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Thread: 6th cycle: critique pleae

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    6th cycle: critique pleae

    850mg test e 1-12
    700mg tren e 1-12
    200mg deca 1-12
    20mg dbol 1-12

    Arimidex 0.25 e3d

    I'm 6'1 jus finished my pct from a 12 week cycle of:

    750mg test e 1-13
    600mg eq 1-13
    Anadrol 50/50/100/100/150/150

    Started at 190lbs at my peak i was 223lbs and 212lbs now 2 days after my pct. Been off for 6 weeks gonna go back on in another 6 weeks.

    My new cycle im takin dbol at a low dose throughout entire cycle because im a tall guy, jus for extra fullness and the increased protein synthesis. Deca same reason, i dunt want much water so low dose jus for a bit of extra fullness and joint sport the real magic comes from test n tren.

    Lemme no what u guys think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    20mg of dbol for 12 weeks could be very harsh on your liver.

    Maybe stick to 40mg for 4 weeks as a kick start.

    You are already running enough gear so dont worry about protein synthesis lol.

    Also not sure if the deca is necessary, especially when running tren aswell.

    What are your full stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Im 24, 6'1, 212lbs. I started cycling too early. But my 3 cycles wer all mild, nothing over 6 weeks mostly prop with an oral. I have mild scoliosis, so i guess it inhibits my gains to a very small degree as becsuse my right lat and right pec are slightly smaller den my left side. I like runnin dbol for an extended period jus because it keeps me a lot fuller, i mean ive done 50mg dbol for 6 weeks ed wi slight difference in liver enzymes so i dot see how 20mg ed for 12 wouls do any more harm.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Anymore input on this?

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