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Thread: Just checked out the old skool 'effectiveness chart' - Anadrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Just checked out the old skool 'effectiveness chart' - Anadrol

    Has by far the best strength with a 10 rating. Which i'm sure most search results/forums and posts will also agree with.

    Is it only me who doesn't find the strength gains from drol anything to write home about.

    Maybe it's my dose, but drol has always disappointed in the strength department with me. Sometimes I don't feel like I've gained any strength whatsoever from it until the injectable(s) have kicked in.

    I mean I'm talking 5 kilo increases on all lifts; which is what I was lifting at the peak of my previous cycle anyway. A far cry from these 20-40lb increases you hear about.

    Maybe it's my dose. I've gone up to 100mg/day but didn't see anything else from it than at 50/day. And definitely legit, and I can guarantee that from my source.

    Please discuss your opinions and dosages.
    Last edited by Maverick_J8; 02-02-2011 at 11:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I gain pretty solid weight on it not alot of bloating like dbol oddly enough. I find the stregth gains to be pretty much in line with dbol though nothing spectacular. Could be dose too though, if youy are very advanced with alot of strength to begin with you will need bigger doses to see those type of gains and for me the sides are not worth it. I just run big doses of test and let my training take care of the rest

  3. #3
    all depends on what drol your useing ,i mean is it ugl or pharma grade? could be underdosed if ugl..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    i did 100mg and strength went up about 20kgs on squats and bench.. but went back down quite a bit once i came off them so kinda pointless really

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    i was considering drol but when i started reading more on i read that alot of ppl had problems with feeling anything from it besides the sides as if it only works for sum ppl. like the whole "what works for me, may not work for u". i decided against it just incase i was one of the ppl it didnt do much for to save sum $

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I dont find as effective as described in the chart. For me its a way more sides than dbol, but with less effectivness. Its great for pumping and it gives me sick BP increase. For strenght - better stay on test and tren.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Drol made me feel like shit, but in one week my 3rep max bench press went up 20lbs and another 20 by the end of a month, then dropped after i stopped taking it and that was only at 50mg/day. Only way I would use drol again is if i was a competitive powerlifter and that extra 20lbs was that important

  8. #8
    wait until week 3-4 lol... Anadrol in my opinion is seriously overrated. Yes you get some TRUELY awesome gains during the first 4 weeks, but those gains aren't real and even with a test base it doesn't actually make it easier to keep the A-bomb gains so much as simply make the test e gains replace those A-bomb gains... A-bomb makes it easy to put 50 pounds on your bench in 4 weeks but you'll find that you gain a lot slower during the weeks ahead when you come of anadrol 50 and are just on a test base then if you just stayed on a test base the entire time without A-bombs.

    In my opinion a-bombs are only useful if you've hit a plateau, even with being on cycle you can't seem to gain anymore muscle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    First time I used it I really felt it work and that was only at 50mgs. Next time I used it(same stuff I had before) not much really. So I think it really depends on a lot of factors. Still my personal favorite is t-bol!

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