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  1. #1
    crazy_rocks's Avatar
    crazy_rocks is offline Senior Member
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    concerned for 2 friends who wanna cycle winstrol

    I've been on this board for a nice amount of time now. I have learned a good amount about steroids because of this board. Doing internet searches alone did not get me the info I needed back in the day. I have persuade a couple of guys in their early 20's not to cycle because of potential endocrine problems.

    There are two people I am trying to point into the right direction. I have been doing some searches and have not really found the answers that I'm looking for. I need some answers from those of you who have been around longer than me.

    My question is about two people in my platoon who are interested in cycling with winstrol .

    Person 1:
    Soldier in my squad. He is overweight. He has seen the doc about his weight. He is 34. He was interested in cycling but I explained to him why he should not use steroids because his weight leaves him prone to estro sides. He understands. He discovered winstrol. I told him he would have to stack it with test but he thinks that he can shed fat fast enough to avoid estro sides.

    I know he shouldn't cycle right now but I'm running out of things to say. Any ideas what I should say to this guy?

    Person 2:
    Experienced in the gym. He was actually a personal trainer during his break in service from the Army. Early 30's. Built pretty good. He wants to use winstrol to lean out and loose a little weight. He's not fat though. I told him he would have to stack it with test and he already knows. The thing is he does not want to take test because he does not want to add anymore muscle. He thinks that if he drinks A LOT of water he can avoid the joint dryness that comes along with winstrol.

    What would be the right amount of test prop for him to take without adding muscle mass but that would stop him from suppressing himself and protecting his joints?

    I did some reading but I'm really not getting the info I would usually get with other things. I really wanna give these guys the right advice because nobody else in our unit knows jack about this kind of stuff.
    Last edited by crazy_rocks; 01-27-2011 at 08:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    For the second guy: 100-200mg of Test E/C per week would be fine.
    His joints will still probably get dry later in the cycle, but that's just what Winstrol does.
    As long as he has a good PCT lined up, I don't see any issue.

    The fat guy shouldn't cycle at all.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 01-27-2011 at 10:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    For the second guy: 100-200mg of Test E/C per week would be fine.
    His joints will still probably get dry later in the cycle, but that's just what Winstrol does.
    As long as he has a good PCT lined up, I don'ty see any issue.

    The fat guy shouldn't cycle at all.
    Completly agree.

  4. #4
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Gaining muscle as you know requires more cals, if he maintains enough protein to sustain the muscle he has and not any more and adjusts diet to lose fat, he is not going to put on much muscle if any. It's like when alot of guys come on here and say they are not gaining, it's because they are not eating properly. Agree that first guy should def not be cycling, how can he be a soldier and over weight fat arse? Don't you guys train and eat properly???

  5. #5
    crazy_rocks's Avatar
    crazy_rocks is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Gaining muscle as you know requires more cals, if he maintains enough protein to sustain the muscle he has and not any more and adjusts diet to lose fat, he is not going to put on much muscle if any. It's like when alot of guys come on here and say they are not gaining, it's because they are not eating properly. Agree that first guy should def not be cycling, how can he be a soldier and over weight fat arse? Don't you guys train and eat properly???
    the cal thing makes sense. he will understand how to incorporate the diet thing considering his fitness background however he gains muscle very easy so he was worried.

    yes we train good however he came in heavy. the dinning facilities are so so. i dont believe he shouldv been allowed to come in but thats how things have been. a standard i dont agree with. he has lost weight but it slow. he has lived a certain way for a long time so its gonna be tough. i want to find out about other things that can assist him but obviously not aas.

  6. #6
    crazy_rocks's Avatar
    crazy_rocks is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    For the second guy: 100-200mg of Test E/C per week would be fine.
    His joints will still probably get dry later in the cycle, but that's just what Winstrol does.
    As long as he has a good PCT lined up, I don'ty see any issue.

    The fat guy shouldn't cycle at all.
    i see that most winstrol cycles include test prop. why would Test e or c be better? those two esters would take longer to kick so i thought the winstrol would have a head start in joint problems and suppression.

  7. #7
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy_rocks View Post
    i see that most winstrol cycles include test prop. why would Test e or c be better? those two esters would take longer to kick so i thought the winstrol would have a head start in joint problems and suppression.
    The low test dose is only in there to keep you functioning properly. It will be built up in your system just fine by the time the Winstrol might start causing any low test side effects. Sure, he could run prop if he wants to keep the cycle as short as possible, but who wants to pin EOD when you aren't even seeing results from the test?

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