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  1. #1
    Rocksteady316's Avatar
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    Ahh yes another clen question - 'dec11' maybe you can help-

    i posted a few days ago asking about albuterol and many said they chose it over the clen

    some of the reasons were that it only lasts 4 hours therefore it doesnt affect sleep or other duties in your day...

    BUT i just didnt understand if clen lasts like 9-12 hrs doesnt that mean for those hours your heart is beating faster... your body is warmer - and therefore your burning calories/fat for longer hours of the day? SO therefore if its in the system that much longer doesnt it mean its doing a better job than the albut? or this has nothing to do w anything..

    I personally know that a few times a week ill wake up in the middle night a good 12 hours after i used clen, soaking wet like one of those terrible night fevers... only im not sick at all and i have to change my t-shirt a few times..
    but when that happens i just say to myself well looks like the clens doing its job...

    any insight to this would be appreciated...

  2. #2
    Dr..'s Avatar
    Dr.. is offline New Member
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    ok clen is a asmatic medication. a bronchial inhibitor, bbs will use this to cut for a show. it will burn that very last layer of fat that will not go .But this is a dangerous drug that should be used with exteme caution if used at all. THIS IS NOT A WEIGHT LOSS DRUG>

  3. #3
    dec11's Avatar
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    jesus no, clen 's half life is 36hrs mate.
    i never had trouble sleeping on it.
    after say 5days or so the shakes subsided for me
    tbh i wouldnt ever use it again, its not all its cracked up to be at all. ive lost bf just aswell naturally as i have with clen. some will argue how good it is but alot of competitive guys will say its only really effective at shifting those last few % to get on stage

  4. #4
    Rocksteady316's Avatar
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    dec i hear ya man

    yeah the shakes usually lasts 2 hours for me then after the 3rd day i am completely fine on it

    im good w the sides when i take it after day 3 i completely forget im taking it...

    but i always get the same results when i look at my stomach and it actually looks like i was doing situps and crunches 2 hours a day

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocksteady316 View Post
    dec i hear ya man

    yeah the shakes usually lasts 2 hours for me then after the 3rd day i am completely fine on it

    im good w the sides when i take it after day 3 i completely forget im taking it...

    but i always get the same results when i look at my stomach and it actually looks like i was doing situps and crunches 2 hours a day
    it dehydrates you a hell of alot, i was pissing like a race horse. just not worth the health implications, for me anyhow

  6. #6
    Dr..'s Avatar
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    causes extreme stess on the heart .and long term use could be fatal. very unproven.
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    it dehydrates you a hell of alot, i was pissing like a race horse. just not worth the health implications, for me anyhow

  7. #7
    tballz's Avatar
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    I flip flop between clen and albuterol. Albuterol is nice because it's less intense. However, clen does work better.

  8. #8
    Rocksteady316's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    I flip flop between clen and albuterol. Albuterol is nice because it's less intense. However, clen does work better.
    shiiiit tballz i wish u didnt of said that...

    i didnt know whether to pick up some fresh bottles of albut or clen - i never tried albut and before a few people said they thought albut worked better... therefore i went w that

    i dunno maybe everyones body reacts differently to it...

  9. #9
    tballz's Avatar
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    Clen is more powerful therefore burns more fat. However, you can run albuterol for much longer than 2 weeks so not sure if that evens it out or not. Unless you are supplementing ketotifen then you can run clen and albut indefinitely.

  10. #10
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.. View Post
    ok clen is a asmatic medication. a bronchial inhibitor, bbs will use this to cut for a show. it will burn that very last layer of fat that will not go .But this is a dangerous drug that should be used with exteme caution if used at all. THIS IS NOT A WEIGHT LOSS DRUG>

  11. #11
    Addictive's Avatar
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    Sorry for the thread hijack but, is it safe for someone with ashtma to take clen ? is it more/less effective?

    Anywho, aren't that great, but once you're passed them it works amazing.

  12. #12
    sixoner is offline Member
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    hey DR..

    maybe you dont know what youre talking about..just a thought

    and what the fuk is a bronchial inhibitor does that mean it inhibits something are you talking about bro?? "its a dangerous drug" no shit dude flintstone vitamins are is stupid ass cereal but that doesn't stop anybody from eating those does it.

    please come correct.

    if you have research to share with everybody then, by all means...but bronchial inhibitor and its a dangerous drug that should not be used at all, and its fatal come on fella were here to learn not play haunted house

  13. #13
    sixoner is offline Member
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    double post

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