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    swimfan0660 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    First cycle! questions Test/ Dbol

    Hey guys. To start out this is my first cycle. Besides a 6-week cycle of the PH Tren 2 years ago which I made gains but not enough to brag. I decided on doing this somewhat beginners cycle. My goals are to gain between 20-30lbs lean mass. I've been reading a lot on this forum (and a few others) for weeks now trying to gain as much information as possible. I started lifting in 2006. I'm a 26 years old 6ft 187lbs.

    I have done A LOT of research and I'm ready. I have a source and I have a plan put together. I joined because I wanted people to critique the plan. This is what I've come up with:

    Week 1-12: Test cypionate , 400mg/week
    Week 1-4: Dianabol , 20mg/day

    I Think I have everything ready including: Clomid, Nolva, Letro and Liv52.

    PCT: 18 days after last injection
    Clomid: 300 the first day then 100/50/50/50
    Nolvadex : 20/20/20/20

    Gyno: If gyno symptoms occur while on cycle 20mg of Nolvadex ED, i will up the dosage to 30mg ED. If it persists I will up it to 40mg ED. Hopefully this will not happen and 20mg is sufficient.

    Questions I have:

    How should I split up the dbol dosage throughout the day?

    I ordered the letro because a not so reliable friend recommended I do incase I get gyno on cycle. My question is do I actually need it/ is it good for that?

    Also is that a good plan for PCT?

    Should I be taking the clomid or nolva or Arimidex while on cycle?
    Seems that many do .5mg eod of armidex while on…

    I’ve done research but still I am confused about HCG and I know it helps with the marbles but is it really necessary?

    I know the risks in taking gear; so let me get that out of the way. If anyone has intelligent feedback of the cycle I intend to follow and how to better it and define it better that'd be awesome and greatly appreciated. Soo stoked!

    Last edited by swimfan0660; 02-01-2011 at 12:47 PM.

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