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  1. #1
    ds-1508 is offline New Member
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    U.K - Scotland

    Question First Cycle Just Want Some Info...

    Wats up guys.. looking to start my first cycle soon of test-e @ 500mg (mon/thursday) a week for 10-12 weeks with a nolva and clomid pct i am just wondering if yous would recommend i use hcg aswell with such a cycle or will i be ok with the pct i am planning (nolva 40/20/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50)? If so would u recommend i use the hcg at a lower dose during the full cycle or the last 3-4 weeks? Will my little men shrink too much on a dose of 500mg? First cycle and thats the only thing im worried about lol.. also would you say 10 weeks is enough in your experience or run the 12 weeks? Thanks for any response in advance

    Stats :
    Age 27
    Height 5,10”
    Weight - 212lb
    Bf – not too sure but always pretty lean
    Training for 10 years serious for abt 5-6 years
    Diets always clean around 3600-3700cal a day

  2. #2
    ds-1508 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2011
    U.K - Scotland
    bump.. anyone?

  3. #3
    turncoat is offline New Member
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    Go 10 weeks, and use HGC ED from the first time you pin all the way till you finish PCT.

  4. #4
    ds-1508 is offline New Member
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    U.K - Scotland
    ok and what dosage do you recommend i use the hcg and how often to inject. also is it ok to mix my hcg with my melanotan and inject sub-c together? thanks

  5. #5
    ds-1508 is offline New Member
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    U.K - Scotland
    anyone else? think you need to be 18 and ready to do a d-bol & deca cycle to get some answers lol.. was talking to a few guys in the gym that said it doesnt need to be injected ED so just wanted to check as i know theres some good minds on this forum... D

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    welcome to the board,

    sounds like you have done some research so well done,

    cycle looks fine and pct,

    you can go with either 10 weeks or 12, see what results you have at the 10 wk mark and then decide,

    you can use hcg 2 x weekly at 250ius throughout the cycle if testicular function is bothering you

  7. #7
    ds-1508 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2011
    U.K - Scotland
    thanks marcus, yup been lookin around here for a while reading up so i knew where to start.
    ok see how im going at week 10 and maybe run it the further 2 weeks.
    also if you dont mind mate what do you think about the hcg being mixed in with my mtII? saves the runs to needle exchange if they can be injected together lol

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