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  1. #1
    Bobbymac123 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    6`9 Pics 1st cycle planned

    Hi fellas, been lurking here for a couple weeks taking in lots of great info.
    Love the site and hope to contribute in the near future.

    Age: 40 in a few days
    Height: 6`9
    Weight: 231 (typically 240-250)
    Body fat: Dunno 11% guessing
    Training: 4-5 years consistant 4-6 days/week
    Diet: Lately 4 lean meals plus a post workout shake each meal being 50-60g protein. Also multi vit, fish oils, joint supplement, and addition 1g vit C. Will be adding a meal and another shake when i start 1st basic test E cycle on my bday

    1st Cycle planned:
    Week 1-12 Test Enthanate 200mg 2x/week
    Week 1-8 Aromasin 12mg/every other day
    Week 8-12 HCG 500iu 2x/week
    Aromasin 12mg/day
    Vitamin E 1000iu/day

    PCT (14 days after last pin)
    Week 15 Nolvadex 40mg/day Clomid 105mg/day
    Week 16 Nolvadex 20mg/day Clomid 70mg/day
    Week 17 Nolvadex 20mg/day Clomid 35mg/day
    Week 18 Nolvadex 20mg/day Clomid 35mg/day
    Week 19 Nolvadex 20mg/day Clomid 35mg/day

    My main question is whats my best use of my 5000iu vial of HCG?
    Im under the impression it must be used within 45 days or so of mixing
    with bacterial water or i would do 250iu 2x/week weeks 3-12.
    Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks guys.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 6`9 Pics 1st cycle planned-sany00133small.jpg   6`9 Pics 1st cycle planned-sany000666small.jpg  

  2. #2
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
    SomeRandomGuy is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2010
    How long the HCG lasts seems to be controversial. Some say a week, a month, etc... I've seen more votes for a month, however. . Some say it depends if it's name brand, etc... (BTW: you meant to say Bacteriostatic Water. Bacterial water would probably be bad )..... What I did is just buy 7 2000 i.u. bottles, and mixed them up every month for 250 i.u./wk. That way I had a fresh one every time. I guess I would also be a fan of your idea of going 250 i.u. from weeks 3-12. If you can prevent atrophy, it'd probably be easier than trying to jumpstart them at the end .

    Also, why not an even 500mg/wk of Test E ?

  3. #3
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Good base for a tall dude, keep us posted with your results and good luck.

  4. #4
    layeazy is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    Just would say that with clomid their are some bad sides at 105mg i found personally i got the vision sides otherwise you will be massive lol you should get into wrestling lol make some big money

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