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Thread: Questions About After A Cycle

  1. #1

    Questions About After A Cycle

    Hey I have some questions about what happens after a cycle and was gonna do one question a topic over several days but I decided to just put them all in. (BTW I'm about to start PCT next monday after a 10 week cycle)

    1. Will your base weight increase after every cycle?

    2. Does muscle memory happen while on a cycle? I mean will it be able to get to that point at your best gain natural and when doing another cycle after get faster to that part?

    3. From your last injection how soon does the gains start to go away? And how long after last injection (following proper PCT) will the gains stop leaving?

    4. Does anyone use cycles to get more bigger than they want so when their natural their at the point they want to be? (This probably relates to normal people and not pro bodybuilders who always need to get larger)

    Thanks for reading. Hope it wasnt too long.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    firstly stats?
    Secondly what cycle did you run mgs and type of test?

    1 During the cycle you will slowly gain however the secret is proper well thought out PCT to help you recover and maintain the new gains.
    2 Depends of the individual and the type of training but each cycle yes you will improve but its a gradual process you dont wake up as hulk one morning.
    3 Down to PCT read re read and read some more.
    4 Yes yes thats what most people use steriods for the educated ones usually max out their natural size fully and then try to take themselves to new levels..

  3. #3
    Well I dont really want to say the stats as I wanted a general view of people and am trying to motivate myself more to keep most gains so dont want people to say I'll lose it all and be negative. But using Dbol and Testoviron I gained over 40 pounds in ten weeks with 600mg of Test a week and 40mg of Dbol a day. My last injection was last monday and actually find myself more motivated to train harder as I increased strength in several exercises like Shoulder Presses and Triceps. Thanks for responding.

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