Hi im new to the forum, would just like to say helloThank you to anybody willing to take the time to help me out, means a lot.
I have been on cycle quite long and my results for the last 7 weeks have stoped, if not gone backwards! Ive increased doses but hasnt really made much difference. Have all my receptors hit max and steroids have stoped working or am I being paranoid? Its all legit stuff as I feel the rage etc.
Ive been taking clen to try and help results but its just making me eat loads! is the fat burning effects worth the immense hunger it causes me or are the fat burning effects only minor?
My final question (sorry for the essay!) Ive made great results so far but I am still along way off where I want to be (8-10% bf with hard defined vascular muscles, is it a possibility the body I want is just not possible for a 21 year old even with gear and I need to wait a few years? or am I just making excuses? My diet and weights are perfect, my dad is a fully qualified personal trainer and bodybuilder and has taught me everything.
Any help would be so much appreciated!!!!!