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  1. #1
    palevein is offline Junior Member
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    Odd experiences with injections as of late...

    I'm currently experiencing muscular twitching everytime I'm injecting. Almost feels like the muscle is subconsciously tensing the moment before I inject causing some serious pain. Oddly, it doesn't swell nor build up in heat or scarring tissue.

    I've never experienced this before, I'm having to do more frequent shots as of late due to being 7 weeks out of competition and running shorter estered compounds (test cyp[soon to be prop], mast prop, tren ace).

    1.5 ml's/shot, 23 G 1inch for glutes, 23 G 3/4 for delts. Tried a quad shot, but the area swelled beyond belief and it's farr too close to show date to start playing around with injection areas.

    Any advice? Happened to anyone else? Also, is there anything I can take to relax the tissue that won't be detrimental to training a few hours later?

  2. #2
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    i had this issue injecting delts/traps/quads when running test p/tren a. i found i needed to just readjust the body part as it wasnt completely relaxed and i needed to wait longer before reinjecting that body part.

    i can inject left quad but my right quad swelled up nasty and hurt like a bitch. not doing quad shots anymore. have the wife do trap shots now.

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    try pinning in the morning.
    Quote Originally Posted by palevein View Post
    I'm currently experiencing muscular twitching everytime I'm injecting. Almost feels like the muscle is subconsciously tensing the moment before I inject causing some serious pain. Oddly, it doesn't swell nor build up in heat or scarring tissue.

    I've never experienced this before, I'm having to do more frequent shots as of late due to being 7 weeks out of competition and running shorter estered compounds (test cyp[soon to be prop], mast prop, tren ace).

    1.5 ml's/shot, 23 G 1inch for glutes, 23 G 3/4 for delts. Tried a quad shot, but the area swelled beyond belief and it's farr too close to show date to start playing around with injection areas.

    Any advice? Happened to anyone else? Also, is there anything I can take to relax the tissue that won't be detrimental to training a few hours later?

  4. #4
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    I have had this, from running contest cycle, allot of pins, aye. I believe, in my situation, it is related to a hitting a nerve at least once. It is very shocking to the nervous system, and can have lasting effects. I know what you mean, especially when you start to get hard, and muscle twitches with a needle in it. I meditated about it allot, trying to connect a needle being in me to peaceful and relaxing things. Most of just trying to dissociate that needle from the 'panic'. Have you tried shooting lats?

  5. #5
    savking's Avatar
    savking is offline Junior Member
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    I used to get a hair dryer and heat up the injection site before pinning. Mainly because I live in a freezing cold house and our heating wasnt working at the time. But even now with heating I still do it. It either actually does help the muscle relax or it mentally relaxes me.

  6. #6
    palevein is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the replies guys,

    I haven't been keen to the idea of trying new injection sites this late in, couldn't imagine having a body part out of commission for a week like my right quad was 14 weeks out. I do my shots first thing in the am, but thought if I cut the volume down (from 2-2.5ml eod to 1.5ml 5xweek) and up the frequency it would cause less scarring/discomfort.

    This never EVER happened to me before this past week and a bit, but every single shot in my four pinning zones has twitched at the touch of the needle. Injection goes smooth, but it's definitely not a comforting thought having that happen everytime.

    I guess I only have six more weeks at this volume. I'll try heating the area prior, and heating the barrel to see if it makes a difference.

    Thanks again guys.

  7. #7
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    i am going through the same thing, shooting npp eod, esp in my delts, i just try to relax and breath deep before i jab

  8. #8
    flexandex is offline Associate Member
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    i got something like this, the way i'd describe it is exactly the same, 'twitching' and it comes on while im injecting the compound.. granted i've only done 6 injections.. its deffinitely noticable during glute shots. could it be something to do with nerves?

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