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Thread: Tbol Question

  1. #1
    lonelysoldier1988 is offline Associate Member
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    Tbol Question

    Running 500mg Test wk and 40 mg of Tbol ED.

    Should I spread the Tbol in 1/4s throughout the day like Dbol ?

  2. #2
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    My first cycle was test and tbol and I loved it! 40mg a day is a very low dose for tbol and to be honest you wont notice much other then vascularity and mabey 1-2lbs...bump it up to 80-100mg a day and you will grow like a weed! I ran:

    80mg tbol a day weeks 1-2
    100mg tbol a day weeks 3-4
    500mg test weeks 1-10

    I put on about 20lbs lean, strength shot through the roof! all my lifts went up atleast 30-60lbs. I also ran arimidex .5mg a day to keep bloat down as well.

  3. #3
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    p.s I put on 10lbs in my first 3 weeks using arimidex to cut bloat so I attribute 90% of that 10lbs solely to t-bol since the test didnt kick in until about week 5. I also was going to run tbol at 40mg a day until some of the guys in here convinced me to bump it up.

  4. #4
    chi's Avatar
    chi is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    My first cycle was test and tbol and I loved it! 40mg a day is a very low dose for tbol and to be honest you wont notice much other then vascularity and mabey 1-2lbs...bump it up to 80-100mg a day and you will grow like a weed! I ran:

    80mg tbol a day weeks 1-2
    100mg tbol a day weeks 3-4
    500mg test weeks 1-10

    I put on about 20lbs lean, strength shot through the roof! all my lifts went up atleast 30-60lbs. I also ran arimidex .5mg a day to keep bloat down as well.
    what did you run for liver protection?

  5. #5
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    nothing really...unless you count the greens powder I take which has milk thistle and is equivalent to 6 serving of veggies. Just drank alot of water! eat clean and I was fine. Had blood work done and had no problems at all.

    Tbol is not that hard on the liver...My drinking in college prob did more harm then tbol ever could lol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    nothing really...unless you count the greens powder I take which has milk thistle and is equivalent to 6 serving of veggies. Just drank alot of water! eat clean and I was fine. Had blood work done and had no problems at all.

    Tbol is not that hard on the liver...My drinking in college prob did more harm then tbol ever could lol
    how many lbs did you keep after pct?

  7. #7
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    About 90% until I tore my hamstring doing sprints. I did that about 9 weeks post cycle.

  8. #8
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    chi is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    awms sorry for all the questions but what are your stats including age?

  9. #9
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    about 11% bf
    lifting for about 10 years.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    about 11% bf
    lifting for about 10 years.
    this answers a lot. don't need to offend but your reasoning behind you adding 20 lbs is your age and you hadn't reached your full natty potential. 80 to 100 mgs of tbol while taking test with it is an excessive dose.

  11. #11
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I have a small frame...My natural weight if I didnt work out would prob only be about 155-160 so 190lbs for me is alot. Im a kin major and have been lifting for 10 year so I have a good understanding of how the body works. My brother has been lifting for even longer then me, is strong as an ox and has a shitty diet and weights about 240 naturaly...he has a very large frame and so he puts on mass easy...I on the other hand am not so lucky(Even though my diet is almost perfect) but atleast the muscle I put on looks quality and lean.

  12. #12
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I was over 200 before I tore my hamstring.

  13. #13
    lonelysoldier1988 is offline Associate Member
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    hey guys could u awnser this u never did lol do I have to spread the 80mg of tbol out through the coarse of the day like dbol ?

  14. #14
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    No un like d-bol tbol has a relatively long half life for an oral (16 hour half life) and dbol (around 3-4 hours). I would recommend spliting it into two doses to keep the levels steady so half in the morning and half either at dinner time or before bed.

  15. #15
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    p.s have you thought of increasing the dose? 40mg will only yield a couple pounds of muscle were as 80mg will really throw on some solid lean size!

  16. #16
    lonelysoldier1988 is offline Associate Member
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    yah I am thanks

  17. #17
    bobby7247 is offline New Member
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    sorry for jumping in on your thread, ive had questions relating to your subject..
    what if i take tbol alone? i keep hearing people say no more than 4 weeks with the oral tbol? this will be my 2nd cycle ive did dbol orals before for 8 weeks and gained 20lbs.. wanting to try somthing different.. any suggestion on anything else i can take with tbol or how long i should take it? (trying to stay away from needles im in the army overseas)

  18. #18
    chi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobby7247 View Post
    sorry for jumping in on your thread, ive had questions relating to your subject..
    what if i take tbol alone? i keep hearing people say no more than 4 weeks with the oral tbol? this will be my 2nd cycle ive did dbol orals before for 8 weeks and gained 20lbs.. wanting to try somthing different.. any suggestion on anything else i can take with tbol or how long i should take it? (trying to stay away from needles im in the army overseas)
    cab ran up to 6 weeks but you need pct for recovery

  19. #19
    bobby7247 is offline New Member
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    ok clomid would be good right?

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