took a 2week break after the long haul. only doing cardio 1hr for 2days each week in that time, and the last 2lb came off. I suspect from not having pwo protein shake or my casein shake before bed thats the only shakes I consume when lifting rest is whole food.

    supps used:
    taurine 1000mg ed pre work out. on days off lifting, pre cardio
    universal's animal paks (x2) ed pre cardio and pre workout
    optimum nutrition's gold standard 100% whey protein 48gr post workout only
    optimum nutrition's gold standard 100% casein protein 48gr ed before bed
    cyanocobalamine (B12) 1000mcg intramuscular injection ed then switched to every 3days before cardio.

    currently maintaining 158lb preparing for my first cycle of aas.
    Do you feel like you sacrificed a lot of muscle during this time? Did you get a lot weaker?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    try both together ,test e /eq great combo.
    Quote Originally Posted by little p View Post
    i needed it man.. from may last year ive lost over 70lbs so just finishing my second week of clen to get rid of last bit of fat.. wanted to start some test enth or EQ but gonna wait till i get more fat off... whats your story?

  21. #21
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    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    Do you feel like you sacrificed a lot of muscle during this time? Did you get a lot weaker?
    strength increased progressively during this time. I may have been at more of a deficit at times resulting in minimal gains, as well as being slightly over maintenance at times. but over all I don't think I lost much muscle mass. believe I may have gained slightly. the initial estimates of 19% could have been higher there was a bit of discrepancy with the skin folds I was quite a bit over weight making it difficult. I was accused several times of using anabolics by my girl she said my chest and delts were getting too big too fast that it wasn't natural. but she has no idea about these things. I have been eating and training hard results were imminent. plus she often saw me pinning B12...the stuff is red for fuks sake..LOL

    I guess im not aware of how the B12 helps can you explain a bit?
    cyanocobalamine (B12) is that B12 shots your talking about? i was thinking of trying these! you find them any good for cardio and weight lose?
    that's correct B12 injections. I didn't mean to suggest that I took the B12 to assist with cardio or exercise. I always do my cardio first thing in the morning fasted so basically I inject before hand at the beginning of the day. I took the B12 to assist my appetite along the way I had lost my appetite completely when you're eating 6-7 meals a day completely clean it tends to be more food than you realize I guess. or perhaps even the clenbuteral contributed to appetite suppression. wasn't actually able pin down the suppression in appetite to anything in particular just dealt with it. the B12 helped me with appetite tremendously, and I did notice on days that I injected my endurance during cardio increased significantly. so i certainly had very good results in supplementing the B12 injections.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    thanks for the feedback bro

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