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Thread: first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Question first cycle

    Hello Fellows, this is my first cycle I wanted to start out slow to see how my body reacts to juice. My stats are 30yrs. old 151.5 lbs 5'7 and 8% body fat and I have been working out for about 5yrs. Needless to say I need more weight!! My goals for this cycle is to put on at least 10lbs to 15lbs.. THAT I CAN KEEP!! The cycle i'll be taking is deca & Test.200mg of each for 6 0r 8 weeks i have'nt really decided yet... so i need help . follow up 3wks. later with clomid for 3wks. 50mg. My plan is to also to increase my intake of protien to about 1gram per lb of body weight. So with all this said tell me what can be changed or improved on. Thanks in advance. Oh yeah if I was to replace nolvadex instead of clomid how much would i need?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    with the deca and test do you already have it because my first one was eq and test the eq will raise your hunger to help you gain I would go with
    enanthte 500mgs wk
    eq 400 mgs wk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX
    i think i speak for most of the guys (and gals) when i say:

    up the deca to minimum of 300mg per week
    up the test to 250 mg per week
    extend the cycle to atleast 8 wks, i think 10 wks is best
    you should be eating 1 gm of protein per lbs. bodyweight all the time
    juicing, bump protein up to 1.5 to 2 gm per lbs. bodyweight
    nolvedex and clomid are completely different

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I would do at least 400 mg a week of test and 400 mg a week of deca. I would also run it for at least ten weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    How is the clomid and nolvadex different? i thuoght i read it here that they were the same and that nolvadex required less mg than clomid and was less expensive! I could be wrong.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I think i will take you're advice and up the deca to 300mg for 8wks. Thanks
    Originally posted by Steele
    i think i speak for most of the guys (and gals) when i say:

    up the deca to minimum of 300mg per week
    up the test to 250 mg per week
    extend the cycle to atleast 8 wks, i think 10 wks is best
    you should be eating 1 gm of <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> per lbs. bodyweight all the time
    juicing, bump <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> up to 1.5 to 2 gm per lbs. bodyweight
    nolvedex and clomid are completely different

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Thanks for the advice but i want to start off slow! this sure sounds like alot... maybe for the 2nd cycle! thanks QUOTE]Originally posted by wrstlr69sdnl
    with the deca and test do you already have it because my first one was eq and test the eq will raise your hunger to help you gain I would go with
    enanthte 500mgs wk
    eq 400 mgs wk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX
    i believe deca is best at double your bodyweight. and test at 200mg will really only suppress your natural test and not result in major gains, i know because i wasted a cycle like that, cause it was my first and i was scared about sides. then i did a deca 450mg per week, and sus 250 every 5 days for ten weeks and had awesome gains, which i kept and never needed any anti e's.
    oh, and clomid stimulates your nuts to start working again, i am pretty sure nolvadex only blocks estrogen, but does not stimulate natural test production.

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