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Thread: Help on a cycle

  1. #1

    Help on a cycle

    I'm 39 and 5'8". I am 290lbs. I want to lose weight and gain muscle. I have been working out 3-5 days a week with the guys from work. I come home and eat dinner then go back to the gym for cardio with my wife for 45-60 min 3 days a week. I am considering using clen, Winnie, and or deca. I was at 304 lbs last year and dropped to 274 but have went up in weight to what I am now. I feel that I have gained muscle but can't git rid of the gut. Any advice or comments will be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Diet, weight train and cardio lots of cardio.
    Steroids will not not burn fat the above will. Visit the diet section and get a diet sorted out and maybe switch up the cardio to am fasted cardio.

  3. #3
    sounds like you way over weight ,now let get deca and winstrol out the way ,please do not use these ,deca will shut you down big time and fuk your sex drive up plus adding unwanted blaot and extra fat,as for winstrol ,this is a muscle hardner not a fat burner as many new people to steroids belive ,winstrol is best used at sub 12% body fat imo and @ 5,8 290lbs am assumeing your body is is 35%+ the only thing you need right now is a good clean diet and a ton of cardio ,post what you ate yestady up please ....

  4. #4
    I had a protein shake for 6 am breakfast (12oz of 2% milk with 1 1/2 scoops of synth-6 protein), 9 am a cup of oatmeal, 11am a medium size bowl of salad ( lettuce , about 12 cherrie tomatoes, 8 baby carrots). I use pace picante sauce as dressing and put 6-8 ounces of turkey (ground) on it, one grapefruit. 1:45 pm a banana and 15 animal crackers. 3:00 one scoop of explode and water. I go to the gym for weight training for one hour. At 6 or 7 I had spagetti made with wheat noodles and ground turkey meat. I eat this routine Monday thru Friday except on dinner I try to eat this healthy but I eat what the family does. My wife tries to cook healthy as often as she can.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    Yeah your a big heavy dude i would suggest lots and lots of cardio and definitely get some diet advice.

    Gear ain't the answer just yet be more concerned about your workouts and diet first.

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