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Thread: need help on my cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    northern ireland

    need help on my cycle

    heey guys
    im curtainly on test and deca and injecting 2ml twice a week ive done 5 weeks soo far and im thinkng about going on tren too help keep my gains. people ive seen on test and deca bulk up and then lose alot of size soo im just wondering if i was too start tren whenever my cycle im currently on of test and deca was too end would the tren turn the water retention in my muscles into lean muscle and help keep my gains abit more?? anyone help me out on this one

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    it isn't recommend by most to run two 19-nors together due to the serious prolactin related side effects (you could start lactating from your tits like a pregnant woman)

    with a proper pct and diet, you shouldn't lose too much of your gains. how long are you running this cycle for?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    i have only done test and deca all three cycles... my first time i gained 25lbs and kept 20lbs in a ten week cycle at 300mg/600mg deca/test

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    northern ireland
    im only going on test and deca for 12weeks max
    then thinkng about starting tren and cyp not sure what though heard alot of good thngs about trenabolone

  5. #5
    im running a deca/test now. its the second time ive ran this. after the first cycle i didnt loose alot of size. as long as you keep up with your workouts and diet it shouldnt be that bad. i have no experience with running tren with it but i did look into it. i wanted to run tren with deca and now that i know a little bit more info its a really bad move. exactly what vull said. good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    northern ireland
    im thinking wenever i stop my cycle im currently on im going too give trenbolone and deca too get the fat look out of my body
    just wondering has any1 heard of a product called no bull or pro bull?? its like a bulker something like test but stronger

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanCrawford View Post
    im thinking wenever i stop my cycle im currently on im going too give trenbolone and deca too get the fat look out of my body
    just wondering has any1 heard of a product called no bull or pro bull?? its like a bulker something like test but stronger
    sorry mate but that souds like bull sh+t imo ,test is test you can get anything stronger ..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    northern ireland
    my mates got a product called no bull or pro bull and there is different types like strength and mass its made in an under ground lab somewere

  9. #9
    it must be an ugl but you must edit out the name mate as your not allowed to name under ground labs here ,it will just be a blend of test prob at a high mg/ml something like

    100mgs prop

    100mgs cyp

    200mgs enanthate

    just test mate no stronger or weaker than any other test the same mg/ml

    the name rings a bell but its not one of the more common labs that are about uk/ireland....

  10. #10
    as the the tren turning warter into lean muscle thats aload of bollax mate ,dont run tren and deca in the same cycle as someone says above ....if you want to control warter retension use adex on cycle at .25mgs every other day ,this will stop most warter blaot and your gains wil be lean and dry..

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