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Thread: Do I need more winny???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Question Do I need more winny???

    Hello every1,

    I just started my very first cycle. BTW Im very excited to say the least. Two weeks into it already.

    It looks like this:
    1 wk – Deca 200mg
    2 wk – Deca 300mg
    3-12 wk – Deca 400mg
    11-14 wk – Winstrol 50 mg EOD

    Clomid therapy 3 days after last shot of winstrol.

    Im 24 years old/6’1/200lbs/been working out over 5 years with some breaks tho and this is my VERY FIRST CYCLE. Looking for some conservative/quality gains (20lbs).

    I know im not going to get HUGE on this cycle and im OK with it. Getting huge is not my goal. I decided to stay away from Test on purpose, at least for now. I want to save Test for my second or third cycle.

    My problem is that I only have 15 shots of Winstrol (50mgs). And here is my question to the board:

    Would it worth the trouble/money for me to get another 15 shots of winny? So that I can do 100 mg every other day instead of 50 mg. In other words, how significant is the difference in the results you get from using 100 compared to 50mgs?

    Your feedback is greatly appreciated.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    bro dont start this cycle i think that test should be the base of all cycles....anyway shoot the winny everyday you will see better results in my opinion...and yes its worth the money to get some more i would run the winny for 6 weeks nto 4 like you said......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, first off why are u staggering ur deca injections? Theres no point in increasing the mgs during ur cycle. You want to get to an even consistant level as soon as possible and keep it there. The way u have it u'll be bouncing all over the place. And thats where u run the risks of sides. 2nd, why arent u running any test with this cycle? IMO test should be the base of any cycle. Specially deca cycles. 3rd, 3 weeks of winny imo is kind of a waste. Winny should be run 5 weeks and keep it at 50mgs ed. So id either get more winny and drink it, or leave it out till u can get more. Id run something like this....


    weeks 1 - 10 400mgs deca
    weeks 1 - 12 500mgs test
    weeks 8 - 13 50mgs winny ed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    OG waaassssss uupppppppppp dawg...........yes OG is on the money, shit bro we think alike its scary!!!lol...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Waaaaz up J Man!! Hey great minds think alike my brotha...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    At first I was going to do just Deca. I know you guys (and prob most people on this board) think that its TEST should be the base for all cycles, but like I said its my first cycle and I didn’t want to mess with Test just yet. First, I want to see how my body reacts to "mild" AS’s.

    Winny came into picture when I heard about the theory of Winstrol preventing Deca’s gyno. But even before that I wanted to do winstrol. So I got it, but as it turns out not enough. Damn it. Its never enough – lol.

    I really don’t want to waste any of the stuff I have because it doesn’t come easy. That’s why I need to know if I should get more or not use any at all and save it for the next time. I’d get 15 more shots which will bring me to the total of 30 shots of winstrol - 50mgs, but only if you guys think that its really worth it.

    Please let me know.

    BTW Thank you all for your advices. They are helpful.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, See if u can get a total of 35 and run it 5 weeks ed. But i still would rather see u run ur cycle like this...Good luck!


    weeks 1 - 10 400mgs deca
    weeks 1 - 12 500mgs test
    weeks 8 - 13 50mgs winny ed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Here are the supplements that im taking right now. If anyone thinks that I should add/discontinue something on the list below please let me know. As always any help is greatly appreciated.

    Myoplex – 2 times a day
    Amino Acids (anabolic Amino 10,000 by healthy’n fit) – 3 times a day
    Glutamine – 1 time before bed (4.5 – 5 g)
    FlexAnew (glucosamine and chondroitin) – 2 times a day

    Just recently I learned that if im taking Glutamine I don’t need to take Amino Acids. Instead I should be taking BCAA (branch chain amino acids). Is that true? Also, I guess in the evening I need to take slow acting protein. What is a good slow acting protein out there? Last question, is it best to take Creatine during the cycle/after/or not take it at all?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Test is a much better drug to test body reaction then deca on a first cycle. I have no problem with people using deca as a base, but a nominal amount of test should be involved. On a first cycle I would recomend test. I don't consider deca a mild AAS.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    test is the best i wont do a cycle without test, and winny should be taken at least 5 weeks as the bro`s said, and i would think of 30mg dbol a day would be so great for kick in start goodluck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Well, I'll throw in my opinion on this since I have ran a Deca and Winny cycle 2 times. You are going to get a lot of recommendations to use Test as a base with this cycle. I know I did and decided to run it without Test becuase of some of the sides. I had great results off of 300 mgs of Deca for 10 weeks and 50 mgs of Winny eod. I put on about 17 pounds of quality muscle my first cycle. I had very little sides except some minor acne in week 5. No "Deca Dick" and just a little bloating. I didn't even throw in an anti-e or clomid therapy because it did not shut me down particularly hard. I would have these on hand however because you don't know how you will react and you surely do not want a limp sausage and bitch tits. My diet and program were also very dialed in too.

    I'm not telling you this is the only way or the right way, it is just my experience. I have never suffered any major sides from Deca or Winny so it will be a roll of the dice for you. I don't necessarily agree that you should run Winny 50 mgs everyday for your first cycle since it can be rather harsh on your liver values. Make sure you are throwing in a liver detox such as ALA, Tyler's, or Milk Thistle prior to running the Winny. You will get a lot of advice and it will be up to you how to run with it. This is not an exact science and everyone is going to respond differently. These are only opinions and should be taken as such. Good luck with whatever you do and keep the board posted on what and how it turns out for you!

    Doc M

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Oh yes, I would also run the Winny for 5 weeks as the others have told you. 3 or 4 weeks is too short.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    So what Test would you get???

    (a) Andriol (restandol – Greece)
    (b) Omnadren (Poland)
    (c) Sustanon (organon – turkey)
    (d) Primoteston Depot (Egypt)
    (e) Testosterone cypionate (testex elmu –spain)
    (f) Testoviron depot (schering – germany)
    (g) Or else

    But I think that the only thing I can get my hand on. This is my second week into the cycle (just Deca). (1) Would I be able to start Test in the middle of the cycle and run it for say 8 weeks??? (2) so everyone agrees that its best for me to get more winny and run it for 5 weeks 50mgs everyday at the end of the cycle???

    If I get test then my cycle will look something like this (I cant believe that im still not sure what my cycle should look like at this point):::

    1 wk – Deca 200mg (already past – cant change anymore)
    2 wk – Deca 300mg (im here now, but also cant change b/c did it already)
    3-12 wk – Deca 400mg

    4/5-12 wk – Test ??? (not sure what will i get if anything)

    10-14 wk – Winstrol 50 mgs everyday or 100 mgs every other day.

    Let me know what should I do… Thanks bros


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Hey Doc,

    Thank you very much for you input. Its very valuable to me esp now. I might just stay with what I planned before – Deca and Winny. Just need to get more Winny. How much Winstrol did you do?

    So yeah, this is just my second week and I already feel little more power. And everything feels little tighter. But maybe its all in my head.

    Anyway, I have milk thistle just not sure when I should start using it. You said “prior to running the winny”, but how long before winny?

    Thank again


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    P.S. And I don’t have “deca dick” yet (hopefully never)!!! Actually it’s the opposite. Nowadays, I have to wake up at night to take a leak b/c of all the water I drink during the day and my sh..t is hard as a rock. I wonder if it just stays hard all night (this cant be healthy). Im also more hornier then ever.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    D..I ran 50 mgs eod for 5 weeks. It also had the opposite effect on me making me like a 16 year old wanting it all the time. Like I said though, everyone reacts differently and maybe you'll be the one who can get by with Deca/Winny or one that will need the Test. It's all good information that was posted here so it's up to you. As far as the Milk Thistle, I started mine when I was in week 4 just as a precaustion. Some people start it at the beginning. Good luck and I hope you don't get Deca Dick either.

    Doc M

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Thanks Doc!

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