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  1. #1
    Tommy L is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Help on First Cycle!!!

    Ive been training on and off now for about 6 years and I have now decided to use steroids . I am currently 8 weeks through my first cycle, I am using test enthanate, and I have 5 weeks left on the cycle. I have seen reasonable gains as I have put on around 20lbs in 8 weeks, whilst my body fat has stayed around20%.
    When i finish my cycle I will be using anti-estrogens to boost my natural test, and then have a 6 week off period until I start my second cycle.
    Now my second cycle is the one im unsure off, as i want to bulk, but I also want to bring my body fat down in the process. Now I know you concentrate on one thing at a time, but I was wondering whether I could use test enthanate and also use anavar or something similar, just to burn off a bit of fat in the process so I look a bit more lean for the summer.

    Any advice would be appreciated as I am new to the steroid world, also any help on diets when cutting and when bulking would be very helpful.

    Many thanks,

  2. #2
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    Tom why the fudge would you be on anti-estrogens post cycle when your gonna have already low estrogen levels due to low endogenous testosterone levels .

    6 weeks off is not enough for recovery!

    get to the nutrition section and sort out your shit before going on or you'll regret it

    you need a serm for pct not an AI

  3. #3
    Tommy L is offline New Member
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    Sorry but you'll have to bare with me as I'm new to all this. I've just researched into the subjects and everyone has said that you should take anti-estrogens after the cycle to kickstart yor natural test, in other words get your balls back to normal?

    I have been trying to sort my eating out, I have about 150-200grams of protein a day and try to eat clean carbs but not to many as i do have quite high body fat. I do admit a diet plan is needed, but I was hoping someone coul advise me, but obviously I need to go to the nutrition section.

    And with the serm for pct not an ai, what does that mean exactly, sorry but I dont know much about them.


  4. #4
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    you need a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) such as the popular nolvadex

    not an anti-estrogen such as adex/letro/aromasin

  5. #5
    Tommy L is offline New Member
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    Ah right, thanks for the help.

  6. #6
    hollyroid84 is offline Junior Member
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    Take nolvadex and you itll help jump start your natural test... Now to the second cycle, if you stacke a test with anavar it will keep your body in an anabolic state, this is where you will be able to burn fat without losing muscle mass, if diet is right you can gain lbm aka muscle. as far as bulkiing what are your stats? you can lose bf and look much bigger without adding alot of mass and since your 20% this would definitely apply to you sir.

  7. #7
    BIG NICE is offline Associate Member
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    Also, I've read that the risk of gyno can be greater with increased body fat. Taking that short of a time off between cycles can lead to problems as well. Time on equals time and a half off, including pct. Forget the second cycle, I say finish this one strong and order clomid and nolva asap! Recover first and then think to a second cycle.

  8. #8
    Tommy L is offline New Member
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    Thanks both for the advice, it has helped alot. I think im going to finish this course first then focus on getting my bf down to around 12%, and then start my next cycle with test and anavar . But right now i just have to get my diet perfect to get me to a low bf.


  9. #9
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    OP someone needs to explain this to you so here is the difference between AI's (which isn't an estrogen inhibitor like others have said here) And SERMS (selective estrogen receptor modulators)

    Testosterone is a very fragile hormone and is easily converted to estrogen via something called the aromatase enzyme. AI stands for Aromatase inhibitor, meaning it inhibits the converstion by inhibiting the enzyme.

    SERMs on the other hand still allow for the conversion of estrogen but it prevents it from binding to estrogen receptors.

    AI's won't help increase natural testosterone levels and often when you stop taking them you experience estrogen rebound meaning your estrogen levels increase trying to level out.

    SERMS are what you use for PCT (nolva, clomid)

    Please do some research before you cycle consider cycling again!

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