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Thread: Dumb Question about HCG use

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Brissy, Aus

    Dumb Question about HCG use

    Hi guys... please forgive the dumb question, but in the process of planning my first cycle and was thinking about using HCG throughout to keep balls going and maintain natural test.

    I am planning 500mg/week test cyp, 8-10 week cycle. Just thinking, if I am using hcg and producing my own test naturally, would it be better to say go for 450 or even 400mg/wk of the cyp, given that I will have a certain amount of endogenous test floating around? Or doesn't it work that way?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Brissy, Aus

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Does not work that way. Very good choice to use hcg on cycle. Beside the cosmetics of keeping the boys full it makes your pct much easier IMO because you have not been completely shut down for long periods of time

    Personally I don't think anyone should cycle without it. Also gives me a feeling of well being then the transition into pct is much easier. I don't experience a big crash.

    Anyway the hcg, provides a synthetic lh signal, stimulating the testes and hopefully getting them to produce endo test. This can provide a nice increase but the large dose of exo test far out ways what is being produced

    You wont be able to measure what your body is producing so you can't really modify dose to account for it
    Just run the 500mg with hcg twice a week and IMO aromisin is needed to manage estro. That's not the case for everyone but for me an AI is a must

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Brissy, Aus
    Thanks bro, I got arimidex as AI... That should do?

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