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Thread: winstrol help.

  1. #1
    degraph45 is offline New Member
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    winstrol help.

    alright so I'm new at this I haven't ever been on any kind of cycle. I'm 21 years old 225 lbs 5'11. I'm trying to drop down to 200 to 205. I was told to get some winny, which is a cutter, then I do research on here and everybody says don't do just straight winny, with my circumstances what is the best cycle to reach my goal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Don't worry about taking AAS to drop weight. The AAS doesn't help drop weight it's the diet and cardio. The "cutting" steroid just means that it doesn't make you retain water. It's the diet that is the real key in losing body fat.

  3. #3
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Degraph, you probably just need to work on your diet. You're not going to just drop 25lbs because you took some winny. Cut your caloric intake, increase your cardio duration and intensity, or both and you'll get results. I know a few people who bitch about not being able to drop weight and claim they diet plenty and do enough cardio. They also hit up the Golden Arches quite regularly and their idea of cardio is they'll run a quarter mile on a treadmill and walk the rest.

  4. #4
    dosXX's Avatar
    dosXX is offline Member
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    at 21 you should reconsider using any aas. Diet and cardio is all you need.

  5. #5
    degraph45 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the replies fellas. I have been working on my diet. And I have been doing more circuit training lately for the cardio.

  6. #6
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    Best to not use it

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You don't need drugs to accomplish your goals, you also need to understand that your to young to be messing around with your HPTA, it can cause you more trouble than its worth.

  8. #8
    superstangOH is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Don't worry about taking AAS to drop weight. The AAS doesn't help drop weight it's the diet and cardio. The "cutting" steroid just means that it doesn't make you retain water. It's the diet that is the real key in losing body fat.
    x2 people just dont understand that its 95% diet and 5% gear

  9. #9
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    Eat right and Get running and watch the weight fall off...

  10. #10
    carp123 is offline Banned
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    steroids build muscle and that means adding weight ,the myth about winny droping body fat is compleat bs ,winstrol is a muscle hardner and is best used at a low body fat % the harden gains made while say on test e ,winstrol is a great compound when used in the correct way ,in your case it renders useless..

  11. #11
    degraph45 is offline New Member
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    I understand thanks for all the input I don't really have anyone to talk to about this kind of stuff. I'm going to hold off on the roids at least for a while, I will post diet and results in a few weeks. Thanks again

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