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  1. #1
    RAMWolff's Avatar
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    Oral Thrush related to anabolics?


    I'm really making some good gains, slow but good. Up from 158 to 175lbs. This past week though I've noticed that I have these white patches in my mouth. Today I brushed them out and it's all clean and good but I have this sinking feeling I've got Oral Thrush. I remember reading a while back that things like this can happen to some folks that are juicing. I don't over do it but doesn't take allot to push my body out of balance. I remember years back when I was on anabolics for the first time I went through this. Yes, for those that remember my posts a few months back when I was getting started back up on all this I am HIV POZ!

    Anyone know of some either meds or natural products that can help with this? I know that grapefruit extract is good as well as this stuff.....

    Salt Water -- Rinse your mouth with salt water. Use 1/2 teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water and rinse it around in your mouth. Do not swallow but spit it out when finished.

    Yogurt -- Eat yogurt containing lactobacillus acidophilus and/or bifidobacterium. This is especially helpful after taking antibiotics in preventing oral thrush. Be sure to use a high quality yogurt.

    Coconut Oil -- Caprylic acid, a well known candida remedy, is a substance found in coconut oil. Using coconut oil for oral thrush is easy and effective. Take 1/2 tablespoon to one whole tablespoon of organic extra virgin coconut oil and let it melt in your mouth. Then swish the oil around in your mouth for at least five minutes and up to 20 minutes. Don't swallow any of it but spit it out when you are finished. Also rinse your mouth out with water thoroughly when finished.

    Tea Tree Oil -- Mix four drops of tea tree oil into a half a glass of warm water. Swish it around in your mouth for at least a minute, longer if you can. Make sure you reach every part of your mouth. Do not swallow but spit out solution when finished.

    I have tea tree oil so I'll go with that for the time being.

    Thanks for the help!


  2. #2
    Smart-tony's Avatar
    Smart-tony is offline Member
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    It is just over growth ....Friendly bacteria can help like Yogurt...
    I would have to look in my Medical book.

  3. #3
    RAMWolff's Avatar
    RAMWolff is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks. Well, I may end up trying to locate some Diflucan. How long should I give the Tea Tree mouth wash thing to work?? I just did it again, so twice today. Perhaps once before bed too.

  4. #4
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Unless I am mistaken Tea Tree shampoo causes gyno in young boys so as am immune compromized male I would be careful with it.

    Lots of times juice (steroids ) drys out your mouth at night, I would think this could be a contributing factor? maybe keep a glass of water by the bed and drink small amounts through the night. Also be very cautious of sugar laden drinks and make sure to brush your teeth before bed, however stay clear of any over the counter mouthwashs as most of them strip the bacteria causing a reactionary growth of candida in HIV compromized individuals.

  5. #5
    RAMWolff's Avatar
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    Tea Tree oil causes gyno?? Can you supply a link to the info so I can check it out?? Never heard that. I use Tea Tree all the time to treat acne and other topical. I use Tea Tree Tingle shampoo from Trader Joes for my scalp and body since it's Sulfate free, which I'm allergic too.

    Yea, I usually run the brush over my teeth at night before bed but I think I need to brush with something stronger than water for the time being. I thought it was dry mouth too but I've been watching my mouth all day long (hey now ;-)~ ) and it stared forming again so I think it's thrush. White patches just out of the blue form.

    One my big big issues is that I'm a sugar hound so it's really hard to stop all that. I've about starved myself today! LOL I'll be good but my protein shakes are pretty sweet. I use Russian Bear 5000 as I'm a hard gainer even with the juice so not sure what else I can do about that. I drink two shakes a day which adds about 1500 calories to my diet. No this happened recently.... I always have some crazy thing happen with my body in the winter time so it's really no surprise but at the same time doesn't make one feel very sexy! LMAO

  6. #6
    n00bs's Avatar
    n00bs is offline Member
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    Tea tree is a big endo disruptir I avoid it and licorice and mint.

  7. #7
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Whatever you do don't swallow the tea tree, ask your Pharmacist for advice about saliva substitutes such as carboxymethylcellulose gels, salivary peroxidase products and mouthwashes. Also ask your Pharmacist about nystatin which is included in Mycostatin Oral Drops and Nilstat Oral Drops. Another thing, you started your cycle at 158?????

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Another thing, you started your cycle at 158?????
    I have a friend who is poz and uses Test to combat body wasting.

  9. #9
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I have a friend who is poz and uses Test to combat body wasting.
    Sorry I read over that part, POZ as in HIV? Don't they scribe Deca for HIV patients?
    I take it OP would be susceptible to all kinds of bacteria with HIV so prob not from the test.

  10. #10
    RAMWolff's Avatar
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    I'm on test and prima and HGH .... I'm very happy with the gains.

    Yea, I started the cycle at 158lbs because one day I looked in the mirror and realized what was happening (again) and at that point I knew I needed to be back on the juice. Saved my ass once and it's doing it again. I'm one of those that this stuff needs to completely legal to and not some class 4 drug crap. I hate some of the laws surrounding drugs in this country. Weed should be legal US wide, lots of folks smoke it, eat it and what ever else for a variety of reasons, fun and life saving in some instances. It's the LARGEST revenue bringer in this entire country and yet it's illegal. Makes NO SENSE to me.

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