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  1. #1
    arizona32's Avatar
    arizona32 is offline Junior Member
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    What do you think of this cycle?

    6'3" -205 lbs.-13% bf-35 yrs old
    Extensive sports and weight training experience.
    Diet is clean, averaging 3000 calories and 260 g protein.
    Appreciate your input
    Goals-Relief for tendonitis in both knees. Increase leg strength to alleviate knee problems. Increase vertical jump for basketball/volleyball. Lose 10 lbs. fat, gain 10 lbs. muscle. Increase overall strength.
    12 week cycle.
    M-125mg test cyp, 50 mg test prop, 100 mg deca , 50 mg anavar cap
    Tues-25 units HCG , 1 mg. arimidex cap, 50 mg winstrol troche
    W-50 mg test prop, 50 mg anavar cap
    Thur-50 mg winstrol troche
    F-125mg test cyp, 50 mg test prop, 100 mg deca, 50 mg anavar cap
    Sat-25 units HCG, 1 mg. arimidex cap, 50 mg winstrol troche
    Sun-50 mg anavar cap
    Week total- 400 mg test, 200 mg deca, 200 mg anavar, 150 mg winstrol
    Appreciate the input

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    The cycle is confusing I think I read you got prop only 3x pw the way you have it outlined it's only m.w.f. Also var should be Ed as well as the winni
    Cycle is no good IMO
    What is your cycle history, and fat lose will be more diet than aas.

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    so your tring to rehab tendonitis?

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    Quote Originally Posted by arizona32 View Post
    6'3" -205 lbs.-13% bf-35 yrs old
    Extensive sports and weight training experience.
    Diet is clean, averaging 3000 calories and 260 g protein.
    Appreciate your input
    Goals-Relief for tendonitis in both knees. Increase leg strength to alleviate knee problems. Increase vertical jump for basketball/volleyball. Lose 10 lbs. fat, gain 10 lbs. muscle. Increase overall strength.
    12 week cycle.
    M-125mg test cyp, 50 mg test prop, 100 mg deca , 50 mg anavar cap
    Tues-25 units HCG , 1 mg. arimidex cap, 50 mg winstrol troche
    W-50 mg test prop, 50 mg anavar cap
    Thur-50 mg winstrol troche
    F-125mg test cyp, 50 mg test prop, 100 mg deca, 50 mg anavar cap
    Sat-25 units HCG, 1 mg. arimidex cap, 50 mg winstrol troche
    Sun-50 mg anavar cap
    Week total- 400 mg test, 200 mg deca, 200 mg anavar, 150 mg winstrol
    Appreciate the input
    my head hurts trying to make sense of this

  5. #5
    ButterflyBuffalo is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    why are you running two tests? no need stick with one! less pins per week will always help. Id replace DECA with tren also, less water retention and in my experience better when it comes to cutting and maintaining strength.

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