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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    hey fellas well i have been cutting for the last six weeks. Actually, Technically 9 weeks, The first three were the HCG fatloss cycle. Then i did the following:

    I started a six week cycle: The first 2 weeks i used only oxyelite (2 tabs). For the last 4 weeks i added EC and L-Tyrosine. Cals remained at constant rate

    So Im using Ephedra Caffeine and Qxyelite combined with a 1300-1600 cal diet plus cardio/weights 4 x per week

    dose 1 @ 9:40 am------1 tabs of oxyelite + 200mgs caffeine + 25 mcg Ephedra + 500 mgs of L-Tyrosine

    dose 2 @ 2:40 pm------repeat of dose 1

    OK i have lost good amount of weight/inches around my stomach. Still more work ahead to get ripped. The results are one thing my body is suffering. Eversince i added EC, my sex drive has gone to HELL. Im never in the mood and when my lady does come onto me my erections are "soft" and takes a long time to get i have had to be on sleep aid otherwise i cant sleep at night...I am up early cuz i stayed up all night (ran out of sleep aid). Im in my sixth week. Im taking a 2 week break after this, but meanwhile can u tell me how i can fix my wood/sex drive??? i just turned 27. Its really slowing things down for me. How can i fix it and get back to being the horse i was B4???

    My libido is practically non existant. its worrying me. Im thinking its a combination of Ephedra and a low calorie diet causing this.

    What supplements can i add to fix myself up. cuz if this is what i have to go through to cut. it sux. please help me
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 02-08-2011 at 08:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    You need to stop what you are doing and give time to your organism to balance itself.

    What are you stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You need to stop what you are doing and give time to your organism to balance itself.

    What are you stats?
    starting weight 170 lbs now 155.2 lbs
    Bf %: 9.5 %----(mostly constituted around the waist) Goal: 6.3 %
    Cals: 1300-1600
    cardio 35 mins/Weights x 4 times a week
    dint loose much muscle maybe an inch or less around the arms.

    What do u mean stop doing what i am doing week 6 is already underway....IM done this friday. REALLY thats the best u can give me???? C'mon anyone else?
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 02-08-2011 at 08:29 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    north america
    I know that when my diet has that few cals I'm the same way. I know religious people that eat that way at times just to reduce their libido. I'm surprised you didn't lose more muscle, too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    well sir i eat alot of lean meats and lift alongside cardio. But id be damned if it started eating my hard earned muscle...People at the gym say i look alot more "chisled"
    anyway so any solutions?? something tells me as soon i go off this regimen within a week or two i should be fine

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Arganine may help a little, liquid cia from Ar-r will of course make getting it up easier. Make sure your getting atleast 8 hrs of sleep. When your on a calorie deficit like that you need more rest. Oh and maybe just watch porn when your girl is gone to get ya thinking about it .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    ephedrine and caffeine will make you limp as a wet noodle in boiling water lol they both restricts blood vessels and so of course your penis will not get enouph blood flow. They will not cause low libido but what will is lack of sleep and stress which is prob caused by the fact that you are wired up on stimulants lol

    Cut the caffeine and ephdrine out but do it slowly or you will have killer head headaches! by the end of the week you will be back to normal.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    haha i would if i had the desire...but i do what i can ...what is CIA btw???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    hmm muslims prolly im supposing...but wow since when was depriving yourself of intimacy a religious...anyway who am i to question other peoples believes

  10. #10
    Cia is Cialis. Order it from Ar-R at the top right banner. It's a great product for those moments.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    Cia is Cialis. Order it from Ar-R at the top right banner. It's a great product for those moments.
    oh gosh i do not want to resort to that im still young and healthy...but ill def look into L-arganine and am already starting to taper down my this friday i should be down to 12.5 mgs of E and 300 mgs caf and completely off by the weekend

  12. #12
    lol, it's not something you become dependent with. A lot of guys use it when coming off cycle to combat low libido/soft erections. If your situation is temporary, it really is your best option.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    ok i noticed it was liquid. how do i use it and how much for info sake?

  14. #14
    Everyone is different. I use .3 ml a day. Some get by with less, some with more.
    Edit: Just shake the bottle, draw some out with the oral syringe they provide you, and squirt it in your mouth.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    oh ok do u think ill need it if i take l-arginine + horny goat and possibly ginko for about 2 weeks?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by brnxbomers View Post
    hey fellas well i have been cutting for the last six weeks. Actually, Technically 9 weeks, The first three were the HCG fatloss cycle. Then i did the following:

    I started a six week cycle: The first 2 weeks i used only oxyelite (2 tabs). For the last 4 weeks i added EC and L-Tyrosine. Cals remained at constant rate

    So Im using Ephedra Caffeine and Qxyelite combined with a 1300-1600 cal diet plus cardio/weights 4 x per week

    dose 1 @ 9:40 am------1 tabs of oxyelite + 200mgs caffeine + 25 mcg Ephedra + 500 mgs of L-Tyrosine

    dose 2 @ 2:40 pm------repeat of dose 1

    OK i have lost good amount of weight/inches around my stomach. Still more work ahead to get ripped. The results are one thing my body is suffering. Eversince i added EC, my sex drive has gone to HELL. Im never in the mood and when my lady does come onto me my erections are "soft" and takes a long time to get i have had to be on sleep aid otherwise i cant sleep at night...I am up early cuz i stayed up all night (ran out of sleep aid). Im in my sixth week. Im taking a 2 week break after this, but meanwhile can u tell me how i can fix my wood/sex drive??? i just turned 27. Its really slowing things down for me. How can i fix it and get back to being the horse i was B4???

    My libido is practically non existant. its worrying me. Im thinking its a combination of Ephedra and a low calorie diet causing this.

    What supplements can i add to fix myself up. cuz if this is what i have to go through to cut. it sux. please help me
    Its the caffine. I saw an article on this months muscle and body magasine and it turns out caffine and nicotine pratically kill libido and cause ED.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Its the caffine. I saw an article on this months muscle and body magasine and it turns out caffine and nicotine pratically kill libido and cause ED.
    interesting..well i should be off by this weekend. Tapering off already

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Alrighty, I bought some and have questions:

    How does it work???
    When do i take it. Like an hour b4 show time or something?
    How long does the erection last? is it safe?
    Is the dropper labeled for dosage?
    Does it make you horny 24/7? am i gonna become dependent, im only 27!

  19. #19
    You can either take it once a day, or earlier in the day before you know you will be getting laid. An hour before will not be enough time. The first time you take it, you will be very horny. You get used to it though, and it becomes more natural feeling. If you have an erection lasting for 4 hours, it's called Priapism, go to the emergency room. This is rare, though. I don't know anyone who has had to. No, it will not make you physically dependent. You can become too used to using it, so its something you want to have for an aid in PCT/whatever, not something you rely on for rock hard erections all the time.
    It comes from AR-R dosed at 35 mgs/ml I believe. Take maybe .3 mL of it your first day, and see how you feel. Adjust from there.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    please the HCG diet doesn't work never existed it was terrible look at the studies its a fake as a rolex replica....

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