Okay. ive been reading these forums for awhile.

im 6'3" 198 lbs.
33 years old.

my goal is to maintain/gain strength and reduce bodyfat. also anything that can help me recover faster from workouts. i believe im currently in the 11% range.

Im a fighter. so i cant have bad sides like cramping, or bloating, or weight gain.
im currently getting good results with OTC stuff like BCAA, fish oil, Protein, and Jack3d. BUT i have a fight in a month and would like to drop BF faster.

I have some Anavar . but i only have 50, 15mg tabs and cant really afford more.
i though of trying SARMS but cant have the vision sides as i fight in a dimly lit cage. I was thinking of trying Albuterol, but i dont know if the raise in metabolic rate would be dangerous during my extended training sessions. I considered getting some Bronkaid (ephedrin sulfate). i could take the Anavar that i have and stack it with one of the above ?!

not sure which route to take, and the more i read, the more confused i get... you guys (and gals) are more experienced than me, so advice is appreciated.