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  1. #1
    lowblow is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010

    Tren A and Prami

    After my last go-round with deca , I experienced early gyno/prolactin issues. I was able to cease the deca and finish the cycle with test. This time around I have aquired some Prami(couldn't find caber) from ar-r , and am going to give tren a try for the first time(along with test of course). My question is should I start the prami with the tren and continue it for the entire 8 weeks, or wait to see if it gives me the same issues as the deca did?
    In case you're wondering, I'm 51 and have had lots of experience with previous cycles. The deca/gyno issue was the first time I have ever had any problems.

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Did you use an AI?

    How can you be sure your problem is prolactin?

  3. #3
    lowblow is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010
    I only had arimidex at the time. I have never had adverse reactions to test(especially not at 500mg/week)before. I am ssuming from what I have read that there really wasn't much else it could be? Unless of course taking test with deca could cause the test to react? I was tender on one side for a little better than a week. The soreness went away, as did the very small lump. I was under the assumption that a-dex didn't help this though.

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    An AI will help to control prolactin, yes, but sometimes its not enough.

    To answer your question, I'd start the Prami when starting the Tren . Although there isnt much research on 19-Nor's raising PRL, it can happen in some.

    Without BW its almost impossible to tell if your problem is PRL and not estrogen.

  5. #5
    lowblow is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010
    Thanks for your reply. I guess that part that baffled me is the adex apparently working if it was deca related. I had no nolvadex on hand so I figured it would be safer to cut back the deca. I'm real anxious to try tren , but pretty cautious about all the sides. Having prami, nolvadex and adex just makes me a little more confident.

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