First of all sorry for not posting in the Injury forum, but this one is more visited. A couple weeks ago i started to feel some mild pain on the inside of my elbow (golfers elbow from what it looks like). I immediately stopped training for 1 week, then another 1 week in which i had 1 training session.
Used RICE method, added in a joint-complex, upped the Omega-3 dosage.
I feel no pain anymore, i resumed training this week and i haven't got any problems so far. (using around 60% weight compared to the weight used before problems)
I really value your experienced oppinions, so what do you think guys, should i be safe to start my test only cycle? Assuming i will lightly increase my work load until test kicks in anyway, rather then start the cycle and bomb my joints with heavy reps.
The problem is i'm also time constrained, if i don't start my cycle now, i can only start it after the summer and that would be sad.