So I've been scoring through the threads and I get consistently mixed responses. It's been almost ten years since I've been on any cycle. Did sust cycles when I was in my early 20's
Now, just getting back into it, with Test only, I've gotten major bloat like I've never seen before. Especially in the face. I'm on week 8 now of a test only cycle. Had nolva on hand in case of gyno, but just now got liquidex to take care of the bloat. My question is, how long should it take until my face is back to normal? Some on here have said 12 hours (that seems impossible), others have said 3 to 4 weeks. That seems like a big disparity. I'm obsessively checking now to see what the progress is since I started .5mg of liquidex 3 days ago.
Any advice on quantity I should be taking to get rid of this ridiculous amount of bloat, and also how long you think it should be before I actually see results?
Thanks guys