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  1. #1
    SomeLiveForTheBill's Avatar
    SomeLiveForTheBill is offline Associate Member
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    Cutting cycle and muscle loss (please critique)

    I will be embarking on my 2nd cycle in a few weeks. Thanks to all the suggestions here, my 1st cycle was pretty successful and I'm recovering nicely post-PCT. I'm 31 and the first cycle was a bulk (added about 20 pounds). Now summer is right around the corner and I want to get shredded.

    Here's my planned cycle:

    600 mg per week test prop, Weeks 1-17
    400 mg per week nand deca , Weeks 1-16
    100 mg ED Anavar , Weeks 7-16
    250 iu's HCG twice a week, weeks 5-17

    PCT: 100 mg ED clomid week 18, 50 mg ED clomid weeks 19-22, 40 mg tamoxifen ED week 18, 20 mg tamox ED weeks 19-23

    I ran a 10-weeker of test prop and Var on my first cycle. Sides were almost non-existent (other than some initial prop pain soothed by grape seed oil). This is basically the same cycle, adding Deca. My goal is to not lose any lean mass and lose about 15-20 lbs of fat. I believe it's important for my diet to remain steady with plenty of calories and nutrients to feed my body's needs. I may keep the calories per day at 4,000. (I'm 220 lbs at 6'1") I plan to create the deficit with increased cardio.

    So here's my question: can I legitimately shed 15-20 lbs of cellulite while maintaining my lean mass entirely on a cycle of this magnitude? I'm pushing it out 17 weeks to give the Deca time and to achieve my goals of under 10% bodyfat. Thoughts..please!

  2. #2
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    Dec 2009
    thats a lot of var

    and lots of pinning why not switch up the prop with cyp/enan and front load with the orals

    wheres your estro support on cycle?

    why not switch up the deca for tren and run it eod :P

  3. #3
    SomeLiveForTheBill's Avatar
    SomeLiveForTheBill is offline Associate Member
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    I respectfully disagree about that being a lot of Var. It's a healthy dose, yes, but remember I took the same dosage of Var for 9 weeks during my 1st cycle and I handled it pretty well. Some have uncontrollable pumps. I did not have this issue.

    Lots of pinning, yes, but bodybuilders pin a lot more. I'm not really worried about pinning.

    Forgot to include anastrozole at .5 mg EOD and I'm considering a small amount of cabergoline to keep my libido peaking. I love sex probably a little too much.

    Again, respectfully disagreeing but on one hand you are telling me 100 mg ED is too much Var, then you are telling me to run tren instead of deca . Both deca and var as worlds safer than tren, so I don't really understand this critique.

  4. #4
    SomeLiveForTheBill's Avatar
    SomeLiveForTheBill is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2010
    I'm also considering dropping the deca and going for NPP...

    So remove the deca and add NPP weeks 1-8, Var weeks 7-16

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