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  1. #1
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    Newbie Q'a and story

    To get the whole picture i will give a short background:
    I am 31 and have been in one impact sport or another since i was 11. I competed in submission grappling, annd played (american)football in europe (real low level pro stuff, life sandlot here in the US), and as much as i hate to admit it I am breakinng down now. I tore the labrum in my right hip, had surgery to repair it and propmtly after rehab tore it again. So that hip is grinding pretty good. I ripped my rotator cuff a while back annd it's never beenn really "right" since. Because i wouldn't workout nad my eating habit where that of an active person i ballooned up to 300lbs. So that's the sob part of my story.
    I dieted my self down to 250lbs annd i cann manage short if heavy workouts before the aching and pain get too distracting. So i am looking for a way to get more out of what i can do, or hell just improve what i can do.
    year ago a very light cycle of T enan (50mg every other day) and though it was slow acting i like the resulting cut and strength. I didn't use any PCT and didn't have any issues.
    I'd like to start another light cycle, but havinng read more i am not sure i want to try again without a pct, and i am cost limited.
    My thought is to start a similar cycle of 300-400mg T.enan possibly stacked with winstrol and 20mg nolvadex daily to balance thinngs out. I've read some most of the stickies here and nothing seemed to contradict my plan, but i would appreciate thoughts from more experience people. Oncei k now what i am doinng hten i cann look innto obtainning my stuff

    Thank you
    Last edited by Rick1796; 01-27-2011 at 12:42 PM.

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    What's up rick,
    Just a little more info would help
    yrs lifting
    Planned pct
    Goals for this cycle

  3. #3
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    Age: 31
    Weight: 5'11"
    Height: 252lbs
    Bf% ??
    yrs lifting 15+
    Planned pct I have no really plannned percent
    Goals for this cycle just tone and lean muscle building.

  4. #4
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
    FuzzyPeaches o.O is offline Senior Member
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    pct stands for Post Cycle Therapy , fyi.

  5. #5
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i knew that. . i'm dumb. that's a lot of what i was askinng about. what is recomended with a low-ish does of enan. will the nolvadex before durinng and after be enough? I am just not sure where the threshold whould be for a full pct verus simple precautions.

  6. #6
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    your cycle seems fine.. you can get liquid clomid from the banner above ar-r use 100mg/100/50/50 (4 weeks) start two weeks after last test e injection.. run the nolvadex at 20mg all the way through pour PCT.

  7. #7
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick1796 View Post
    yeah i knew that. . i'm dumb. that's a lot of what i was askinng about. what is recomended with a low-ish does of enan. will the nolvadex before durinng and after be enough? I am just not sure where the threshold whould be for a full pct verus simple precautions.
    Couple of suggestions,
    1 determine you body fat(bf)
    2 read the test beginner cycle sticky
    3 read the pct stickies
    4 read the educational threads
    After you obtain the knowledge you need come back and lay out a cycle plan and pct plan for critique
    May I also suggest some time spent in the diet section, keep in mind the lower your bf the less chance of estrogen related side effects.

  8. #8
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    Couple of suggestions,
    1 determine you body fat(bf)
    2 read the test beginner cycle sticky
    3 read the pct stickies
    4 read the educational threads
    After you obtain the knowledge you need come back and lay out a cycle plan and pct plan for critique
    May I also suggest some time spent in the diet section, keep in mind the lower your bf the less chance of estrogen related side effects.
    Honestly i have read most of those, but apparently not as thoroughly as is required. The info about bf affecting the possibility of side effects is new to me annd very good to know. So with that advice in hannd i will contnue to cut down to my more natural comp weight before tryinng anything. My questions arose after reading the stickies annd seeing the sample cycles and thinking that it was all more than what i want. I am thinking more in the lines of theraputic doses to encourage a little extra fat loss and muscle gain rather than demand (if that makes anny sense) I'll do some more research on here and formulate a more exact plan. Thanks.

  9. #9
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    have you had blood work done lately and do you know if you suffer from low testosterone ..

  10. #10
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    have you had blood work done lately and do you know if you suffer from low testosterone..
    slightly, but apparently not ennough to merrit treatment. Doc said probably due the the fairly recent dramatic weight gain and less training.

  11. #11
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    Also i have seen OTC Aromatase Inhibitors (namely 6-oxo which i believe is tribulis) sold in conjunction with something like ZMA sold as a way to increase nnatural test. without so many of the negative effects. Any thoughts on that, or the possibility of using a more powerful Aromatase inhibitor and a stand alone or in conjuction with another supp?

  12. #12
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    Im not incredibly experienced but Id have to venture a guess that the over the counter AIs are about as effective as the over the counter test boosters. a gimic really... thats why its over the counter. I would also bet that the over the counter stuff is about the same price as you would pay for the ARR Clomid or Nolva

  13. #13
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    Oh also... As far as the injuries bro... Continue rehab and get it healed up before you start doing to much. I had a similar injury in Oct. and I am still not right. You dont want to make matters worse by starting too early... Just focus on cardio and getting back in shape. Consider it part of the process

  14. #14
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjerdog View Post
    Im not incredibly experienced but Id have to venture a guess that the over the counter AIs are about as effective as the over the counter test boosters. a gimic really... thats why its over the counter. I would also bet that the over the counter stuff is about the same price as you would pay for the ARR Clomid or Nolva
    Agreed about the OTC stuff i was just using it as an example. I was thinking specifically about the liquid Letro from Ar-r .

    My hip will never get better sadly, when the cartiladge is gone, it's gone.

  15. #15
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    Everything from ARR is good to go... Great experiences all around from that company. They give good deals from time to time also. Customer service is great and products ship quickly. You shouldnt have any problems with them or any of there products. Good luck!

  16. #16
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    ok after doing some more research here is what seems pratical to me. please let me know what you think. I wil be as detailed as possible listinng injecting volume and mg per injection. The goal here is to build muscle (duh) while cuttingn as much fat as possible.
    base elements. the stuff i am listing is the stuff/concentrationn i think i can get
    T. Enannthate 150mg/1.5ml
    Stanazolol 100mg/1.5ml
    Liquid letro 2.5mg/1ml
    liquid Clomi 35mg/1ml

    12 week cycle
    weeks 1-12, letro .5 mg/.2ml ED
    weeks 3-12 T. enan 450mg/4.5ml weekly probably 3x1.5ml injections
    weeks 3-12 Stanazolol 25mg/.375ml ED

    pct 2 weeks after last T.enan inj
    week 1-2 105mg/3ml 3x1ml injections
    week 3-4 65mg/2ml 2x1ml injecions

    I am completely open to advise so lay it on me.

  17. #17
    HALTEH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick1796 View Post
    ok after doing some more research here is what seems pratical to me. please let me know what you think. I wil be as detailed as possible listinng injecting volume and mg per injection. The goal here is to build muscle (duh) while cuttingn as much fat as possible.
    base elements. the stuff i am listing is the stuff/concentrationn i think i can get
    T. Enannthate 150mg/1.5ml
    Stanazolol 100mg/1.5ml
    Liquid letro 2.5mg/1ml
    liquid Clomi 35mg/1ml

    12 week cycle
    weeks 1-12, letro .5 mg/.2ml ED
    weeks 3-12 T. enan 450mg/4.5ml weekly probably 3x1.5ml injections
    weeks 3-12 Stanazolol 25mg/.375ml ED

    pct 2 weeks after last T.enan inj
    week 1-2 105mg/3ml 3x1ml injections
    week 3-4 65mg/2ml 2x1ml injecions

    I am completely open to advise so lay it on me.
    Unless I'm missing something, that looks ridiculous to me..

    - Why run an Aromatise Inhibitor before your cycle? (letro especially)
    - Why only 9 weeks on the Test-E?
    - If your winstrol is an oral, why are you running it for so long?
    Last edited by HALTEH; 02-02-2011 at 12:11 PM.

  18. #18
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick1796 View Post
    ok after doing some more research here is what seems pratical to me. please let me know what you think. I wil be as detailed as possible listinng injecting volume and mg per injection. The goal here is to build muscle (duh) while cuttingn as much fat as possible.
    base elements. the stuff i am listing is the stuff/concentrationn i think i can get
    T. Enannthate 150mg/1.5ml
    Stanazolol 100mg/1.5ml
    Liquid letro 2.5mg/1ml
    liquid Clomi 35mg/1ml

    12 week cycle
    weeks 1-12, letro .5 mg/.2ml ED
    weeks 3-12 T. enan 450mg/4.5ml weekly probably 3x1.5ml injections
    weeks 3-12 Stanazolol 25mg/.375ml ED

    pct 2 weeks after last T.enan inj
    week 1-2 105mg/3ml 3x1ml injections
    week 3-4 65mg/2ml 2x1ml injecions

    I am completely open to advise so lay it on me.
    All of this is kind of scaring me. How about this:
    1- 10-12 weeks of 5oomgs/ week of test e (never seen 100mg/ml test e btw) injected mon and thurs
    2- skip the letro - way too powerful an ai - caould cause more probs than it eliviates . try low dose armidex instead ...say .5 eod start when you start cycle.
    3- pct starts 2 weeks after last injection . Lasts 4 weeks:
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/20/20/20
    The above is daily dosage in mgs. So week 1 100mgs clomid and 40 mgs nolva /day
    4- the chems from arr are for oral consumtion not injection
    5-skip the winny altogether in this case

    Best of luck to you

  19. #19
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HALTEH View Post
    Unless I'm missing something, that looks ridiculous to me..

    - Why run an Aromatise Inhibitor before your cycle? (letro especially)
    - Why only 9 weeks on the Test-E?
    - If your winstrol is an oral, why are you running it for so long?

    -well about the letro, just so you know i am not makingn things up, it's from a newbie sticky post.

    - weks 3-12 would be 10 total weeks on the Test-e

    - i agree with everyone here and i am just dropping the winstrol all together

  20. #20
    Rick1796 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    All of this is kind of scaring me. How about this:
    1- 10-12 weeks of 5oomgs/ week of test e (never seen 100mg/ml test e btw) injected mon and thurs
    2- skip the letro - way too powerful an ai - caould cause more probs than it eliviates . try low dose armidex instead ...say .5 eod start when you start cycle.
    3- pct starts 2 weeks after last injection . Lasts 4 weeks:
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/20/20/20
    The above is daily dosage in mgs. So week 1 100mgs clomid and 40 mgs nolva /day
    4- the chems from arr are for oral consumtion not injection
    5-skip the winny altogether in this case

    Best of luck to you
    1- i am just wary of going that high on the Test-e maybe i shouldn't be, but I've always felt less is more. Thanks for the info on nthe dosage of test-e i can't really get any source stuff confirmed right now so i'll do some digging on my own.
    2- I had chosen the letro based onn the gyno thread, and since my bodyfat is higher than it should be i hope it would help suck some of the fat off my chest. I appreciate the advice on the armidex, and i will look into it.
    3-All good info on the pct, and i appreciate it. I think i will follow that protocol i just need to source it.
    4-HA now that would have been embarrasing

    I want to really express my appreciate for you and the others that have offered advice. It sure makes a huge difference in these (hopefully fun) ventures
    Last edited by Rick1796; 02-02-2011 at 01:06 PM.

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