850mg test e 1-12
700mg tren e 1-12
200mg deca 1-12
20mg dbol 1-12
Arimidex 0.25 e3d
I'm 6'1 jus finished my pct from a 12 week cycle of:
750mg test e 1-13
600mg eq 1-13
Anadrol 50/50/100/100/150/150
Started at 190lbs at my peak i was 223lbs and 212lbs now 2 days after my pct. Been off for 6 weeks gonna go back on in another 6 weeks.
My new cycle im takin dbol at a low dose throughout entire cycle because im a tall guy, jus for extra fullness and the increased protein synthesis. Deca same reason, i dunt want much water so low dose jus for a bit of extra fullness and joint sport the real magic comes from test n tren.
Lemme no what u guys think