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Thread: When will I see results

  1. #1

    When will I see results

    Hi guys, Im new to this site today hence this being my first post.
    I am currently taking 200mg Cypionate on Monday, 200mg deca Wednesday, and 200mg test 350 on Friday. All injectable.
    I am eating around one and half grams of protien per pound bodyweight every day. I am training heavy every other day. I am not drinking plain water as I do not really want water retention gains.
    My main question is 'when would I start seeing noticable weight gains and secondly, how long after my course will the gear still be working for me to gain muscle. I am doing a 5 week course, not pyramiding, just been told to take the same dosage throughout the five weeks. I am also taking clomid, and will be taking pregnyl afterwards to maintain sex drive.
    I have put on 5 lbs after 2 weeks, is this good ???
    Last edited by thecockney; 02-08-2011 at 03:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by thecockney View Post
    Hi guys, Im new to this site today hence this being my first post.
    I am currently taking 200mg Cypionate on Monday, 200mg deca Wednesday, and 200mg test 350 on Friday. All injectable.
    I am eating around one and half grams of protien per pound bodyweight every day. I am training heavy every other day. I am not drinking plain water as I do not really want water retention gains.
    My main question is 'when would I start seeing noticable weight gains and secondly, how long after my course will the gear still be working for me to gain muscle. I am doing a 5 week course, not pyramiding, just been told to take the same dosage throughout the five weeks. I am also taking clomid, and will be taking pregnyl afterwards to maintain sex drive.
    I have put on 5 lbs after 2 weeks, is this good ???
    You have that backwards. Not drinking water will cause water retention. Drink a lot of water, at least 1 gal a day.

    5 weeks course? you will start to see results about week 4-5, right as you stop. LOL

    What are your stats.
    body fat
    cycle experience
    Cycle knowledge (very little)
    Working out history

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    arnt the test injections alittle far apart?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro you need to do some research its clear you dont know wat you are doing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    I agree with the earlier posts, I would LOVE to see your stats!

    I doubt you have done ANY research after reading your above post and the water comment... HUH???

    We will be glad to help you but before ANY advice is given we need ALL of your stats, and be honest. We cannot help you if we do not know the truth.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I recommend you stop this cycle right away. Save your gear, and learn the proper way to do this. Research is key, learn all that you can before you go back on a cycle. 5 weeks will do practically nothing for you accept throw your money out the window. Please post up your stats.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    i agree with every post above mine, but i especially like lovbyts

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Golden state
    Read up about deca and the test compounds your taking then you will understand the above posts

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    This dude is a troll.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Good grief!

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    HCG doesn't maintain sex drive. The Test will take care of that.

    But yeah, everything comment above is filled with other useful info.

  12. #12
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Much more research needed here.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    5 weeks will do absolutely nothing for you but shut you down. You should punch your friend in the neck for giving this to you and allowing you to do it. Then you need to realize you should research anything before you decide to use it

  14. #14
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    When I do a shot of test... I feel it in my first workout. I see/feel results in "the pump" during workouts right away. Weight gain you'll visably notice after a week or two. Deca should be run for at least 11-12 weeks. You only have to shoot deca once a week so why not shoot Test and deca together one day... and then another shot of Test 3 days later. If you want mass... you better be stuffing your face with calories. Protein is important but so are calories. When I'm on that much test, and my diet is right... I can put on almost 1 lbs a day. Water is also very important. I'd give you more of my limited knowledge, but everyone else said it best. Abandon ship... research more... and do it correctly. Don't just dive in or you'll be wasting 70%-100% of your money. Good luck man.

  15. #15
    My stats are as follows

    40 years old
    6' 2" tall
    I am VERY LEAN, atheletic build, just a bit on the skinny side.
    I took lots of dianabol, deca, sust and cypionate around 17 years ago for about a year.
    I train every other day:
    day 1 Chest/bi's
    day 3 legs
    day 5 shoulders/tri's
    day 7 back

    I appreciate all your comments but am a bit concerned about this cycle now. I know it has come from a good source, Mr. Britain a few years ago so trust the guy.
    I did tell him that I dont want to get massive, just put on a bit of size/weight.

    Please continue your comments and suggestions. I do not want this cycle to be a waste after shotting this little lot.

    These are all injections

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Please tell me this is a joke 4-5 week cycle bro u must and I mean a big must get a shit load or research in this is the place to be you will get nowhere with that cycle

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    keep researching.

  18. #18
    Sorry guys, mis informed you there, my mistake. Im taking 400mg Cyp on day 1, 400mg deca on day 3 and 400mg test 350 on day 5.

    If 5 week cycle is to short in your opinions then how long would you reccomend, 8/12 weeks perhaps

    I am going to check my bmi this evening.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by thecockney View Post
    Hi guys, Im new to this site today hence this being my first post.
    I am currently taking 200mg Cypionate on Monday, 200mg deca Wednesday, and 200mg test 350 on Friday. All injectable.
    I am eating around one and half grams of protien per pound bodyweight every day. I am training heavy every other day. I am not drinking plain water as I do not really want water retention gains.
    My main question is 'when would I start seeing noticable weight gains and secondly, how long after my course will the gear still be working for me to gain muscle. I am doing a 5 week course, not pyramiding, just been told to take the same dosage throughout the five weeks. I am also taking clomid, and will be taking pregnyl afterwards to maintain sex drive.
    I have put on 5 lbs after 2 weeks, is this good ???
    well you really wont gain anything but water weight bro, try to drink at least a gallon a day as lovbyts said, and by the time you see results youll be stopping your cycle it sounds like you arent ready because your cycle setup wouldve looked alot different bro so do some more reading and come back and try again

  20. #20
    I mis typed the original post mate. I am taking 400mg cyp on day 1, 400mg deca on day 3, and 400mg test 350 on day 5.
    I will drink more water from now on.

  21. #21
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Here is a good place to start;

    And here is more good stuff:

    You will learn a ton there during the time that it takes to get your stuff sorted out in this thread.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    With long ester test I don't feel a thing before around weeks 5-6 or something, and the best gains come usually between weeks 8-12. If you're doing it with cyp, you need to do it at least 12weeks. And remember a good pct or you are screwed big time! I'd recommend HCG 250iu every other day for the last few weeks of your course to prepare your nuts for recovery, and then nolva 3weeks after you stop.

    Test works slowly, even with test prop I did once 100mg/EOD and before week 4 nothing major happened, except for sweating and feeling hot since day1. :P

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