I have heard that taking steroids shrinks your testicals.
I was just wondering does taking any steroid shrink your penis size?
thanks alot.
I have heard that taking steroids shrinks your testicals.
I was just wondering does taking any steroid shrink your penis size?
thanks alot.
man i hope not.lol but no it does not......
If you know what you're doing they do neither..
If you're a moron who got a bottle of test and started injecting it then it shrinks you're nuts
hahahaha, gota love questions like this
I hope not, I need what I got LOL
Do you think many guys would use them if they did???
Steroids do the opposite for me...i walk around with a permaboner
smaller potato's make the meat look bigger
Human chorionic gonadtropin
google "hcg in bodybuilding" and you'll be set
Steroids DO NOT make your penis smaller, this is a ridiculous myth that was started by uneducated people and this is the first thing you will usually hear people say when you mention steroids. Steroids however do cause your testicles to atrophy while on cycle. HCG can be taken to prevent this, and if you take proper precautions after your cycle(s) your testicles should return to their normal size assuming you didn't abuse steroids during this cycle.
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