hi, well been training for 2 years, weight 170pds and my height is 5'8. im considering doing my first cycle but got a few q's. i have two vials of t-mix 325 if someone here isn't familiarice with this is just like sustanon but it has 5 esters instead of 4. my question is would 325mg twice a week be too much for a first cycle???? that would lead too 650mg test a week, or should i dose it at .75cc two shots a week(thats what i had in mind) and that would lead to 487.5mg a week of test a week. i have read a lot about aas and have good knowleadge about them. couldn't get my hands on test c or e and a friend of mine who is using t-mix 325 tells me this is by far the best test he has used so i think this is the way i think ill goo. this is the product, wont tell source or anything but post the test dosages it has:
test acetate 30mg
test decanoate 100mg
test propionate 55mg
test phenylpropionate 55mg
test cypionate 85mg
was considering a 12 week cycle but i know i dont have enough if i do 650mg a week. but if i use .75cc two days a week i got enough for 12 weeks. let me know what yo guys thing, also i have arimidex and nolva on hand.