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  1. #1
    nath78's Avatar
    nath78 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2008
    wales uk

    Oil based winstrol

    Im planning a cutting cycle
    1-10 test e 250mg week (or would you say 500mg week is better)
    1-10 50mg anavar
    1-10 winstrol


    im reasearching a lot about winstrol and test cycles and it seems to be that you ave winstrol supplier has told me that the water based ones are injecting ed but this one can be done 1-2 a this true? Its oil based stanabol 50 (stanzonol) 50mg/ml from bd <<didnt mention the full name of maker,dont know if this is allowed if not i will remove.

    Thansk nathan.

  2. #2
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I think there is little difference between the two as far as injection timing. I have also heard that oil based is somehow less likely to have live bacteria, although I find that dubious as both forms have have a bactircidal/bactriosatatic preservative in them. I think the best argument for oil based is reduced instance of abscess.

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