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  1. #1
    MAJIC_6's Avatar
    MAJIC_6 is offline New Member
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    Been a member for a lil while, mainly reading posts now needing a lil advice, thanks

    i usually take a cycle or 2 every winter in prep for upcoming softball season, always had a VERY TRUSTED source. My source is gonna be out of the picture for about year (surgery related) could be longer. I usually take 2x250mg/week of test enenthate, 2x200mg/week of EQ, and 25mg/day of dbol .....and take a PCT when coming off, it has worked great for me for about 5 or 6 years now. i am not an expert nor do i claim to be, i consider myself a rookie in knowledge. if anyone wants to slam what i take go ahead, i won't respond it. i am looking for someone for a lil advice because my trusted source is gonna be out of comission for a bit and i dont want to bother'em.

    so heres what i have, 3 vials of test sustanon -10ml/250mg, and 1 bottle of anavar 10mg.........i didn't get all that i wanted, but at least i have something....whats the best way to take this to get the best results, keep in mind its all i have, trusted source is out of the pic, thanks for the help

  2. #2
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    This belongs in the Q & A section, not the lounge..

    i would do 750mg test a week for ten weeks. You can run the Anavar through the whole cycle if you wish, the dosage depends on how much you feel like taking and how much you actually have..

  3. #3
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    Been a member since 2005 and only 5 posts? Is this a record here guys? Not trying to down play you MAJIC6, I'm just kind of surprised at your extreme low count for a 6 year member. If you talk this little in real life and were a woman youd make a great wife. sorry, sexist but funny

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAJIC_6 View Post
    i usually take a cycle or 2 every winter in prep for upcoming softball season, always had a VERY TRUSTED source. My source is gonna be out of the picture for about year (surgery related) could be longer. I usually take 2x250mg/week of test enenthate, 2x200mg/week of EQ, and 25mg/day of dbol .....and take a PCT when coming off, it has worked great for me for about 5 or 6 years now. i am not an expert nor do i claim to be, i consider myself a rookie in knowledge. if anyone wants to slam what i take go ahead, i won't respond it. i am looking for someone for a lil advice because my trusted source is gonna be out of comission for a bit and i dont want to bother'em.

    so heres what i have, 3 vials of test sustanon -10ml/250mg, and 1 bottle of anavar 10mg.........i didn't get all that i wanted, but at least i have something....whats the best way to take this to get the best results, keep in mind its all i have, trusted source is out of the pic, thanks for the help
    Call me paranoid, but some would say your "fishing".

  5. #5
    MAJIC_6's Avatar
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    haha, not fishing......just want advice....and i am self-employed i dont have alot of time to get on here, and like i stated i just take a cycle or 2 from a trusted source which i am very close to and discuss with often...thats out of the pic for awhile, and thought this would be a great site to get a lil advice...thats what i'm looking for, not looking for your source bub

  6. #6
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Call me paranoid, but some would say your "fishing".
    Agreed. Someone will pm him and scam him soon enough then he'll pm a mod or admin telling them about it so it and that member will be banned. Then this guy will be pissed and never come back so it will work out good. We'll get rid of a scammer and an idiot all at the same time.

    Op if you want solid advice then post this up in the q&a and leave out the 15 parts about losing your source. Post up your stats aswell. They will be requested before any knowledgeable member gives you advice.

  7. #7
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAJIC_6 View Post
    haha, not fishing......just want advice....and i am self-employed i dont have alot of time to get on here, and like i stated i just take a cycle or 2 from a trusted source which i am very close to and discuss with often...thats out of the pic for awhile, and thought this would be a great site to get a lil advice...thats what i'm looking for, not looking for your source bub
    I'd your not fishing then why the emphasis on your source and how he is trusted and how he's out of the picture? If you pull all of the bs about your source out then the question is still there. There's no need for you to bring up your source at all unless you are fishing.

  8. #8
    MAJIC_6's Avatar
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    not looking to buy chief, i agree i posted in wrong place

  9. #9
    MAJIC_6's Avatar
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    just stated it because of the supplies i listed was all i was gonna take, couldn't get anymore and don't care if you trust me, but i only trust my source when purchasing.....this post wasn't intended for a guy like you with a chip on your shoulder about someone asking for advice, sorry you take offense to it

  10. #10
    stack_it's Avatar
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    I don't take offense to it. I would be more than happy to have given you advice if:

    1. You posted your stats
    2. You didn't talk more about your source not being available than you did about your cycle question.

    There's no chip on my shoulders but we get members here that come in and ask questions in a very similar matter to what you did trying to fish for a source. So by you listing what you like to do and have done then saying you can't get it (several times) is basically saying "hey if you got it let me know." Then in your next post you proceeded to mention again how your source is gone. Nobody here cares about your source so no need to mention once let alone five or more times. You may not be fishing but you have to realize how your post could come accross that way.

  11. #11
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    i understand where your coming from, i just didn't want someone to start saying "you need this and that to go with what you have".....just wanted to know the best way to take what i got

  12. #12
    MAJIC_6's Avatar
    MAJIC_6 is offline New Member
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    hopefully this shows up as a link, its where i posted a revised question for this topic

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